Not even infants are that naïve…

Kennedy Itchy Scratchy Oliver Stone Rumsfeld

Itchy and Scratchy, Grassy Knoll shooter, two fake Kennedys…

Looks like we’re already in the run up to the 2020 elections, that over the top media saturation stuff that used to only begin in earnest a few months before the election 40 years ago seems to have begun already some 18 months before the election with a boring Mueller\Barr sideshow having already depleted what little intellectual honesty and moral or is that spiritual oxygen was left in the political theater after all of those tragic years of institutional conspiratorial denial over who pulled the Sept 11 Coup on the US Constitution and how they did it…

What I’d like to point out to you is technically about both the faked Mueller\Barr inquiry\report and the fake terms of reference Mueller was given in the first place similar in scope to the terms of reference the Warren Commission was given when it was told to look into the murder of Scratchy the Cat by Itchy the Mouse…

Sorry about that, poor taste pun as usual, one thing about that whole charade that was actually true was it was told to look into the murder of Jack Kennedy by some sort of unnamed hidden power in America however not only did it fail to find out his death had been faked with a lookalike dead in Dallas and another lookalike dead in Washington 11 days prior to that, he himself (Jack Kennedy) wasn’t even dead ~ Plus they also failed to reveal the long running Prussian conspiracy his Knight of Malta biological father Prescott Bush was involved in that centered around the eventual overthrow of the constitutional republic, something their fake assassination in Dallas was meant to bring about…

It was that complicated a scenario to the average non Knight of Malta Masonic outsider that most good old boy cocksuckers in the lower ranks of Masonry just gave up trying to get at the truth, if they ever did, meanwhile 70 honest Dealy Plaza witnesses died early deaths simply for refusing to recant over what they’d seen that day, a Grassy Knoll shooter and not a Book Depository shooter…

One spin off today is 23 billion of these a year in interest…

Oswald Ruby 1000 x 600

That Oswald x Ruby thing sure was great theater tho…

Regarding the real Warren Commission terms of reference I’d heard a long-long time ago about the Australian and British equivalent of such a thing, big ones are called Royal Commissions in Great Britain and ditto down here in the land of the Skippies where they serve much the same purpose, to obfuscate the truth…

Being rude enough to crudely mention the National Institute of Standards and Technology hearing into the collapse of ‘WTC 7’ where the Central Intelligence Agency had it’s New York Head Office and the SEC stored all of it’s records into the investigation they had into Trump Corp money laundering for 41’s Carlisle Group plutonium ion gas centrifuge refining contracts for the Defense Dept they say never have one of those inquiry fcukerz unless you already know what the outcome will be anyway, in the case of the Warren Commission they found pretty much what was expected, parroting what every newscaster of the day stated on the day while investigating the real identity of whoever the hell that is in the White House pretending to be Donald J. Trump and in which Russian province he was born obviously wasn’t in ex FBI Chief Mueller’s terms of Reference…

The context is convoluted here but, try really-really hard…

Now to the real point in the run-up to the 2020 elections…

Certainly were suckers weren’t you America, England too…

After 45+ years being asset stripped via Reaganomics junk bonds generated by gold looted from Europe in World War Two by the Prussian descent Odessa Nazi’s that the US Fed financed with the money they stole from you in between 1922 and 1929 you might just be dead broke America, or you might even be bankrupt, obviously those responsible for either of those outcomes are anxious to avoid accountability for as long as possible because otherwise they’d face a jail cell or a firing squad and a rope, just as your German born 41st pretender was said to have once freely admitted as in if all the people knew what they’d done they’d chase them down the street with a rope and string them up, so riddle me this Batman, and you too America ~ Are you just going to submit to one more cycle of talking heads who’ll tell you any damn thing they’re told to say just to keep the forward momentum of treason going up until they can pull off their next big move which will more than likely be the end of half of America and 1\3rd of the world?

You were lied to large all along, are you that stupid America?

trump-and-fake exact lookalikes LARGE 780

Who thaaa-fcuk is that pretending to be Donald Trump?

Tillerson fake Trump Gorbecheb Cheney May Merkel 600

The answer was in-your-face all along soldier-boys…

Just not getting the larger ramifications are you Huh?

And you Oz, Skippies with your head up your bums…

Illegitimate Prussian-descent bloodlines control everything…


Now give me liberty (Justice) or death, you bore me…

Hope you’re finding all of the blogs helpful, use them…

redneck-comedian-600redneck-comedian-patriot act allegation 600

Precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to place me on
an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s list,
it’s all I’ve asked America’s hypocrite\assholes and fake-patriot’s to reveal…

You sure you can’t work out what needs doing America?

amnesty understanding stupidity treason 600

Are you sure you can’t work out why it still matters too?

4:00 AM AEST April 19
Bit of editing by 4:30


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