America’s greatest ever Govt Huh?

These blogs are meant to either educate or amuse, not offend…

Unless you’re one of those assholes who denies me my justice…

Hey assholes, the precise allegation\accusation used by Sept 11 perp’s to
place Ohio-born sex-slave traded baby-boy me on your anti-constitutional
Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian-state list?

The blogs hold both personal perspective + accurate objectivity…

Raplael and the American dream LARGE EVEN BETTERER YET

April 22\04 was the last time the US Govt severely tortured me…

While I’m stuck in an Orwellian  24\7 headfcuk paid for by the US Taxpayer and run under the auspices of a fcuking unconstitutional United States Govt Patriot Act I’m always going to be liable to continue to highlight the criminal behavior of Washington to me myself personally as well as giving witness to various crimes I’d witnessed them do against others, crimes against both children and adults…

I’ll do that wherever it’s contextually accurate to do so, the context part is often tho not always to place a human reference point to the cold political dynamics I’ve sought to gently explain to those without much skill or knowledge in these matters but as for those members of the secret society clubs behind it all?

Not averse to offending them forever plus 2 more eternities…

I’m thinking the US was always a Patriot Act since day one…

Some of the most beautiful deep and insightful learning experiences from my childhood came from watching my mining town step parents using sarcasm like a surgeon uses a scalpel ~ While it’s true that on occasions they’d turn grown men into blubbering wrecks and occasionally would use their sarcasms on us kids it was always on subjects that were basically non threatening, just dciking with us, woe to any outsider they turned that sarcasm on though, they were toast…


So that’s greatest ever Govt and greatest ever president right?

RT GRIN GUYRT TRUMP Hillary electric chair grey redRT Clinton Emails NSAmen-in-black-fbi-nsa-hillary-clintons-emails-THINNER BORDER LargeRT Hillary or Joe used toilet paperBiden Obama 101st Airborne toilet roll NARROW BORDERRT missing Benghazi goldLIBYA GOLD LARGER

Drifting from missing Libyan gold to the missing Iraqi gold…

Iraq gold Assad lower color LARGE Red Arrow Fallujah SMALLER BORDER

Like that earlier Iraqi (Gold) chit that wasn’t in her Email’s…

iraqi-gold-metal-coffins IRAQI GOLD lower color 600

You remember that chit do you, greatest Govt in the world?

And all that other chit above, that wasn’t in there either…

Better listen-up, it’s official, greatest Govt in the world…

Greatest religion in the world ~ BelieveAnything it’s called…

Like normally sane folk believing dead-guys came back to life…

How quickly the professional hypocrites in the Masonic Lodges that govern America for old world Prussian families via their stranglehold on the top four levels of those same lodges will jump on the big bandwagon the moment anyone dares broach the subject of modern man’s religious faith still being deeply rooted in a subconscious rejection of logic and fact in favor of what some can laughingly call belief, yet do try to keep in mind the exact same Masonic folk pretending to protect your religious and moral values are the same one’s who looked you right in the face after their Sept 11 Coup on the old US Constitution and told you that it was Muslim’s that did it and then stated that you’d need to give up 2\3rds of your constitutional rights within the ongoing tragic sham of a Homeland Patriot Act to somehow protect your old freedom’s (Snigger) from those who hated them…

They’re the same Machiavellian Masonic folk who currently actively protect the underground pedophile dungeon culture network that was expanded in America after 1973 using looted Nazi gold Reaganomics junk bonds that a Prussian owned Masonic controlled US Fed financed Adolf Hitler to somewhat brutally steal from Europe so Um, yeah, they may play a big game of uproar by claiming I’m attacking your religion but I’ve never once attacked New York on before or ever since the Sept 11 thing like they did, and I’m not currently planning to either…

But I’d personally known a man who did plan such ventures…

An explanation will be at the end of the post, read on reader…

So even tho it is true I’m not big on believing in angry invisible Abrahamic sky daddies with a Lucifer excuse any more than I’d believe the Masonic Lodge cabal with their Sept 11 Muslim terror lie, I’m not really a real and present danger to the safety and security of anything other than bullshit, most probably theirs…

Long story short, defending religion still are they?

A pretty weird belief if you get into the reality...

Like when two jets knock 3 skyscrapers down…

And here’s the only thing they truly fear America…

They fear WethePeople armed with a lawful treason amnesty…

Soon as you learn to deal with We the Masonic Lodge maybe…


Pretty weird perspectives so allow me to elaborate a little bit…

Accurate political history is rarely if ever taught in your schools…

With regard to that graphic immediately above I’d like to tell you a strange story about the real ending of World War Two that isn’t taught in your schools, any who try to will either be dismissed, go mad, get fired and foreclosed, commit suicide, go to jail for 20 years to life on some Trumped (sic) up charge, or else get shot in a postal shooting or stabbed run over blown up get cancer or otherwise get some sort of fatal condition that results in them becoming soundly dead, all done in such a way as those who did the deed will not ever be held guilty of nothing…

Thus knowing that, once (If) you read this then maybe you’ll learn that graphic is meant to convey one small part of something much larger that I’d been told about the real ending of World War Two, that’s after you dismiss Mussolini and Hitler both faking their deaths as well as Hiroshima and Nagasaki being firebombed and not nuked as the official story maintains along with Rudolph Hess spending no more than a few months in Spandau prison after the war having already pulling a dummy nuke trick in London on behalf of his fellow Prussian descent Knights of Malta Freemason’s on all of the lower order Mason’s there, that was a few weeks before the fake Scotland crash landing cover story, a lobotomized cousin of his spending a lonely time there up until the last few months of his life…

For the record Towers and Bldg 7 was the Hutchinson effect…

Anyway as for that graphic immediately above about 3 weeks before a Prussian descent Masonic Lodge member called Harry Truman ascended to the American throne Captain Erich Topp under the personal command of Mussolini sailed a dummy nuke up into Manhattan after which the Knight of Malta Mason’s of Europe then issued their cold demands for peace to the Knight of Malta Mason’s of Washington, or so it seemed, but it had all been set up well before the war had even started, probably back well before 1933 when the US Fed first financed Adolf Hitler to loot Europe’s gold for them ~ That fake nuke in New York was how the higher level Freemason’s of America sold their treasonous grand design to those who thought they knew the real score, said treason including the Korean War US Military abduction treason sold to lower order members as being necessary on various grounds not the least being if they didn’t all obey then the Nazi’s would explode their fcuking bomb in New York ~ All that time the looted European gold was safely sitting in Crimea under the protection of Joe Stalin and Khrushchev and Brezhnev or whatever with the rest of it safely ensconced in Switzerland waiting for what eventually became the (Illegal) 1973 Chinese (Nazi) gold loan however before that happened, a German born son of Prescott helped Odessa steal a US Air Force hydrogen bomb in the late 50’s using his brother’s US Air Force identity which a young Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney then eventually helped a very undead Adolph Eichmann place under congress before Kennedy’s death was faked to throw greater America into political confusion ~ All that time high ranking Odessa German (Prussian) Freemason’s and high level American born German (Prussian) descent Mason’s used that US Air Force hydrogen bomb that the eventual illegal German born 41 stole as the ultimate nuclear blackmail threat as in do as we say or we’ll blow Washington DC up and simply leave a large ghost-ridden haunted amoral cesspit behind, but guess what suckers…

Congress’s nuke was a dummy too, you moronic fools you…

Long as you believe them they’ll tell you I’m a dummy too…

Somebody certainly is dumb, either me or mainland America

Lemme know if you get the Confederate\Union pun America…

That’s the illegal president that stole the US Air Force nuke…


3:00 AM AEST June 20
Minor ed’s by 4:30 AM


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