The dirty-dirty lowdown folks…

Just a quick blog to remind those of you who aren’t as dumb as Washington thinks you are that they still think you’re dumb anyway, matter of fact they probably think you’re so fcuking dumb that you’ll keep on swallowing that Judeo Xtian crap that comes from the mouths of these treasonous Luciferin secret society types who govern you right up until they genocide you in World War Three, that’s if they can’t find a viable reason to justify doing it some other way first, you know, enemy of the state, danger to the safety and security of the American people, a madman or mad woman, tragic accident, cancer, some rogue ‘MS-13’ hit, you get the drift, there’s nothing too low or too stupid for Odessa and it’s hidden deep state mechanism to attempt seeing as they’ve already derailed due process with their Patriot Act and are this close to pulling off their sick goals using your bloody tax money to finance it, just as well you’re not all dumb then Huh?


It’s my blog, if I-want to put some humor in this bit, I-will…

0001000 Whaaaaaaaaaaat Face PAGE0002000 Whaaaaaaaaaaat FPMasonic GOP x Dem dichotomy0004000 Whaaaaaaaaaaat Charlton Heston


This bit is very serious, it got spammed pretty quickly too…

0005000 Whaaaaaaaaaaat ~ SPAMMED AGAIN0005000 Whaaaaaaaaaaat WW3

0007000 Whaaaaaaaaaaat ~ Enjoy the music


Here’s the most important part of the spammed comment above…

Another Kennedy-style faked presidential assassination is planned, if all went according to plan after blaming the left they’ll use that fake assassination to create a mini civil war in order to justify imposing martial law, under martial law with hardly any kind of pretend civil oversight of an already compromised military command structure they’ll create an international incident…

(Nukes are fake)…

by using one of the many high tech options they’ve now got…

0009030 LA Earthquake Kinetic Energy Weapon 560

(Other than nukes which as I’ve just said are fake)…

on one of America’s own cities, go ‘DEFCON-1’ in conjunction with their other partners in the governments of the East and West, then using the ‘OVERLORD-2’ target (Re) acquisition software those high tech Mach 56.6 kinetic energy weapons in the remaining 50% of America’s non-decommissioned Minutemen missiles, those fake meteorite weapons will wipe out half of America including New York while other countries like China Russia England Germany France etcetera also responsible for murdering it’s own population along with third world cities targeted for termination ~ With the eventual expected (Planned) casualties being around 2 billion surely it’ll be Odessa’s finest hour, this is no joke…

CIA Plot assassinate Trump 560


And you’re still forgetting the little things aren’t you?

Nazi pedo dungeon grand jury miss the bus again 560

And that really was the dirty-dirty lowdown, short and sweet…
Hit this link HERE to read about the Odessa takeover in America…
All videos\graphics fair-use x fair-comment and stuff like that…
This blog writes itself and the author is a fcuking robot…

Robby 10 yo good image 490 (2)

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