And a hidden Fourth Reich was it?

trump-and-fake exact lookalikes LARGE 780Dave Trump Google STRIKE RED 770

Do you think America is being used as Nazi toilet-paper again?

Jeff Sessions finger

Was America used as Prussian toilet paper since the Civil War…

Prince Lincoln 600

Those running it Prussian descent, but maybe it was Russia did it?

Prince Phillip Menzies Johnson LARGE

We were told Russian-trained Oswald did this stuff below…


Personally I’d say the Simpsons might’ve been right maybe…

Either it was Itchy the Mouse, or Russian-agent Oswald…

Rumsfeld Young 600

Or else it was Army Ranger sniper Donald Rumsfeld…


But there’s those two different corpses of Kennedy again…

Johnson and Prince Phillip 800

And there’s proof Johnson and Prince Phillip are both Prussian…

So obviously it was Russian-agents Itchy the Mouse, or Oswald?

schwammberger-atta-seagalChrissie Hynde Schwammberger Mellania Trump

And Mohammad Atta was probably a Russian-Prussian?

Atta Pompeo Jones Kavanaugh Infowars 560


Meanwhile there’s a few clues yet to be eliminated still…

Homer monkey jets skyscrapers 600 BW

Did Russian-agents plant the Cessna Pilot story Homer?

And Russian agents wire Building 7 up as well did they?

Robby Redneck comedian 2016 Cessna Bldg 600

And will moronic Odessa-offspring in Oz escape their fate?

Rev 16 21

Same fate they face in London New York Berlin & Moscow Etc?

No not meteor’s, same tech as used on Chernobyl at full throttle…

And will America ever get to tell the truth about their fake Prez?

There, pretty-picture slideshow for all my Redneck fan’s…

NOV 6 Pedo Dungeon BLACKED OUT 560 red strike thru

Russian’s block a #pedodungeongrandjury too? 😦

10:10 AM AEST Nov 10
Kaaaaaaay, the 9th
Aaaan 4:50 too


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