Check ‘THIS’ crazy s**t out…

Just a bit of Jestinearnest here America, try thinking about it…

0001000 Dcikerson's FACE Page0002000 Dcik-slapper'sTrump liar in Chief0003000 Dcik-slapper's lying bitches ~ MESS ON A MISSION ~ Liar'sObama-lord-of-the-lies0004000 Woo Hoo, neuron's stillBSO-sheriff-israel-car0006000 Woo Hoo, Doctor Roseanne Barr

0008000 Woo Hoo, Boy's from Brazil VID

00010000 Woo Hoo, citizen's referendaPower_to_the_People meme


Really Robby? ~ Really? ~ Power to the people Huh?
Really? ~ Really? ~ Really? ~ Yeah, damn right, and hey…
You better start with this thing here, treason amnesty…
Without truthful information, they’ve no power…

President amnesty news headline 490

And here’s how you give power to little people…


Oh excuse me, I-hadn’t quite finished…

Now look, didn’t Mark Twain say something like “Never argue with stupid people, they’ll tear you down to their level and then beat you with experience” or something like that, the prophet also mentioned something about not arguing with a fool, it might have been in the book of “Why we stole Egypt’s gold” maybe, not sure, but what do you think Mark Twain would’ve made of those who accept the official Islamic Cessna Pilot’s attacked us Sept 11 story?

Could it have been something like “There are only three kinds of people in the world, and your Momma’s must have slept with a few of them”…

Mark Twain Stupid People JPEG

All vid’s used in fair-use fair-comment principle’s…
Hit this link if my sarcasm bothers you a bit too much…
And remember, really serious sarcasm is definitely no joke…
How can you let the Bohemian Liar’s con you all so easily?
I’ll finish with some more taxpayer-funded big stupid…
Cut-and-pasted from Infowars.dropkick.bitch…


People with limp wrists never get it. but those with insight get it.


Limp wrists? You mean pacifists? Like Jesus?


No i mean like those that would pay to see Rosie
Odonell and Rosanne Barf wrestle in bikini’s


I-thought Roseanne was a hotty when she
was fat, back when I-almost voted Reagan…


Was that before or after you lost both eyes?


Nooo, went temporarily blind from wanking,
damn, really did nearly vote Reagan…


Wankers retain the right to vote now sin no more.


Says St Maggie the Thatcherite?


Stop worrying about parts below the belt so much wood ya?


But radical Islamic Cessna Pilot’s fly commercial jets out of my butt-cheeks…
And Donald J. could run a Parkland-repeat again just by rubbing my knob…


Sounds like you need rotor rooter


Sounds like I-need the fascists to give me my constitution back…
If they do I-swear to the Madonna I’ll never wank again, maybe…

Hey, I’ve just hit the links immediately above…
Seems all of those comments have disappeared…
Shit them treasonous wankerz are dishonest…


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