Blind Freddy, the Russian tour?

Starring Mohammad Atta Mike Pompeo and Dimitry Medvedev…

Medvedev Agent Smith Pompeo WHAT

Also starring Agent Bill Hicks and the Slim Witless singers…

Agent Smith and Jones 600SCHWAMMBERGER-BORDER-PATROL Sunglasses slow 600

Blind Freddy and the Slim Witless singers to tour Russia?

Hey don’t mock, maybe I’m not saying this too clearly because it’s my sarcasm blog and that means I’m trying to be sarcastic with wit or witty with sarcasm, anyway it’s in the bible and you know what they say if something’s in the bible, it’s god’s holy word, if it’s in the bible that means you can’t do nothing about it because Jehovah already made his mind up, looks like somebody pokes the bear and then the bear gets all pissed and starts eating things, hope Blind Freddy and the Slim Witless singers all know what they’re doing, it could get really ugly fast, especially as Russia got gypped over in Afghanistan and didn’t wind up with any of the Lithium and opium, who’d have guessed, a big bad bear getting ripped off by a bunch of cunning rats and, Oh well, now I’m waffling a bit right?

It’s all top secret, only Blind Freddy knows the whole story…

He even had to sign the Defense Secrets Act of 1911 and Espionage Act of 1917 where he swore never to divulge anything he’d seen and, well yes he’s blind, or he said he was, which means he never saw that much anyway, like all of the Peons on the Grassy Knoll and later in the Hotel Ambassador kitchen, or even those over at the Pentagon audit office on Sept 11, eventually all of them joined the band and just like Blind Freddy they swore they didn’t see Don Rumsfeld do nothing…

Thank god for blind people, they see things Washington’s way…

Hell in their minds Trump looks just like Trump looks…

Kids are doing just fine, everybody’s fine, believe me folks…

Believe me folks, believe me, Oh believe-me, just believe me…

And the economy, Oh-boy the American economy…

I’d run out of superlatives pretty damn quick if it was my intention here to describe the wonderful things that guy pretending to be Trump has done for the American economy rather than simply point out the other stuff most of you are told by political media’s that you’re happy to ignore until it’s too late, but back to the economy, boy Lemme Tell Ya, there America was sitting there with their dcik’s in their hands after 8 years of a Masonic part Prussian Obama, a liberal president who wouldn’t do the right thing by the people, and then along came this new guy and it was like Zip Zapp Zing Zang snort and Zowie-Kapowie, followed by…

Zoom-Zoom\Zitt-Zott and Bing-Bing-Bong -$23 trillion…

Just like that folks, just like that, happens so quick…

One day truth is there truthing, then bang, it’s dead…

Wouldn’t have a fcuking clue would you Leroy, Elmer…


Here’s a short simple honest message to American patriots, the real one’s as distinct from those you see in a John Wayne Audie Murphy or Ronnie Raygun movie, I’ve asked you to tell me what the allegation or accusation was which saw me placed on a Patriot Act x NDAA x Proscribed Person’s list, now listen up…

You keep on cooperating in this now 6+ decades abuse of my human rights and the denial of my justice and due process, that’s now 6+ fcuking decades since the Central Intelligence Agency tortured me as a 2 y\o as they began softening me up for their particular brand of MK Ultra, that 6+ decades straight of hard core abuse and denial of Ohio boy’s constitutional rights on top of what the Nazi’s in Blind Freddy’s (sic) band did, then you’re cursed too, cursed so bad your hypocrisy might eventually even damn your children in addition to yourselves..

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600

I-like songs in my blogs, if you don’t, wrong blog…

11:00 AM AESDST on Jan 01
And 2:20 PM New Year’s day

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