Early-morning Mea Culpa again…

King Czar Prescott Reagan Rumsfeld Nazi LARGE

The Prussian-descent Mason’s are making wankers of you…

cheney-gorbechev-sanders-600 SLOWER BETTER

They’re honest perspectives above, use them or lose them…

Here’s another true story from my interesting childhood…

I’d grown up with mining town step-parents, perhaps only mining town or ex mining town people could ever have that immediate mental picture that’s worth 10,000 words about what that entails but anyway, rough coarse and occasionally in interesting ways intellectually cultured and spiritual mining town people…

One was an ex two tour World War Two sergeant who’s old soldier-boy friends would occasionally take the trouble to explain to me he wasn’t really as mean as he often seemed to be ~ They said it was just that he was a bit of a hard man the way sergeants were according to them, especially one’s who’d been to a real war however he’d already explained it himself far better than they did, the other was a mining town whore called Eleonore Hass, Rudolph’s cousin, my step mother…

The real world is far stranger than you think it is reader…

Again bearing in mind the mining town people bit occasionally in adolescence and early adulthood my step father would dryly exclaim that I’d turned into quite the smartass as would my step mother tho less occasionally, but when they did I’d also noticed that straight after doing so they’d always kind of sit back and gloat a little bit, at first that confused me but eventually I’d tweaked, it was exactly how they’d raised me to be, literally, I’d turned out precisely as they’d intended…

Suck that Washington, Ohio-born smartass over and out…


Be poor losers, fascists will kill you either way…

For over 300 years Freemasonry was a Prussian tool…

What was once called Bavarian-Illuminati gained control of 30th-33rd levels of the Masonic Lodge 47 years before they admit to existing, Illuminati were and are simply Luciferin Prussian’s who seek power above all else as well as every stolen Dollar Dinar Ruble Deutschmark Euro Yuan Yen and (Warning) Bitcoin they can lay their hands, unlimited corrupt power is a very profitable business however it’s also somewhat expensive to maintain the level of total control they need…

After Illuminati were said to have ceased to exist the reality was they simply took over the Knights of Malta as a plausibly deniable front, plausible deniability being necessary to delay blame for things they’re guilty of until a distraction or defense can be raised, or their accuser simply killed ~ Meanwhile each and every day the wide world over decent people have their lives destroyed by these incompetent low IQ inbred Prussian bitches, sad to say Prussian bitches I’m related to…

That said for over 300 years while history claimed a German monarch sat on the British throne the reality was Britain was little more than a sheep gut condom for those same Luciferin Prussian descent Freemason’s as they raped the world of it’s riches under the guise of Faux British colonialism, thus it’s been Prussian’s ruling America since it’s inception, it was Prussian’s who ran both sides of the Civil War via their control of Freemasonry’s top four levels, it was Masonic robber barons of Prussian German descent who controlled every step of America’s history from the Civil War to this corporate world moment, and it was Prussian descent Masonic robber baron’s like Prescott and his sons who pulled the Sept 2001 Coup on the US Constitution ~ They’ve been sitting back pretty cool on all of the wealth they asset stripped from America under Reaganomics and from Great Britain under Thatcherism and Russia under Gorbechev using looted Nazi gold to fund their big venture, recently their wealth expanded exponentially with the theft of Iraqi gold from Fallujah and Libyan gold from Benghazi and the ongoing theft of all of the Afghan Lithium, certainly the biggest earner they’ve had since uranium…

They’re confident the treason agenda on the world’s nations via their new Brownshirts in America Britain Russia China and elsewhere that now literally number in the millions courtesy of millions of press ganged womb’s producing production line fascist offspring via Joseph Mengele can never be stopped and maybe that’s true, maybe it isn’t, yet most Mason’s are confident that that’s their Masonic ace in the hole to avoid all accountability and keep their huge conspiracy moving forward if for no other reason than most people aren’t trained in the ways Prussian controlled Brownshirts overthrew all hope in their pre-Nazi Germany…

America knows what to do about their particular corner of this farcical worldwide fascist Prussian menace the human species faces, get those pedophile dungeons under full scrutiny in open public grand juries, get that happening immediately followed by a fully legislated 100% treason amnesty for anyone willing to risk their lives to tell all to a grand jury South African truth and reconciliation style however there’s one small piece of the puzzle still missing, guess that’d be balls and brains needed to accept that you’re probably screwed either way this late in the game but only by trying and perhaps trying so hard you wind up dying doing it will you ever be able to try to live with yourselves after you’re dead maybe?

 They’ll kill about half of you in World War 3 if you don’t…

Might still wind-up killing half of you if you do America…

Hope Ohio-born boy dint hurt your feelings snowflake…

Require the precise allegationaccusation used by Sept 11 perp’s to place
Ohio-born sex-slave traded baby boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian-state list America…

I’m still a witness to crimes against humanity by those men…


8:00 AM AEST June 8th
Few edits by 10:20 AM
One word at 4:20 PM

