The opiate of the masses still…

You got a pretty weird and troubling addiction to fascists America…


A quick reminder, these blogs aren’t humor, they’re sarcasm…
Here’s a link (Link) to all of the humor, hope you enjoy it if you can…
These blogs here are all sarcasm, and very accurate sarcasm too…
Vids\graphics fair-use x fair-comment community interest…

And I-won’t let you forget what Washington is avoiding…

Finally, a comment from above and the face-page header…

Having been somewhat professionally trained since early childhood to notice curious facts or suspicious inconsistencies on all things presented as facts by anyone, I’d note that according to your bible the old story (Tradition and myth) says Israel’s creation occurred after the theft of Egypt’s gold and jewels by the only true god’s chosen people, then gold in Solomon’s time suspiciously became abundant… Then noticing Israel’s modern day re-creation only occurred after Adolf Hitler successfully looted all of Europe’s gold and major art treasures and even that only occurred after he was financed by the 1929 Wall St asset strip old German Jewish (Zionist) owners of the US Fed pulled, then noting how broke the US is after the miracle of the burning George Herbert Walker Bush (Snicker) under Reaganomics, well surely if religion is the opiate of the masses as either Karl or Groucho Marx once said maybe it’s about time America spent some quality time at the Betty Ford clinic doing a supervised withdrawal 😦

Here’s part of the Mosaic cover story below, it’s a beauty…
Beats the crappy Cessna-Pilot\Skyscraper-demolition thing…
Still, nobody believes weird burning bush biblical shit…


Unless you’re talking of the California\Fort McMurray fires…

Finally, a song about gambling, I-hate gambling…
But if you’re gonna play the game girl, gotta do it right…
My suggestion is don’t play at all, I-had no choice…

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