Mullah Bob’s Iranian ad agency…

ISIS-Execution Islamic 100 proof WITH BAR CODE TRY MULLAH'S CHOICE TODAY Large

Our great new ad campaign for 100 proof Islamic malt liquor…

Mullah's choice 600 with Cessna

We’ve really put our hearts into this one, Allah be praised…

Mullah’s choice Liquor, when 2nd best is better than nothing…

Afghanistan Lithium Nazi Atta Mullah's choice shitfaced for Allah 600

So Freecall Mullah Bob today to get your Iranian freak on…

Again that’s Freecall on 666+666+666 minus -$23 trillion and we’ll get on your case quicker than a congressional staffer buying off a pedo victim, that’s Freecall 666+666+666 minus -$23 trillion and we’ll have an original advertising campaign up and running quicker than you can say .“Aah shit, now we’re so fcuking broke the radical Islamic Cessna Pilots (sic) might steal one of our ‘jitt’s ‘agin”…

Call me when you're sober 660

Free stress-related counselling to all new customers…

That’s Freecall on 666+666+666 minus -$23 trillion...


Ha, hands up who knew Islam is run by Prussians?


Hands up who knew the Ayotollah was a Prussian Knight of Malta?

Connery and the Ayotollah Prussian brothers

In the real world the man on the right just above here inhabited are you all just gonna keep on ignoring those one million missing 14 y\o Iranian boy’s that the world Prussian elite’s running world Freemasonry abducted from Iran and many other places in the Middle East before during and after the Iran Iraq war, and will you go on denying how these Prussian’s do it, how they pull off the complicated web of intermarriage and\or simple baby abductions and identity swapping even of innocent newborn infants like myself, taken by force or deception from the mothers, all of that Machiavellian manipulation with which they control world politics using zero moral restraint other than avoiding all accountability?

Will any of you ever get enough dissent to truly doubt them?

Fraser Murdock Grassley and Woodward 760 BW

Same biological Prussian line as those immediately above too…

Fcuking Luciferin cosmic-cowboy’s the lot of them…

Redneck Comedian 600 what I'd wanted PUNCHLINE

11:59 AM AESDST Jan 02

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