Tarantino does president DRump?

How about starting with a few other lessor world leaders Quentin?

Woo hang-on buddy, perhaps you should warm-up a bit first?

Yeah that’s it Bro, start small, work your way up the line…

You’re doing good, now perhaps a bit of political speedball work…

Good good, better leave out the Mueller-report for the moment tho…

Hey Nah-Nah-Nah, that’s heavy-bag work, lighten-up a bit…

Now you’re getting it, now you’re getting it, ready for the big hits…

You’re doing good and Umm, this WAS a comedy-thriller wasn’t it?

Well it’s certainly a comedy and Uh, a thriller too, a killer-thriller…

Okaaay, we’re ready for the big time, a true political-comedy thriller…



The title of the movie? ~ Safety and security of something was it?

Dream on until your dreams come true, or the nightmare stops…

And the Cessna Pilot’s can’t knock skyscrapers down anymore…

Osama's grandfather Prince Leonid Cessna Knight of Malta WTC Islamdumbo-wtc-trump-carlisle-records-cessna-gold 730

Pretty fcuking gullible the average Yankee Doodle is…

America America America, pawned by Nazi’s for 100+ years…

Odessa Cessna Pilot's skyscrapers STILL 600william-diana-eichmann-and-doppelganger 600

It’s probably a little bit bigger than you thought it was…

Ah anyway America, sockcuckerz, forget something else?

Yeah that too, but something even more important…

Amnesty pedo dungeon Nov 6 600

My generation should hang it’s collective head in shame…

And I’m still waiting for allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
an Ohioborn sex-slaved baby-boy on their anti-constitutional Patriot Act
Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s 4th and 5th Amendment abuse list…

The reasons behind it all? ~ Better wake-up suckers…


This may require you to think, don’t let others do-it for you…

Queen Golda Meir Russian LaDY Ayatollah Shah Aryan bloodlineA BEST ADJUSTED Aryan Alchemist Middle Eastern deity almighty

Remember it’s a political-comedy thriller and it’s awesome…

A Muslim man worshiping the god of Afghanistan's opium army 600

This circle of fictitious truth is artificial, it had authors…

Again it wasn’t just Jews, they’re merely another layer of liars…

angel-tomb-he-is-risen-iraqi-gold-libyan-emails-afghan-lithium-US Sheep LARGE

All just a figment of Aryan-imaginations from day one…

Evidently pure evil is very ancient, long before the time that an Aryan-descent pimp and cattle thief named Abram who was said to be from the land of UR in Babylon supposedly got his aged half-sister pregnant with the chosen race and occasionally sacrificed his children to his god, children who then sallied on into Egypt to relieve them of all of their gold while claiming the great invisible guy in the sky commanded them to, said invisible guy literally leaving the firstborn of Egypt dead in their wake, the world’s most evil political systems have always been controlled by the Aryan master race Adolf Hitler referred to ~ They’re an ancient bloodline which he himself belonged to by the way, and these were a special breed of very old-world Iranian or rather Persian upper class who thru selective eugenic interbreeding always managed to have their bloodlines run everything right down to the present day including America’s own clown prince-in-chief doppelganger in the WH whom America still seems to think is the real Donald J. Trump…

He’s not the original Trump tho, just another Prusso\Aryan fool…

aa King George's assinine Prussian Aryan line TRUMP Merkel Putin Johnson Russian Lady Ukraine


Some say that at 4000 words these blogs are too long…


The next Prusso\Aryan Masonic world-war will cure that…

In the early 1960’s as a very small boy hunting down information to use as ammunition in the payback I’d been crafting over the brutal murder of my birth mother and baby sister I’d been told a number of real-world factoids that over the years I’d taken the time to quadruple check ~ First of those factoids was China’s Mao was Prusso\Aryan descent and China was ruled by Germans, something that made me somewhat cold to them as I’d hated Germans, Germans being the ones who murdered both mother and baby-sister then ate them, literally, then took time to tease me about it as a budding 220 IQ at the tender age of 5 years…

The second piece of real-world info I’d taken some notice of was the opinion of those around me that a German controlled China was most likely to come out the (Planned) victor in the next two world wars the Prusso\Aryan Masonic madmen ruling this planet have long had planned ~ The third thing I’d learnt that caught my attention was the fact that World War Five was going to be a species war with humanity fighting a losing battle against what Joseph Mengele was already busy creating in a laboratory, a mixture of humanity’s Conehead biological ancestors along with reptilian and human DNA as well, and do try to remember that these madmen already wrecked Germany twice and then stabbed their own army in the back in the Russian winter while they were subjugating Europe to the brilliance of the Aryan master race ~ Then I’d learnt that it was planned for Mengele to use his mastery in IVF eugenic sciences to create millions of half German\Chinese Aryan supermen to take China over then for a short while rule what little was left of the world thru them, finally learning that in the process these half Chinese creations of Mengele would murder all the other Chinese along with many in the east and west before being cornered by Mengele’s non-human creations after Pole Shift takes down the grid that keeps robotic soldiers they already have functioning, then these final remnant of humanity would have a very sorry ending to their Chinese ancestor’s 5000+ years of travail by spending the twilight years of this species fulfilling biblical prophecies of the Christ and St John by going mad as hatters underground, spending their time with long running sores all over their bodies by screwing each other senseless and talking to rocks above the roofs of their underground bunkers, pleading for the roof to cave in and finish it…

Here’s the accurate-bastard who told me much of this…

beaumonts-bush-600 clearer

I’ve checked it out in great detail, an accurate bastard…

Chances are that accurate-bastard was your father Quentin…

Prescott Bush and Bush #02 plus Tarantino 730 NOT 41

Yeah he was an extremely accurate accurate-bastard…

Accurate meaning Islam

There’s so-much more to this than one post can hold…

Yes its a very liberal exposition of two biblical prophecies recorded by the Christ in Luke 23:30 and by St John the Divine in Rev 16:2 and elsewhere but I’d stress that the perspective I’ve drawn from them after hearing one of Prescott’s German boys by the name of Ulrique go into the probable ending of the grand Order of the Ages idiocy he was a part of is pretty bloody accurate too, and now I’m getting to what to me is potentially the most salient point in this entirely too-long post…

See I’d been taught by that accurate bastard Ulrique that everything including information was either a weapon or ammunition and as I’d been at war with the murderers of mother and sister and later a half-sister as well and my weapon of choice was real-world occult without all the existential baggage or hyped sexual perversions falling back to physical energies whenever the spiritual things failed you in a temporal moment, as they often can, not the blood-drinking faggot pedo fcuk-circle kabbalistic Luciferian occult of my mother’s and sister’s murderers it was using said occult that I’d sought to avenge their murders, then knowing what the worst moments of the future were likely to be was most likely going to be the best place to get even, literally playing them as fools from the spirit world in much the same fashion as they’d done to me here, but doing it better…

They used drug-based brainwashing and torture, I’d used occult…

For reasons not necessary to go into here from the age of 7 years onward I’d absorbed absolutely every piece of info about the world political system and the old Order of the Ages bloodlines who ran it that came my way without ever once believing whatever it was representing as fact because even a bald-faced lie can give you an extremely deep insight into what’s being misrepresented if you know how to go about processing it ~ Once you know the bias of whoever is presenting the lie it’s not really that hard, again as I’d also been taught (Trained) to do, in the process placing each sometimes disconnected perspective in context with other bits and pieces of the overall bigger picture that I’d already collected, precisely as that accurate bastard Ulrique who was one of Russian-born Prusso\Aryan Prescott Bush’s German sons had trained me to do ~ For your information they were twins who were born in what later became East Germany behind the Iron Curtain if you’re interested, the other being America’s illegal 41st president suckers…

Washington thinks its too much for Um, suckers, to grasp…


Well anyway there’s some new perspectives for some…

These part-German Prusso\Aryan bloodline descent Freemasons who’ve been running everything over the last 300+ years on someone else’s behalf, or would the phrase running everything over the last 300+ years on something else’s behalf be more accurate, are of the same secretly Luciferian mindset as those who’ve run the American experiment since day one including the American Indian genocide and the African slavery, it’s them who pulled the Sept 11 Coup and sadly for me its also them who brutally murdered my birth mother and baby sister as well…

They’re the ones who tortured me for the first two weeks of life then abducted me from the land of my birth to grow up in a Central Intelligence Agency snuff-movie kiddie brothel, and from an obscenely early moment in life its those who tortured and murdered children in front of me and have either raped or raped and ritually murdered every single woman I’d ever shown an interest in, and literally killed every single woman that ever showed true total integrity to me whether it was from love for me or simple personal integrity ~ So after having been told of their evil intentions for my life by yet another (American-born) son of Prescott Bush it’s those whom I’d set out to damn as a mere 5 y\o who was already by that time old beyond my years, then a few years later also set out to derail almost everything they reach for in the solar system using only the stupidity and excesses which sprang from their own arrogant sins (Errors) as my weapon of choice…

If you’re not getting the picture yet then you’re either an idiot or have an extremely low IQ and you’re an idiot, these are the same scumbags as already pulled both world wars and have the next already in the pipeline with expected deaths in the vicinity of 2 billion souls ~ Now if you can take all that in I’d been a somewhat unusually tough young boy who got provoked waaay beyond what any adult could handle without going totally postal and I’d settled for using my early political-knowledge\adept-level occult abilities to find flaws in their overall plan, tipping points you could occasionally call them where a stupid idea gives birth to something even stupider than itself, then used occultist skills to destabilise them with what amounts to real world incantations to make them all potentially even stupider than they already were, then crafted what I’d call harmonic balances at those points to keep a positive potential around them, then post rigor mortis it was my intention to simply walk away from those positions and give them to whatever hated Prusso\Aryan Masonic devils in human flesh the most…

That paragraph is laconic understatement, not sarcasm…

On more than one occasion I’ve used whatever backchannels I’d had to warn the Chinese who’ll most likely survive the longest that sooner or later they’d have the deceased funk of 40,000 years playing a game of Dodgeball between their ears but I’m not too sure they wanted to understand what I’d been getting at, or perhaps it was lost in translation, but in my opinion due to early perspectives skillfully acted on long before the maturity of years lightened my attitudes somewhat, those who survive the longest have the most to lose by pissing me off now because full truth be told my first genuinely selfless good intention was in 1979 tho after a tortuous childhood full of terror sexual abuse and murder I’d had a couple of hundred bad intentions prior to that, and had literally nailed every fcuking one of them…

Most of America’s present distress is simply Masonic evil…

And bizarre parts like the Cessna Pilot thing is my doing…

Ha-Ha, Cessna Pilot’s knocking skyscrapers down, moron’s…

Don’t forget to chill a little, be serious tho, and chill…


Cold Luciferian Masonic-treason rules you with lies…

One of the lies is a lookalike (Fake) Trump in the WH too…

Faux donald-trump-talking Russian lady + Never Trumper and mother Mary 600

Not like it hasn’t already all been done before tho is it

Bush's, heaps of Bush's ORIGINAL 02 + 03 and Heston 600

Most folk won’t know that America’s German-born 41 was literally often found working in-Situ in Vietnam killing any wounded US military in military hospitals who’d somehow become seen as a threat to the Central Intelligence Agency’s top secret Knight of Malta controlled Masonic General tolerated Joe Average soldier abduction program, the one which at the time was said to be solely to provide for a large ex military slave labor overseer force for the South East Asian labor being abducted to provide construction workers for Odessa’s deep underground military bunker project, the one where the abductions of US military were carried out by American born US Special Forces of (Often illegitimate) German descent…

Anyway during that time in Vietnam while he was using his American born half brother’s name but using his German born twin brother’s ex US Air Force Pacific Fighter Bomber Pilot identity he was often to be seen wearing cowboy boots and one of those absurd cowboy hats that to my mind are absurd anywhere outside of a cattle ranch or in a gay bar or maybe in church or anywhere else in Texas where men are men (Snigger) and women are glad of it, or perhaps obviously at a rodeo even it it was being held in New York at Madison Square Garden, so hence he was nicknamed “Cowboy” by his fellow Agency employees ~ He continued wearing the cowboy boots and cowboy hats right up until he was told his promotion to South East Asia Bureau Chief and later Director of the Agency would forever be delayed until he did, stopped wearing them that is, so high minded career opportunist that he was he gave up wearing the cowboy hat and cowboy boots while his half brother Ronnie wore them pretty damn well whenever he bloody wanted to…

Reagan\Bush = Nazi-gold Reaganomics US Fed asset-strip…

reagan-bush-make-america-great again 600

Is middle America aware of what he really was all along?

BETTER bush-41-bnd-next-question-please-broader-border

Washington’s Sept 11 Nazi-circle tell you that’s a joke again?

Ukraine comedian TRUMP Faux + Russian mother 600Trump puppet killing the SS O'Reilly Russian Lady Nazi gold 600

A fascist Prusso\Aryan Masonic-cabal ran\runs America…

And I’m still waiting for allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
an Ohioborn sex-slaved baby-boy on their anti-constitutional Patriot Act
Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s 4th and 5th Amendment abuse list…

They fear a treason-amnesty more than anything else…

Amnesty pedo dungeon Nov 6 600 LOWER UALITY

With that they might losecontrol of their underlings…


This blog is a solid educational resource, better use it…

Both my step-parents had often explained to me that the boy my step mother gave birth to in the Broken Hill hospital had been literally abducted and I’d been put there in his place ~ Not something I’d liked hearing and not something you’d joke to a kid about period, certainly not the same joke repeated over and over for my entire childhood without a punchline, my step father later telling me the boy my step mother gave birth to was dead, murdered, but not to tell her about it…

After also learning birth-mom and baby-sister were dead…

Both were dead in Ohio the very same day I’d been born…

odessa-members-atta-father-SChwammberger Kutschmann Eichmann Mengele 730

This part here may disturb some readers, try to chill especially if you’re one of those who had a similar cursed beginning because you can’t change the past one bit by fretting over it and allowing it to steal your peace ~ Me and my twin sister were literally Ohio born children, we literally came into this world via Caesarean section without anesthetic for our mother performed with a literal Prusso\Aryan (Olde worlde Iranian) Masonic Odessa Nazi wielding the knife, my baby sister was then tortured in front of our birth mother while laying there with her belly open before she was coldly killed with a single kick ~ Then they tortured me in front of our mother, dropping me to the ground and kicking me unconscious, torturing her to death, then butchering cooking and eating both mother and baby sister…

Birth-mom and sister cannibalised by Knight of Malta Mason’s…

According to the original George Herbert Walker Bush, not the 41st president, completely different man, they drank my baby sister’s blood before butchering her and our mother then cooking them up and literally eating them in what was once said to be the Mid East kabbalistic fashion ~ I’d only been 5 when I’d learned the full circumstance of my evil birth, learning I’d also been tortured every day for the first two weeks of my life before being brought to Oz which brought memories back in flashes, torture continuing here before growing out of toddlerhood…

Then some fool Russian born German Masonic pig mocked me over my mother and baby sister not more than 20 minutes after torturing me, their torture being central to the exact same types of MK-Ultra brainwashing that the Prusso\Aryan Masonic Central Intelligence Agency gave to Palestinian suicide bombers…

Well anyway that’s what radicalized me at age 5 years kiddies, a mentally tough little fcuker by then no doubt, my step mother being beaten with an iron bar and my first girlfriend being executed in front of me by America’s future 41st turned me into a devious little occultist warrior with a 220 IQ to work with ~ Sadly tho raised by both step parents to be a mostly law abiding little man it also sent me feral with a prophet’s abilities until my 23rd year and by then, well the damage (Payback) was all well and truly cooked, perhaps a little overdone to be sure…

Enjoy the song, called us MK-Ultra kids junkies, damn-em…

These aren’t fictional stories, songs are there for balance…

I’ve still no practical support to pay 40 days with a top-class barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about literally witnessing 20 fcuking Central Intelligence Agency child murders from 1963 to just before the very end of 1969 Australia, they were all Aussie kids and 14 of those included 9 babies…

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

cheney-rumsfeld-fake-kerry-baby killers Sept 11 perps 600

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

Young Redneck comedian Beaumont witness 600

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

Those 14 were ritual torture murders of full blood Aboriginals, I’d been able to see the older girls were girls while with the babies I’d merely been told they were girls along with telling me all the weird kabbalistic cannibalistic sick shit they did with the cadavers of which the veracity of I’m in no doubt whatsoever, it was easy to see these were genuine full bloods, genuine full bloods, obviously in addition to the sicko Luciferian nature of their torture murders this was pure Luciferian genocide directed at a specific race, while a 15th who was Jane Beaumont was screwed with a razor tipped penis extender dipped in Chilli for about 3 minutes before being shot in the back of the head along with her brother and sister who also met the same kabbalistic cannibalism after their deaths, her’s the worst screams I’d ever heard in my entire fcuking life ever, including my own…

They used to fly in thru Pine Gap to do their dirty work…

No Passport needed-PINE GAP

They were all in it together, just like with the Nazi-gold…

cia-x-bnd-sept-11 KNIGHTS OF MALTA Prussian Eagle Masonic Turkey 600

Still offering (0610477319692) to reveal a whole lot more…

american-nazi-loser-560-trump-mother-fake-and-mother RELENTLESSLY BORING

Gee, that’s getting a little sarcastic (Honest) there isn’t it…

And I’m still waiting for allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
an Ohioborn sex-slaved baby-boy on their anti-constitutional Patriot Act
Level-2 NDAA proscribed person’s 1st 4th & 5th Amendment abuse-list…

And I’ve already had 55+ years of 4th Amendment abuse…

Keep ignoring my 5th Amendment, one-day you pay…


Same Prusso\Aryan descent Freemason’s
as pulled your Sept 11 coup will murder half
of you in your sleep with your own military’s
weapons eventually, it’s their plan suckers…

US Congress Masonic turkey logo maybe trans


They’re only
blowing you off
cause they can

2:00 PM Dec 24th
Quickie-edit 4:00