Looking at the Deep State stare…

CIA Sunglasses Cessna grey MORON'S Blinking

The Deep State has been with us for over 300+ years already…

It’s a German thing that German’s claim is a Prussian thing…

JinPing Tillerson Netanyahu Putin 600

A Prussian-Russian\Chinese-American\Jewish thing too…

Prussian flag Chernobyl Tillerson Fake Trump Gorbechev May Merkel

A sick sad Prussian game played on everyone the world over…

It’s also a sad sick Masonic joke ever since Sept 11 remember…

Marching-band-GIF-BW-Darker FASTER 600Trump teacher x US Army clown Patriot Act 600

That’s just being silly isn’t it, apart from it’s accuracy…

Trump and fake ~ White House clowns

It almost be like telling the truth attacks Washington…

And Australia, Aah don’t forget Oz, dear old Australia…

Palmer UAP McCormick Morrison LIBERALS Shorten and Medvedev PPP (3)

Literally all illegitimate Prussian-descent Freemason’s…

Song as stupid as Cessna Pilot’s knocking skyscraper’s down?

Eugene Black Sebior Junior and PM John Howard US Fed World Bankmenzies-whitlam-son-or-nephewPrince Phillip Menzies Johnson DOUBLE LARGETurnbull Roosevelt LARGE 790

The Lucky Country, G’Day Australia Mate, G’Day-Cobber…

It’s got nothing to do with what’s on their birth certificate and everything to do with who really got their birth mother pregnant, sometimes it’s actually a case of who their birth mother really was and did she survive the birth but that’s another story for another post, this one simply highlights the Prussian bloodlines used by the half breed German’s in control of the Masonic Lodges of the world to gain maintain and expand power at any cost whatsoever, they’re fcuking insane…


All just a joke you think? ~ Only a joke for the moron’s maybe…


Precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to place Ohio
born me on an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed
person’s list, it’s all I’ve asked all of America’s fake-patriot’s to reveal…


6:00 AM AEST May 16th



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