The scourge of the dark money…

lithium-trillions-bw LARGE Red BorderHectares of Afghan opium LYING BASTARDS

The phrase “Dark money” was originally coined by professional psychologists in the Central Intelligence Agency to protect their master’s business, the bad guys using said dark money to both pervert and corrupt the republic used the phrase as an effective way of stopping all of the average people from thinking about it too much, put a tag on it people get used to hearing and they often cease to use their curiosity or disbelief to doubt the veracity of those governing them, like what’s going on now with the phrase “Opiate epidemic” which the criminal pawns in congress throw around so often and so dishonestly lately, always reinforcing the lie that more people are dying from artificial Chinese opiates than are dying from the Afghan grown opium they’re processing into heroin in Mexico…

The professional criminals using the dark money from the 70’s which also included Israeli Aid laundered and sent to Iran to finance illegitimate German descent Hezbollah as well as bribe congress before the Nazi gold cash became available in 1973 were those often illegitimate Prussian descent Mason’s sending Golden Triangle heroin stateside in Air America planes flying in at 30,000 feet, then ditto the cocaine at the same time they began bringing industrial amounts of cocaine in via the same route, at 30,000 feet that is, as well as the money that was created using Europe’s looted Odessa Nazi gold and then all the corporate raiders that financed were then technically semi legally stealing America’s assets because congress was passing every law required of them and righteous Ronnie Raygun was signing every piece of paper that they and his illegitimate half brother the German born illegal future 41st president was placing in front of him…

Admit it America, they played you all for fools all along…

And Um, in 1933 your US Fed financed it with your money…

Iceberg real US Fed debt 600 BETTER

Here’s another good link (Link) on dark money…

But look, it’s not all bad, singing is still free…

You can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant, You can
get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant, Walk right in it’s
round the back, Just a half a mile from the railroad track,
You can get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant…

And another chorus, Yippee Kiyay mother’s…

While America slept THICKER BORDER

You can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant, You can
get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant, Walk right in, round
the back, Just another Prussian-Lodge false-flag attack,
You can get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant…
Including 2\3rds of the US Constitution too…

You’re not real smart most days of the week are you Yank’s…


Perhaps a subtle hint will get you around their hypocrisy?

redneck-comedian-patriot act allegation 600Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600redneck-comedian-patriot act allegation 600bush 41 bnd ~ next question please 600redneck-comedian-patriot act allegation 600

6:30 AM AESDST Feb 08

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