Their Teutonic group-groin mind…

HIve mind children for Trump

Seems to meee like some sort of de-intellectualization process…

So stupid took lots of steroids and got, really-really stupid…

Serious, sort of de-intellectualization process on steroids…

Those same demonic Luciferin Masonic rascals sold you the idea Cessna Pilot’s could fly commercial jets if they were radical and really hated America or force fed you the idea that even tho the simple laws of physics mean 2 jets couldn’t knock one skyscraper down they could knock 3 down if they were fanatically lucky…

Those same old circle of deceivers also sold the binary way of thinking, either or neither, however it’s time to get lateral and remain literal because you guys north of the Mexican border and south of the Canadian one have turned into the wrong end of the biblical Balaam’s ass ~ You let them confuse you over the fact that the original Trump was a twin separated at birth and raised in a foster family after the birth as was his twin, and the fake Russian born and illegal 45 Trump was also a twin separated at birth with both raised in foster families meaning four different men I’m referring to, so you’d better get a clue you American asses…

Prussian practice was to swap the babies over at hospital…

Rumsfeld? ~ Stop lying, an 11 y\o can father children…

Just go away and have a little think about things…

Think, you know, logic, reason with rationale and truth…

Literally think, collide a few neurons between your ears…

Prescott Kennedy 600

Their conspiracy moved forward while you just jerked off…

Prescott-Reagan Swastika Star Wars 600

They stole over $220 trillion dollars from you since Reagan…

Means motive and opportunity goes the old police mantra…

Currently you’re borrowing close on -$23 trillion dollars from them per year simply to pay all the interest on what they stole from you which makes Gordon Gecko on Wall St look like a bit of a wimp, and of course they’re going to deny it just like they’re denying an Afghan Opium x Mexican heroin pipeline they run as well as the theft of what will eventually be trillions of dollars of Afghan Lithium ore trucked down into German owned or controlled Chinese companies…

One big world wide Prussian criminal fraternity within Masonic Lodges that consist of cousins of Prussian descent, they’re actually the ones who pulled the Sept 11 Coup on the constitution too so maybe you should get a clue soon?

Meanwhile I’ve lost all respect for America completely…

You still forgot about my constitutional rights did you?

And the precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to
place Ohio-born sex-slave traded baby boy me on their anti-constitutional
Patriot Act Level Two ‘NDAA‘ proscribed person’s Orwellian-state list?

It’s all I’d asked America’s great-pretenders to reveal…

8:00 AM AEST May 29th
Few extra edits by 8:20
An 8:40 reality-cheque
4:44 PM perspective


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