Hit-it in it’s funny bone…

Some brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the east, He says: “Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that’s where they expect it least”, And some new-mown chaperone was standin’ in the corner all alone watchin’ the young girls dance, And some fresh-sown moonstone was messin’ with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romance.

My (Step) mom once told me something really serious…
She told me “Boy, only liars need to lie” and she was for real…
Now shoot America, this blog is actually about some very serious shit…
Truth be told this is all about your mental health, or even your lack of it…
Stop laughing, stop, serious, your politicians keep getting caught lying…
Can’t you imagine how much that messes up running the country?
You’d best leave politicians to bullshit whenever they need to…
Maybe that way they’ll just give all the money back maybe 😉

0001000 Fake-shooter Face PAGE0002000 Fake-shooter Itchy and Scratchy or Family Guy Russian cartoon

0004000 Fake-shooter comedians comment


So you don’t get it?

Washington claims just cause I’ll use humor it’s all just a joke…
Well, here’s a serious comment from a few months back, now think…
Look at their fake-Florida-shooting pun and then ask yourselves, why?
Also, ask yourselves, can Cessna Pilot’s really fly passenger jets?
Why are your Govt making-up a wall of lies near 24\7 now?
The answer is literally in the serious comment below…

ADDOOHEADLINERADDOO-TWOMark Twain fiction truthADDOO THREEKriten Nazi ~ Sarcasm ~ Smeg moded enabled (2)


All vids\graphics are fair-use x fair-comment etc…
Here’s the kink to the more logical political progressions…
It all boils down to who pulled the Sept Coup D’Etat, and why…
If my humor bothers you you can stop reading my blogs…
Smack in the middle of serious I’ll crack a pun or two…
Been that way for over 53 years already, Selah…

My whore step-mom wouldn’t stop nagging till I’d laugh about it…

So you better laugh at yourselves too, go on, laugh, or else…

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