Sarcasm, sweet-sweet sarcasm!


See that joke in the featured graphic America? ~ It’s on you…

Everyone has heard the saying “Familiarity breeds contempt” but did you know that if you turn it back to front as 41’s German born twin brother taught me to do back in the mid 60’s it reads “Contempt breeds even more familiarity” did you?

America’s Masonic Govt and it’s Bavarian Illuminati US Fed shareholder masters have had a lot of contempt for the American people since they faked the Kennedy assassination in Dealy Plaza, one viable story had the president dead 11 days before Dealy Plaza in the Masonic tunnels under congress while on a tour of the stolen US Air Force nuke Odessa had placed down there with the help of Rumsfeld and Cheney, a nuke stolen by German born ‘BND’ agent and future 41st president ‘Scherff’ in the late 50’s, another had a lookalike in his place dying in horrible circumstance down there in a massive multi layered multi level multi Knights of Malta Masonic rope-a-dope gambit ~ I’ve not yet made up my mind whether Kennedy really did die down there in the tunnels yet am 100% certain forever and evermore as well that it wasn’t the 35th president in the Limo in Dealy Plaza, yet anyway, you call it how you see it for yourselves but the reality is the Mason’s in congress had enough contempt for the American people to sell a crappy radical Islamic Cessna Pilot skyscraper demolition story with a straight face so they do hold America in contempt and they’re pretty bloody familiar about it…

It’s not so surprising if you think about it, Bavarian Illuminati controlled Freemason’s have been fcuking America over hand over foot since the Civil War then stepped it up a notch when they used the 1929 Wall St asset strip to finance illegitimate Astor descendant Adolf Hitler to loot Europe’s gold in 33′ which they then illegally loaned to themselves in 73′ to go into overdrive Warp Factor Nine for their Reaganomics junk bond asset strip that led America to Sept 11…

Now those paragraphs above aren’t sarcasm, they’re simply true…

Treason amnesty versus LIES 560 (2)

That graphic isn’t sarcasm either, it’s simple rationale…

Miss the bus pedo-dungeon Nov 6th 560 (2)

This one above isn’t sarcasm either, it’s pathos, it’s true…

American Nazi treason amnesty 560

That graphic there is sarcasm, yet, pretty bloody accurate…

These two above and below ‘ARE’ sarcasm, get the difference?

But this graphic below isn’t sarcasm…

Nov 6th #pedodungeongrandjury 364

So what do you make of this here?


And if that was sarcasm, which it is, what do you make of this?
Do try to bear in mind the blog’s motto, the one right at the top…
“The best sarcasm has the most truth” ~
Eleonore Seiglinde Hass…
Now get off your fcuking monkey-butts America, get-busy…

But that’s not the official story is it America, instead, this bit below is…

Jones Pompeo 800


All vids\graphics fair-use x comment principles…

This link (LINK) might get you thinking…

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