Attorney General Mountbatten…

Secretly Luciferin German bastards make a mockery of truth the world over…
And of-course they lie about it all, they just screwed the world for 200+ years…
Including Kennedy and Vietnam and Sept 11 and everything else since then…

As you factor-in any inevitable denials, reconsider this…

Cessna Bldg 7

That’s the excuse the Bavarian Illuminati sold this on…

Patriot Act SNIP SNIP 560

And it’s all been so INYOURFACE it’s arrogant…

patriot-act-surveillance 560

Consider this as-well you deceived morons you…

Nazi pedo dungeon grand jury NOV 6th BALLOT 560

Luciferin German bastards mocking truth the world over…

Nov 6th bright red 490

Don’t let it happen on your watch anymore…

Passing blame BW 400

Or anyone else’s watch you fakes…

Trump wink nudge sniff scratch 330

Patriot Act standing on your head 600

Now look at things from a somewhat different perspective…

The opium shillThe real story Opium

YOU PIGSafghan-opium-and-lithium x Cessna bw 1000

You want answers without anyone asking too many questions? ~ No dice, but here’s some questions, skipping a Fentanyl bait and switch ploy who runs the pipeline from Afghan opium to Mexican processing labs then flies in multi-million dollar ‘H’ shipments at 30,000 feet on multi million dollar planes, same mob as the Golden Triangle no doubt, you answer that and THEN you see the (An) answer is let folks consume what they wish but purchase it in known amounts from registered pharmacies ~ GET REAL ~ (Ex) Ohio-boy…


nov-6th--pedodungeongrandjury 200

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