In 2020, suck all the sack-cocker’s!

Um, sack all the sock-cucker’s? ~ No-no-no, sack the cocksuckers…

Yeah that’s it, sack the cocksuckers and restore children’s rights…


Then you might need a 100% treason amnesty to save your souls…


Surgeon General declares these blogs do bad things to dyslexics…

Republican foot in mouth DISCUSSION ON DYSLEXIAmickey-mouse-atta-muslim-prostrated-nazi-shrine-altar-730

You’ve been Patriot-Acting for so long already, let it go…

Patriot Act Nazi bike 2019 600 BW

They treat you as a criminal for not believing their crap…


Wakey-wakey, they don’t believe their own garbage either…

DYSLEXIC ADJUSTED Pence and Trump Report Card

So who knew that an Aryan was really an elite Iranian subrace?

They were literally around at the time Israel screwed Egypt…

It’s much-much bigger than most little minds can fathom…

JinPing Netanyahu Putin Pence LARGE

Who knew they’d interbred with 1000’s of years of Hebrews?

Who knew they interbred with 500+ years of the Prussian’s?

Almost tempted to ask what-tha-fcuk are you all waiting for…

When the-Hitler’s mentioned an Aryan master race it was big…

Hitler Chaplain EDIT larger

No you daft drongo, it was really big, like, really-really big…

As you can plainly see in that vid some Jews were in on it…

Still gonna let Washington and Whitehall translate?


A spontaneous show of practical support still nowhere?

Robby 10 y o Redneck Comedian 600 (2)redneck-comedian-patriot act allegation 600

Not even 40 days hard time with a barrister yet Skippies?

jane-james-and-anna-murdered beaumont kids-cia-x-bnd-1967 600

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

That’s Ohioborn with a Russian-born Finn birth-mom…


8:30 PM AEST Aug 05

