Call themselves the builder’s…

You take your Masonic Judas Goat’s waaay too lightly Russia…
Gorbachev was one, Mason that is, one of Dick Cheney’s cousins…
Haven’t learnt much since Masonic intrigue defeated you in Crimea…
Tried to warn you about the impending Chernobyl attack but, well…
German’s controlling the Masonic Lodges sucker you every time…
Look what they’ve done to America, still your biggest threat…

Russia, it’s a rarely spoken but provable historical fact that treasonous Russian Freemason’s under the control of German’s (Juerman’s) in the Court of the Czar engineered a lookalike for the Czar to issue countermanding orders in the war of 1812 and it was probably that alone which cost Russia it’s political capitol Kiev was it, not claiming to be any type of well researched historian there but I’m big on the big picture stuff coming together like a Luciferin jigsaw puzzle, the loss of the 1812 war was kind of like a castration of the youngish nation’s soul at the neck if you look at it from the Russian point of view…

Not the last time such things were done, when it comes to modern Germany at one stage three separate men played the role of Adolf Hitler prior to the war, two men played the role of Fuhrer all thru the war effectively running the original Hitler with his one ball as the old wartime song punned around in circles by turning him into little more than a half eunuch figurehead much like Donald J. Drump or Barack Obama, or even George Dubya Bush or Bill Clinton, tho I’m not sure they ever used a double on Dubya, merely used him as a Judas Goat like the others, in Hitler’s case all done with treasonous Machiavellian intent by his fellow Zionist Mason’s within the German High Command…

If you want to be callous about it perhaps the Fuhrer should’ve demanded that no orders be obeyed without him first displaying that one testicle of his although Freemason’s, being as heartless as any conspirator’s, might’ve just chopped one testicle off of his lookalike and then he’d have been back to square one  😉

Anyway, without trying to defend the man, merely honouring the truth because of itself, look to THAT identity swap by Mason’s on Hitler as the cause of the German Army in Russia being stabbed in the back by the German High Command then handed over to a lifetime of cruel slavery under German controlled Russian Mason’s as they were worked as underground bunker worker overseers giving hell to the many Ukrainian and German holocaust people abducted as slave labour under a cover story of the holocaust ovens, in reality with 5.6 million of them being railroaded to Crimea and Switzerland to build the deep underground bunker systems there, and by the way Ivan, just in case you think I’m trying to shame you, who gives a rat’s ass, they used abducted slave labour to build the deep bunker systems in Australia too, it’s the way they roll…

When it comes to identity swaps bringing nation’s undone look for a similar deal for America as happened to both Russia and Germany with three separate men playing the role of George Hebert Walk Bush in the 1960’s, the original American born gay Yale baseball player Bush with the legal right to use the name, plus two German born twins, both sons of Prescott Bush to a German prostitute, one of the German twin’s flew fighter bombers for the US Air Force using his American born brother’s name, the other German born twin, a hardcore full time agent for the ‘BND’ while also working in ‘CIA’ used his twin’s US Air Force identity to steal a US Air Force hydrogen bomb in the late 1950’s which Cheney and Rumsfeld later helped a very undead Adolph Eichmann place under congress, probably after the lookalike to Eichmann, no relation by the way, was hung by Eichmann’s fellow Israeli Mason’s (Under German control) in Israel to take the heat off, and then of course, there’s that old persistent (True) rumour that your current president Vladimir Vladimirovich himself was a twin…

Thus the use of twin’s or lookalikes has undone many a nation…
Now they hope to use you or China or Iran to kick start a world war…
Who could really believe North Korea could attack anything Ivan…
They still haven’t built a 1964 petrol driven Yugoslavian tractor…
And could any informed person believe in nuclear weapons?

Except now we know better don’t we Ivan?

It won’t be nuclear weapons that are to be used to murder 2 billion innocent citizens the world over in World War Three will it, no, it’ll be the same type of shit that hit Chernobyl, I’d heard a rumour the German’s had developed a working 28 kilo alternative to the 70 kilo American city killer kinetic energy weapon you yourselves fairly recently tested over Chelyabinsk, testing the heat shields to burnout point rather than simply trying to test one for an impact…

The unit the German’s gave to America prior to the Chernobyl attack, or at least the one they were rumoured to have given to America prior to the Chernobyl attack, was a very precise piece of Teutonic engineering utilising the same old Nazi magnetic propulsion Germany gave to America, yet the German’s lacked the high discharge short cycle plutonium ion gas battery tech, tech that at one stage or another ‘BND-Scherff-41’ gave to them while he was still Reagan’s Veep, I’d heard what amounts to an unsubstantiated rumour that Germany gave one of them to America without a battery which again they hadn’t yet developed, the same plutonium ion gas battery technology you were trying to develop at Chernobyl when it got hit, so then who hit Chernobyl you ask?

Was it the German’s, or was it the American’s, the answer being the age old quip of moronic wit, “Which came first, a chicken or an egg”, which is an accurate answer if you wish to get technical about it and ask me something I’m not in possession of hard facts over simply because I’ve few resources to bother inquiring, and besides, that’d be your problem Ivan, wouldn’t it now…

But back to the core of the question, seeing as Freemason’s control both countries just like they do in Russia, and German’s have controlled the top four levels of Freemasonry from the 30th to the 33rd degree for approximately 348 years or thereabouts from around the year 1670 until the present…

Are German’s the guilty party here?

Mute point, because in World War Three the internationalist Mason’s who have misruled you since the 1812 war are planning on using your thirst for revenge as either an instigation or a cover story for wiping out 100’s of million’s of people in Europe and elsewhere who did you no harm, in retaliation for what the Masonic leader’s from a bygone era in other countries did to you…

At the end of the day what do you hard boy Russian Military think you’ll accomplish if, like the American Military, you don’t even have the balls or brains to force a return to truth within your own country? ~ So rather than waiting for world war by which time it’ll be, by Masonic design, a little too late, why not just go and give a good old Russian peasant truth trial to all of the Mason’s who’ve misled you from Chernobyl onward and leave blame for megadeath to those illuminated infernal Mason’s whose eternal fates befits such a reward?

Beware tho, I’d also heard a rumour that most if not all of the majority of casualties among the five major power’s in the next world war including you will for the most part be self inflicted wounds, the hidden agenda plans for the weapon’s of all five major powers to be turned mostly against their own citizens due to Masonic high treason within the military command structure of each, you can take it for granted that after the megadeath the surviving Mason’s will blame YOU (Russia) for wrecking large parts of Europe and parts of America and maybe even China as well although 99.98% of the losses are planned to be inflicted by each nation’s own weapons turned against them, cleansing the earth of useless eater’s is the phrase they bandied about once, with other non kinetic energy weapon nation’s also suffering a megadeath genocide from the five power’s as the Luciferin nutter’s in the Masonic Lodge pursue the ancient biblical agenda, and at the end of it all, well what then, what then tough guy’s?

(A call to solid logic is not a plea for inaction Ivan, unless you’re a Yank)…

Mark my words, the survivors will soon learn to envy the dead, while any surviving thinking military man or woman of any major powers will have their metaphorical dcik’s in one hand and their dumb ass head in the other hand as they try to come to grips with how stupid they’ve been all along…

0009030 LA Earthquake Kinetic Energy Weapon Graphic


This blog is not a joke, if you think it is, well maybe you are…
Hit THIS link for other less esoteric less sarcastic perspectives…
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Thanks for no healthcare and legal funding too you Australian assholes…
And you too Russia, thanks (Not) for my birth mom’s ‘KGB’ files pricks…
(And for a spare pack of 200 MG morphine you girly-girls you)…

You need a 100% treason amnesty like America…

Lateral thinking treason amnesty no logo 490 (2)Tesla Rook to Queen four 490

Ignore what they did to those I’d loved at your peril…

God forgives, I-swing both ways on that one…


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