Meanwhile across their big pond…

You know Cessna Pilot’s can’t fly commercial jets now don’t you?

But you probably still don’t know about the 3 Adolf Hitler’s…

No that’s not a typo, three separate men played the role of Adolf Hitler in that Prussian Masonic farce that wrecked Europe for the 2nd time in 30 years as they went about looting all of Europe’s gold so they could fund the big Reaganomics asset strip on Wall St and US industry and Thatcher asset strip on Great Britain, all part of a larger Machiavellian plan as they prepared to once again use America as a proctologist’s glove puppet up the backside of the average little people of the world in a brutal mindless lust for power that justifies anything it does on the sole basis of might makes right ~ Of course the part Prussian descent Freemasons in the United States Congress and in Britain’s Whitehall may try to mock that fact about there being three seperate men playing the role of Hitler, I’ve got neither resource nor motivation to try to prove that point, I’ll leave that for others to do however I’ll give you Masonic turkey’s in America one a lot closer to home like four different men playing the role of George Herbert Walker Bush instead…

History is a set of lies agreed upon said the Prussian Napoleon…

Now they’re trying to pull a fast one on British people again…

Seriously, they’re trying to pull a fast one on Great Britain…


And here’s a great song for no particular reason at all…

Oh yeah, there was a reason, it’s to lessen the shock…

Boris Johnson Merkel EU lower color 600

All these Prusso\Aryan bloodline things are fcuking insane…

Any comment at all about Um, Er, Ah, about things and stuff?

Then we might just as well forget this other stuff too then?

Trump original and Tillerson 600 thick border

All good then, long as America’s lobotomy keeps working…


Here’s your key to understanding this admittedly strange post…

Greater Europe has been ruled by Prussians for over 300 years…

The featured graphic doesn’t have the whole story though because it hasn’t got the royal Aryan (Iranian) bloodline connection to the Prussian royalty of Europe and it doesn’t show our large brained biological Faux-god ancestors hiding out in Switzerland either however it’s still reasonably accurate in that it shows an image meant to represent the Prussian Eagle ruling over Great Britain as it’s provably done since King George 1st so it’s accurate enough to get those neurons ticking over in your over-fluoridated brains and spark some deep thought isn’t it?

Preferably some time BEFORE their next world war…

Sept 11 AMNESTY TREASON 600 Good


One of the core things motivating me remains unanswered…

Not even 40 days for hard time with a barrister yet Skippies?

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

Why the hell believe their denials Masonic America?

3:00 AM AEST July 18
