Don’t take an Einstein, moron’s…

George Walker Bush Mason black and white (6)

Don’t take an Einstein to work out someone screwed you over…

Shouldn’t take Einstein to work out who’s doing it should it…

Just gotta go back to school and learn to tell the truth…

Perhaps even learn to tell the truth about everything…

Even about that fake horse’s-ass doppelganger in the WH…

And relax, chill, they’ll wind-up killing you either way anyway…

Maybe you should try to constructively get-even up front?

Treason amnesty hypocrisy 520YOUTUBE Suspension 520

All seeing eye red ban Cessna


The dead-cat-bounce theory in modern advanced economies…

Here’s that comment above written clearer for mobiles…

‘DEAD CAT BOUNCE?’ ~ Creative Federal Govt tax-accountancy procedure from the 80’s, take one dead cat, or a live one if no dead cat is immediately available, add Scuba Tank Mask Weights Flippers, all the gear, seize cat by the scruff of it’s neck being careful not to alarm it, jump into the middle of Sydney harbor and swim quickly to the bottom so as not to get the cat too waterlogged, then bounce cat, don’t mock, saved Australia’s economy under Treasurer Howard 😉

Eugene Black x 2 and John Howard black hearted pigs 600

Perhaps we should’ve called him Prime Minister Black?

Trump Xi economy large 600

Just like your 45th should be called President Tillerson…

Don’t forget the $23 trillion is borrowed to pay interest…

Looks to me like the Sept 11 plotters and the corporate raiders and big end of town tax cheats are doing fine under the new president and just as long as dcuk’s have waterproof assholes then it won’t really matter if it all goes under out of greed and incompetence, one way or the other the Republican side of Capitol Hill claim an economic miracle for all of the people in America who deserve one while the Democrats claim there are problems but few solutions until Jan 2021…

Meanwhile Knight of Malta controlled Freemason’s running both sides of this charade since the creation of the US Fed get you to buy the same old crap every two years from one side of politics or the other every bloody time, yet both sides are run by the Freemason’s ~ In case you never knew pretty much every president except Hoover claimed one way or the other that they were creating an economic miracle despite overwhelming odds and the current butthead in chief warming a seat in the Oval Office is an exception? ~ Seems to me the president floated some form of deficit reduction plan prior to all of the Super Delegates in the Electoral Colleges giving him the nod for the gig ahead of Crooked Hillary Clinton…

Trump a Republican president 600

Remember industry was gonna literally fight tooth and nail to be allowed to return to the land of hope and glory, first thing the new guy did was raise the deficit by borrowing more money for tax cuts at the same time Medicare benefits were cut, whether or not the actual amount of skilled manufacturing jobs as well as the GDP rose along with the deficit rising to import more goods to maintain America’s lavish decadence is a moot point with the fiscal cliff all the Lemming’s are expected to jump off at their owner’s pleasure rising higher each day…

And what of all of the big Masonic corporate raiders who got big on Nazi gold funded Reaganomics junk bonds while America’s Bizarro in Chief just borrows even more money from US Fed Banks on your plastic to give them a tax break?

He gives them Masonic fascists a handout just like Australian Treasurer and later PM John Howard did, then claims the economy is doing great because he says it is and then bouncy-bouncy dead-cat at the bottom of the harbor for his corporate friends then more quack-quack-quack and another bounce of poor old puss?

So if it looks like a dcuk and quacks like a dcuk, obviously…

It’s a fcuking economic miracle isn’t it everyone, obviously…

Sometimes a larger number of words than are in the average presidential Tweet are required to clearly express some logical rationale in a world where Luciferin Masonic devils get away with telling people Cessna Pilot’s knocked skyscrapers down so please give up 2\3rds of your freedom so we can protect the remainder from bad guy’s, that said allow me to (Again) explain something I’ve highlighted once or twice before, allow me to explain something that in all truth is really quite simple yet at the same time incredibly complicated to explain…

Those I’ll be seeking to expose used many years of repetitive taxpayer funded propaganda to create a kind of mirage between the reality of American political life and the myth, the reality being a long running well crafted well organised mechanism of big end of town fiduciary crime undertaken under the guise of patriotic political action, the myth simply being those doing it (Mason’s) didn’t precisely know it was hardcore treason when they were doing it to you…

Although it started in earnest during and immediately after the Civil War when illegitimate Prussian descent European Mason’s from the House of Battenberg used their illegitimate Battenberg Prussian cousins Abe Lincoln and Boss Tweed to set up and pull off one of the largest tax rorts in history equating to the theft of between $1 to $8 trillion dollars in today’s money, Abe Lincoln quite reasonably placing $100 million dollars in easily traded cash bearer banker’s bonds aside to pay all war debts after the war in cash so that the new nation could start debt free, yet quite unreasonable once you understand how insecurely it was deliberately stored, it soon became the big secret few dared talk about due to the direct real world connection between the power mad cashed up Prussian descent Masonic principals of the endeavor and average rank and file Mason’s who are your local Mayors Judges Police Chief’s Sheriffs state legislature representative Gov’s federal senator or representative or president vice president Supreme Court Justice and General (s) in command of the military, plus bankers media owners including newspapers and also a wide variety of your religious notables too…

That Civil War rort then in due course financed the Prusssian Masonic Robber Baron rape of America’s natural resource which in turn financed the theft of Russia’s gold, that in turn financing the creation of the US Federal Reserve banking system which asset stripped Wall St to finance Adolf Hitler’s theft of Europe’s gold at the same time the Fed’s Prussian controlled sister banks in the London Square Mile were financing part Prussian descent Japanese to use the Japanese Military to loot China’s gold, China itself already being under the control of part Prussian treasonous Chinese secret society Warlords…

Then of course the Prussian controlled Knight of Malta Freemason’s of the Odessa SS used the German Army to loot Europe’s gold which the US Fed in turn illegally borrowed in 1973 to finance the big Reaganomics asset strip of Wall St and US Industry yet all that’s merely the background, here’s where it gets really interesting because just like that old saying about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely, junk bonds generated by the illegal loan by Odessa of looted mostly European gold to the US Fed provided them near absolute power with which to corrupt everything American and everything anywhere else too, absolutely, yet those running it weren’t happy with it, they wanted more…

They got their illegitimate Prussian-Bush-cousin Ronald Reagan to turn a blind eye to the Fed only financing Prussian descent Masonic controlled interests and then had the front to borrow massive amounts of money (From themselves) on your behalf to give the new corporations they’d created some serious billion dollar tax breaks, supposedly to help the economy yet in reality taxation without representation as the tax burden was once again placed on the shoulders of the average wage earner ~ Once you understand the true nature of a corporate structure and then accept that every Republican president since Reagan was instructed to give those same Prussian controlled corporations even more tax breaks on the basis of somehow aiding the American economy while every Democrat as you’d well know raised the taxes on common people to fill gaps in public spending while also raiding things like (Slick Willy) the Social Security fund simply to pay the interest that was due on the already unmanageable Govt debt run up by all those years of not properly taxing corporations that were making huge profits off of American and international resource and labor, you can at least begin to understand that this is and always was a purely criminal undertaking which had squat to do with patriotism from the day that it first began…

Here’s the basics, the corporate (Fascist-feudal) Prussian Masonic elite had their men in office from day one, all thru the Robber Baron days they gave tax breaks to their Masonic Prussian descent Robber Baron buddies, in addition to the Robber Baron rip off’s from the Civil War profiterer’s and the tax money rip off from their Battenberg cousins Lincoln and Tweed I’d hazard a guess that all thru the years until the creation of the US Fed from looted Russian gold there was an incredible tax write off given to the Prussian owned Masonic controlled companies just as it is today, talk about World War One with Mountbatten president Woodrow Wilson or the Wall St 1929 crash with Herbert Hoover or the US Fed financing a Prussian Adolf Hitler under Roosevelt all of the way down to the Reagan\Bush fiasco on down to the Dubya Bush Sept 11 farce followed by the Obama fiasco and now the Trump\Tillerson idiocy, tax breaks for companies and corporations owned by the same Prussian Masonic cartel is the way things are done, now tell me, you want to go cap in hand to these Luciferin idiots in the hereafter too do you?

The point of this wordy rant here is the highly organised avoidance of tax on money made by the Masonic controlled Prussian owned corporations and then Allah Khazzam along comes Donald J. Tillerson the 45th promising things like balancing the budget and paying down the deficit and making America great again just like Ronald Reagan did, which he proceeds to do by borrowing more printed cash from those US Fed Prussian descent Mason’s running the scam so he can throw a few stale crumbs to the Riff Raff while giving corporations billions in tax cuts via borrowed money, and how many of you were so damn dumb you neither knew nor cared you were being deliberately methodically rorted by the same Masonic fraternal criminal cult as caused the deaths of 600,000 in the American Civil War so they could begin this big globalist feudal gambit?

Knight of Malta Mason’s hope you’re too dumb to get this bit…

By the way they think they got you cold now Yankee Doodle…

Trump War ans Peace silly Tweet 560 BW Almost


This part’s about identity-swaps, potentially even mine…

The way things were done since Weishaupt\Washington…

Adam Weishaupt George Washington

And here’s little old me, little old Kooky-Doodle me…

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600

Better get a grip BEFORE the next Sept 11 crackers…

Just sharing a message, no need to believe it, just hear it…

Some fool wanted to fcuking aggravate me? ~ They succeeded…

It isn’t gratuitous self-promotion, it’s a WARNING idiots…


We’re taking identity-swaps here, real-world identity-swaps…

And of-course there’s this one too, shame on you Marines…

Plus there’s a Russian-born Tillerson-doppelganger…

And again, me, that’s me below, photo a few days ago…

I-know it’s me, I-took the photos, so there, proof-positive…

Back in the early 90’s when I’d been ringing a few talkback radio stations trying to rope-a-dope if you will some guy got on just before me and serious, it was Outer Limits goosebumps time because he sounded more like me than me did if you get my drift as in that was one hell of an imitator, wouldn’t fool the voice analysis software, might not even fool the latest stuff, don’t know, not my area of expertise, hell I’m not even sure if anyone’s done the analysis of the Slick Willy swap or the fake Hillary swap or the fake Kerry swap or the fake Obama swap or even this clown Tillerson\Trump swap, but back then in 1991 anyone who heard that guy on the local (Melbourne) 3AW talkback radio show would’ve assumed it was me, at least on radio as in the way the voice sounded I’d have been excused for thinking it was me, very scary stuff indeed, so maybe this is a good time to once again ask the hard-man Patriot Actor’s in America to tell me precisely what the allegation or accusation was that saw me placed on the ‘NDAA’ proscribed person’s list, and precisely what evidence that was based on, precisely…

Perhaps you’ll realize these are very serious blogs in time?

  Since the 60’s I’ve just held a deep inner-sarcasm on everything…

Do you really gotta go back to school do you America, really?

Ever since the District of Columbia act Freemason’s kept the little wheels inside of the big Prussian Bavarian Illuminati\Knight of Malta corporation’s corporate wheels turning, and you all thought you were free like I’d done the moment I’d been capable of toddling, even tho some moron claimed that because I’m Ohio born I’d been born as mere corporate feudal chattel you illuminated fools think that by constant repetition you’re going to get me to goose step on cue, we might argue about that intermittently over the next 10 million years in 10,000 year time frames up until you retract your claim of feudal (Globalist) ownership on me or we might not, but argue we will right up until you repent of your claim of feudal ownership, as for everyone else, well here’s my obtuse perspective…

They’ll have to back go to school in their own sweet time maybe…

And here’s a song, hello Leon, cousin…


6:00 PM AESDST Feb 06


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