Secret shames of Secret Societies?

Hey America, off-topic for some but here’s a reminder…

There’s no need for me to remind anyone that’s still rational that Cessna Pilot’s whether Islamic or otherwise couldn’t jump into the pilot’s seat of a commercial jet and fly the fcuker anywhere even if their lives depended on it, not unless it’s in the movies maybe, perhaps a Leslie Neilson comedy, and as for two jets knocking down 3 skyscrapers weighing over 5000 times their collective weight, Ha-Ha-Ha, you fcuking moron’s, so there’s no need to remind anyone of that is there…

And there’s no need to remind you of the Kerry swap…

Kerry real and fake 600 BW

You know, prove the possibility of a Trump swap too…

trump-and-fake exact lookalikes 600 (3)

Which leads me to the main focus of this post today…

The Patriot Act used against my constitutional rights…

Do you think it’d be childish of me to point out the same clowns as sold you that radical Islamic Cessna Pilot x skyscraper-demolition crap also (Probably) denied my Ohio birth and child sex slave abduction as well, stands to reason that liars lie doesn’t it America, and hypocrites, well they’re just hypocritical aren’t they…

Seems I’ve repeated the following paragraph, accidentally…

Do you think it’d be childish of me to point out the same clowns as sold you that radical Islamic Cessna Pilot x skyscraper-demolition crap also (Probably) denied my Ohio birth and child sex slave abduction as well, stands to reason that liars lie doesn’t it America, and hypocrites, well they’re just hypocritical aren’t they…

Speaking of repeating things, seems to happen a lot doesn’t it…

david byrne david hogg parkland witness

Your Russian-Trump repeated Obama’s fake-Parkland crap too…

Looks like a well-organised attempt to bamboozle Joe Average…

That’s a fairly reasonable assumption to make, now here’s another assumption that’s fairly reasonable for me to make, I’ll just rightly assume either none of you heard my request to be told the specific allegation or accusation those treasonous Masonic clowns in Washington used to place me upon their Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s list, a request I’ve repeated somewhat Ad Nauseam over the last two years, or, I’ll just assume that you’re all just a pack of retarded two faced roach bait hypocrites of some sort and that when these treasonous Nazi bastards who’ve conspiratorially taken America over ever since German born spy 41 got hold of the Reaganomics junk bond cash generated by the illegal 1973 US Fed (Chinese) World War Two Nazi gold finally wind up murdering as much as half of you in a single week with your own military’s weapons, the collective IQ of America will actually rise a few points rather than be diminished maybe…

Now I’m thinking it’s all wall-to-wall Govt dishonesty\deception…

The Skippy’s aren’t doing any better, they’re getting overrun too…

So please you suckers, please, don’t think I’m calling you stupid…

And the best sarcasm still has the most truth in it America…

amnesty understanding stupidity treason 600

And that truth goes hand-in-hand with both graphics…

congress hangs south park 600

Looks like every nation is needing a treason amnesty…


Secret shames of Secret Societies Part Two…

I’d witnessed ritual child torture-murders as a kid…

Ritual kabbalistic Masonic child-torture murders…

pedo dungeon nov 6th miss the bus 600 clown best

10:00 PM AESDST Jan 23


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