The war against political humor…

Now don’t get defensive just because the joke’s on you America…

Anonymous NASA Apollo whistleblower

Most of them are these days, used to be Poland once, remember?

Being Polish isn’t a joke anymore, being a Ukrainian president is…

Ukraine comedian TRUMP Faux + Russian mother Украина WHAT

So there you go, political humor, but is the whole blog a joke?

TRUMP NASA GUY ~ Fcuking Wukwainian Ukrainian underlined LAGE

Washington’s Freemason’s think you just don’t get it America…

Masonic turkey flanking Prussian Eagle

It’s your third illegal Prusso\Aryan president in 30 years…


If any reader here is new to political humor, it’s not all funny…

Myself I’m simply waiting for a lawyer or a mortician, the public support for resource needed to do more never came, I’m not too sure I’d ever expected it to but presuming it never does I’m still just waiting for a lawyer or a mortician…

That’s what to do to restore some truth in your humor again…

If you directly go after those Knight of Malta type Freemason’s themselves then they’ll probably just throw the ball to other’s who’ll once again claim they don’t belong to that lodge yet always worked hand in glove with them screwing over non-Mason’s ever since Civil War days ~ If you go after both they’ll most likely only circle their wagons and appear to go all quiet in public while continuing to conspire against the republic behind closed doors in their lodges by getting the plague of lower-level Odessa-descent offspring they placed in all sections of Govt from City Hall Police military and media along with all sections of the business world to continue moving their treasonous fascist conspiracy forward…

And if you do nothing the children still stuck in fascist Prusso\Aryan Masonic protected pedophile dungeons that German-born 41 set up have good reason to spit on your souls in Hades ~ My advice which I’ll admit you didn’t ask for is to get the pedo dungeon grand juries going immediately without waiting for the coming elections next year to lead you round in circles once again, organise a database of sorts about all manner of methodical lie including fake news which these clowns have used to push all truth out of the political dialogue and start demanding for nothing less than fully truthful 100% factual responses on all matters from that herd of delusionary twats who currently sell you an illegal president most likely born in Ukraine or perhaps some other part of Russia but who is 100% certain to definitely not be the original Donald J. Trump, those Machiavellian Freemason’s have treated you as servile cocksuckers and fools since their Civil War…

Cocksucker Patriot Act 600

I’ve a true story to tell about Luciferian Masonic child murder…

But still no practical support to pay 40 days with a top class barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about literally witnessing 20 fcuking Central Intelligence Agency child murders from 1963 to just before the very end of 1969 Australia, they were all Aussie kids and 14 of those included 9 babies…

The tortured babies were coal-black full-blood Aboriginal…

Those 14 were ritual torture murders of full blood Aboriginals, I’d been able to see the older girls were girls while with the babies I’d merely been told they were girls along with telling me all the weird kabbalistic cannibalistic sick shit they did with the cadavers of which the veracity of I’m in no doubt whatsoever, it was easy to see these were genuine full bloods, genuine full bloods, obviously in addition to the sicko Luciferian nature of their torture murders this was pure Luciferian genocide directed at a specific race, while a 15th who was Jane Beaumont was screwed with a razor tipped penis extender dipped in Chilli for about 3 minutes before being shot in the back of the head along with her brother and sister who also met the same kabbalistic cannibalism after their deaths, her’s the worst screams I’d ever heard in my entire fcuking life ever, including my own…

No Passport needed-PINE GAP

They always flew in thru Pine Gap for their evil deeds…

These were crimes against humanity America, literally…


Other reasons to have an opinion about America too…


Both my step-parents had often explained to me that the boy my step mother gave birth to in the Broken Hill hospital had been literally abducted and I’d been put there in his place ~ Not something I’d liked hearing and not something you’d joke to a kid about period, certainly not the same joke repeated over and over for my entire childhood without a punchline, my step father later telling me the boy my step mother gave birth to was dead, murdered, but not to tell her about it…

After learning birth-mom and baby-sister were dead…

They were murdered in Ohio on the day of my birth…

EICHMANN and fake 600

There’s their killer there, you financed it America…

Merely for the sake of Washington’s professional political liar’s and their amoral spin doctor political media’s I’m often obliged to remind the rest of you there in what Washington says is the greatest nation the world has ever seen (sic) that as a sex slaved traded Ohio-born baby boy who was taken to Australia within weeks of the murder of my birth mother and my baby sister on the day of our birth the first time I’m able to clearly remember hearing men with American accents talk was late at night in the children’s ward of the Broken Hill hospital where I’d just been hospitalized for hepatitis tho I’d eventually found out it wasn’t hepatitis, it was a deliberate chemical contamination of the skim milk formula my stepmother was feeding me ~ Late at night they were torturing me while the German night sister Lois Menzel was conveniently looking the other way, literally preconditioning me for MK Ultra stuff your Central Intelligence Agency pulled on me hard core from the tender age of four years right on throughout my entire heavily abused serially prostituted and terrorized childhood and early adult life, the most recent event in 2004 for those with a need to know ~ Of course I’d have told my stepmother what they were doing except for two things, they threatened me they’d hurt her and it was all before I’d even been able to put words into sentences anyway, a fcuking toddler in other words, yet the Govt of the greatest nation in the world still says I’m some sort of imminent danger to the safety and security of America?

Same request repeated in each post for months already…

Still waiting for precise allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

Used to be called a 5th Amendment once upon a time…

lionel-hutz-pleading-5th-4th-1st BW 560

These blogs aren’t a joke, seems as tho America is…


1:00 PM AESDT Oct 25th



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