War of the Roses, boring version…

masonic-court-jester-german-and-prussian-pillars PRUSSIA

Strange days indeed as a big-nosed Pommy Beatles-bard once sang…

The hidden history of what really runs the world is still hidden…

This is my sarcasm blog and the best sarcasm still definitely contains the most truth like the fat lady I’d often call Mom used to say to me any time she wasn’t telling me that wit was lost on the witless in reference to her distorted view of her smartest stepson, Moi ~ In the good old days guarded sarcasm was expressed as the feigned simplicity of a sly simpleton, it was how you told a lord or a lady or a magistrate or even a king or queen if you were game to go screw themselves without a certain sentence of death or worse becoming your fate…

That said in the present era of niceness where all the laws in our fake democracies are always honoured because niceness is as niceness does, the Masonic rulers of Washington and Whitehall always say and do nice things like Patriot Acts because they’re all nice patriotic people right? ~ Thus the reality is sarcasm is extremely humorous or just deadpan and monotonous and sometimes humour can be cold and extremely sarcastic too however you should never allow those hypocritical illegitimate part Prussian descent ass clowns in the Masonic Lodges who claimed largely untrained radical Islamic Cessna Pilot’s literally brought skyscrapers down to imply the use of either sarcasm or humour means there is or was no deeper truth being conveyed within lowbrow sarcasm or poor humour…

Take this graphic for example, just sarcasm isn’t it…

Deeper truth’s might lay beneath the surface tho…

Perhaps once again with the push toward conformity via globalism the wider world is turning back to it’s feudal beginnings where the use of sarcasm or deadpan humour is the only outlet the poor serf\slave\peasant has…

Take this next graphic for instance, it’s sarcastic wit…

Norman the Conqueror gold women little boys 600

It also contains an uncomfortably large kernel of truth…

Schumer gold women little boys 600 dark

There’s another one, so do you think you’re getting it yet?

Democrat Cessna Patriot Act 600

Context to understanding this is power for power’s sake…

For over 500 years now the Prussian descendants of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne have been ruling this world via bloodlines and for over 300 of those years doing so via their stranglehold on the Masonic Lodge including all of those years where the colonialism of Great Britain with a German monarch was nothing more than the old Germans being used as a sheep gut condom for the Prussian Wiener up Great Britain’s bunghole, a specific line of families controlling Great Britain with Britain itself being used by the Prussian’s for the sake of plausible deniability as they sought to expand their power for the sake of more power…

According to them these Prussian bloodlines of theirs go all the way back to King Solomon or so they privately claim, it’s probably true because the Roman Caesars were offspring of Solomon’s, the world is run by a millennia’s old daisy chain of elite illegitimate bloodlines being the biggest threat the morally civilised world rather than the technologically advanced fascist world faces and it’s not just a joke now is it? ~ You might ask what to do about it and my reply of grand juries into America’s underground pedophile dungeon network as well as a real 100% amnesty into Prussian treason inside the Masonic Lodges going back to before that Dealy Plaza farce in 1963 seems to be too much for the fake patriots…

Maybe they want those committing the treason to save the freedom they’ve so demonstrably attacked throughout the world from before the days of the Civil War and then onto World War One and communism and fascism and, Oh yeah the context of the featured graphic, just like in World Wars One and Two, all thru the Wars of the Roses the same bloodlines ran both sides of all major conflicts just as they were doing on Sept 11 2001 when they hit the starter switch for the final phase of the death of freedom prior to the death of this species itself…

Treason amnesty for what some shyster’s might reply?




The world is simpler yet far-stranger than you May (sic) think…

Tillerson father May Tillerson Johnson Trump LARGE

It’s all run on bloodlines, part-Prussian descent bloodlines…

And now it’s time for everybody to fess everything up isn’t it…

No no no no no no, seriously, it’s time to fess everything up…

It’s time to fess everything up here in the public-domain too…

Fess-up about everything, and yeah, I’m repeating myself…

Cessna Pilot’s knocking skyscrapers down was fake news…

And ever since then it’s all come-on like a flood hasn’t it…

6:00 PM AESDST March 11
Couple of commas at 6:40
Quick edit March 12 too
An early start 5:30 AM

skeleton skull red eyes part trans_burned blogs are phished

Serious, these blogs are all phished

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