Looks like a job for the G-Men…

GMen never forget

Looks like Trump needs to take matters in hand pretty soon…

Because it looks like the G-MEN forgot something…


Just heard the president say that on CSpan…

Course it’s possible that he might’ve mispoke himself, yes, that’s plausible, and it’s also possible that he might’ve just been misinformed about the facts, that’s entirely plausible even for an executive officer of the calibre of Donald J. Trump, but it’s also possible that on this rare occasion the president might’ve actually just been telling the truth, whether that was by design or default is yet to be “Judged” (Snigger) by the American people at the polls on Nov 6th…

Speaking of Nov 6th have YOU forgotten something?

Nov 6 pedo dungeon Nazi's 560


Afghan-opium x Mexican-heroin 8:00 PM Oct 3…

afghan-opium-and-lithium-darker 560

It’s Afghan opium Kaiser Fox turns into heroin…

Lithium free money contract 560Lithium PRICES 560

The opium is billions, the Lithium is trillions…

GMEN Never Forget 490

But don’ worry, if you forget, GMEN don’t…

redneck-comedian-darker 400


I’d sure like to hear why Washington is lying…

To-whit, I’d sure like to hear why Washington is lying about the entire Brett Kavanaugh matter because if memory serves me well on that subject, as it has over all other major political matters over the last 55 years ever since I’d been a 6 y\o and learnt that it was Odessa along with the Central Intelligence Agency with the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who’d pulled that stunt on Nov 22 1963 where Don Rumsfeld, odd jobbing for the Agency as he was often wont to do whenever he was told to by the Battenberg mafia, did that professional head shot on the guy in the Limo from the Grassy Knoll in Dealy Plaza, my memory of the Kavanaugh events recalls that someone is lying large again so I’m just sort of wondering where the hell is it all really going to be going this time?

Rummy ~ Rumsfeld ~ Dang, shot myself in the Grassy Knoll again 560

In case any of you also forgot (sic) that was the one where Kennedy’s Secret Service identity double had parts of his head and the gooey bits inside splattered all over the boot of that nice black presidential Lincoln convertible, that said if memory also serves me well on the Kavanaugh matter that entire issue of Judge Kavanaugh and a Randy Andy persona was already well covered in 2010 to blow off some other allegations and again in 2012 when something else came up with Kavanaugh issuing a sort of public Mea Culpa x Nolo Contendere by saying that he was so drunk on the night in question that he’d be unable to honestly deny Ford’s allegations, which again leads us to the big question, why is Washington lying over when these Kavanaugh issues were first raised anyway?

Tell me it isn’t still going where I’d been told it was…

Trump Nazi assassination FAKE RED BW 560

They’re doing a smokescreen for something big…

If you see thru the smokescreen, ask yourself…

There’s a few questions you could ask yourself, one would be to ask why President Trump doesn’t just use his executive authority to give the files from the previous 6 Kavanaugh investigations to the Federal Bureau of Investigation so they have a head start on this 7th investigation, or perhaps even skip all of that misplaced file stuff completely and just give them a presidential directive to remember whatever it is that they think they’ve forgotten about those previous 6 investigations and while they’re at it maybe he can even order them to disclose what they think they know in their hearts is in the missing\redacted\hidden Kennedy files?

Now get serious America, get serious, in the following link you’ll read about the real Illuminati that has misgoverned your country for the sake of feudal power and obscene robber baron profits for over 150+ years, you need to take it all in fast then begin to grasp what you face, there are Luciferin secret society types currently plotting the murders of 160 million Americans and around 2 billion world wide after their next big false flag, in addition to understanding what they are and who they are you also need to know how they’re going to do it…

Ban Cessna 400


It’s an evil plan to say the least, one which literally includes a few million Boy’s from Brazil style Brownshirts created in the test tube courtesy of the medical techniques and pioneering eugenic skills of Doctor Joseph Mengele, created from the loins of Odessa, those who controlled the looted European Nazi gold for their Mountbatten\Battenberg inlaws that was illegally loaned to the US Fed in 1973 to begin this final phase of a world wide takeover by a Fourth fascist Prussian Reich, literally Brownshirts bred from Odessa ‘DNA’ who’ve slowly been taking over not just America but Russia, Britain, Germany, anywhere in Greater Europe and the Middle East, Africa, Australia, China, everywhere, if you’re waiting for treasonous Battenberg\Mountbatten Knight of Malta controlled Masonic political masters to come clean over it then you’re also waiting for Donald J. to release the Kennedy files and for Jesus Christ to return to save you from Armageddon…

6:06 AM AEST Oct 02

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