Super-alpha-male white tuxedo?

Look, make whatever you wish out of the graphics, go ahead…

Here’s an interesting almost word verbatim recall of a discussion between a German born guy who flew fighter bombers in the Pacific in World War Two for the US Air Force using his American born half brother’s name, and me, Circa 1967, and it went thus, “Can light plane pilots fly big jets George” the little boy (Moi) asked him, he was one of Prescott’s son’s working for Central Intelligence as both my official pimp in the pedo brothel they ran for Odessa and also trained me well unofficially in a panoply of disciplines no little boy was gonna get in primary high school college or any university outside of West Point or Quantico…

He was a man who was also unofficially training me in all things Psy Op as his revenge against those he’d worked for yet hated, as well as Psy Op stuff he also well trained me in political strategy and political intrigue, as well as in general science and even gave me a loosely covered overview of stuff like the emerging quantum physics disciplines along with old world pre modern age megalithic structures built by humanity’s biological ancestors ~ Anyway, he responded with “You mean big passenger jets kid” he asked and I’d kind of nodded trying to show indifference to his answer in my manner, his response then was quite valid and factual, or is that real, he said “Why no kid, they can’t” before asking me why I’d asked, I’d replied “Ah nar’thin” in as laconic an Australian drawl as I’d been able to and he said “You’re strange kid” ~ I’d half smiled and said, “Yeah”…

Guess what America, they still can’t fly big jets…

It’s been around 8 yrs since ‘FBI’ requested a pedo-dungeon grand jury on National Public Radio, it was on an ‘NPR’ show re-broadcast on Australia’s ABC News Radio Network from memory with a pathetic undercover ‘FBI’ guy in tears at having to sexually penetrate children to gain the group’s trust, the tears might have been fake but if so he did a damn fine job method acting cause that’s exactly what he’d said word for word as in he’d screwed kids to gain the group’s trust, then literally said ‘FBI’ was ready to take it to the grand jury stage…

This was after a fake Obama replaced the original for those American’s with an attention span longer than a stale old fart so maybe Smokin Joe ‘Battenberg’ (sic) was doing his thing to keep a lid on things, instead of the grand jury it was always another fake national crisis to keep you occupied while reality was stage managed by Sept 11 conspirator’s ~ By coincidence (?) one of them fake stories by the way was the same Parkland Florida school shooting story Trump ran with too right, and the 17th anniversary of Sept 11 passed with no inquiry yet,  Washington must think your average Joe Sixpack is either pretty retarded, or gay, or both…

If retarded, don’t bother reading this bit, it’s accurate…

So simply for context to the bit at the start, I’d met 3 different men who all used the name of George Herbert Walker Bush in the 1960’s and, well, one of them deserves to be shot in the leg with a .22 for the way he treated me and then be given the most expensive bottle of single malt Scotch whiskey on the planet for the way he trained me, and there’s a huge difference when you’re a kid being prostituted raped tortured brainwashed and terrorized by what some have laughingly referred to as the govt of the greatest nation in the world…

Now look, call me a troglodyte but in the grande scheme of strange things it seems to meee that if Cessna Pilot’s couldn’t fly big passenger jets back then in the 1960’s then Cessna Pilot’s most likely still can’t fly big passenger jets even if the prophet of Islam (PBUHN) was whispering instructions in their ear through the ether ~ Plus, it just stands to reason and logic and even things like quantum physics if you think about it with a lateral sense of humor that at least a minimum of at least two of the three who used the name George Herbert Walker Bush in the 1960’s had to have been lying about who they really were, even though all three were indeed biological offspring of German collaborator Prescott Bush…

One of the three who used that name was a German born twin (Think about it) of the man mentioned as being worthy of a .22 in the leg for the way he treated me before being consoled with the most expensive bottle of whiskey in all the world for the way he trained me, a half brother to the gay Yale baseball player one who really was George Herbert Walker by the way, and literally the man who became Titular Head of Bavarian Illuminati Freemason’s between 1993 after he left office until 2005 or thereabouts, meaning he was Grand Poobar on Sept 11 for those of you who are a bit slow, even managing to get himself elected as Reagan’s Vice President and then America’s 41st president using the US Fed Chinese (Nazi) gold loan as leverage with much of middle America either not knowing or caring…

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Anyway, of those three I’d met who looked similar and all using the same name then obviously two of them were lying (Duh) including the one who eventually became America’s illegal 41st president but who’s real German birth name wasn’t George Herbert Walker anything at all, so again, at least two were lying, or that’s how it seems to me over 5 decades later and that sarcastic supposition does seem to contain a certain amount of venom America, now what do ‘YOU’ think about all that Homer Sixpack, can you see why you need one of these yet?

But before that you need one of these for integrity’s sake…

Either that or go back to the good old days to jerk-off…

5:21 PM AEST Sept 16


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