Well then, go to hell hypocrite…

Pedo dungeon grand jury hashtag

How the hell do you face yourself America?

I’ve a personal interest in the subject of institutionalised pedophilia, especially pedophilia of the type that is run and protected by employees of the government, employees of any government, and also an interest in due process, lawful due process, an interest in lawful due process that springs from the perspective of having been raped tortured sexually abused and literally anally prostituted throughout my entire childhood from the age of four thru to 18 years old and thus effectively denied lawful due process in that those who did the deed then moved on to hold the highest positions in the White House and Pentagon…

This occurred in a ‘CIA’ run pedophile snuff movie political blackmail brothel in the Australian city I’d grown up in, one where in addition to the drugging physical torture brainwashing and psychological torture I’d also seen 20 child murders of obviously innocent Australian children by the age of 13 years, 14 of them outright ritual Jewish kabbalah torture murders, the 15th was extreme torture via rape with a razor spiked penis extender followed by her being shot along with her younger brother and sister ~ (Beaumont’s)…

Come the time for my time in court to give my evidence during the hypocritical Church Committee hearings America held the only due process I’d received from America, which happens to be the land of my birth by the way despite whatever the institutionalised Masonic corruption claims, was more rape drugging and torture by the same Central Intelligence Agency as did the evil deeds in the first place followed by more murders in front of me accompanied by threats of even more to come after that, specifically to people I’d loved if the boat got rocked by me complaining ~ On the basis of that short overview perhaps some people other than American’s would understand why I’ve rightly concluded that America’s national soul will likely go to eternal hell, and it’ll go to hell for it’s hypocrisy, and you could rightly expect Australia to go to hell with them…

Enjoy your hypocrisy America, it’s all you got…

Trump Davos FP BUYING-IT0003000 Masonic manipulations Nazi gold0004000 Masonic manipulations US Fed funding Nazi's0005000 Masonic manipulations US FedCIA Muslim Mason Nazi Dollar terrorMuslim Cessna Pilot


Your Sept 11 attacks were run by Drump’s backers America…

0001000 Waa-Haa-Haa monkey's FP0003000 Kennedy truth0006000 Obama Cyber SecurityPedo dungeon grand jury hashtag


This man immediately below raped me 3 times in 1970…

Bush 41 victim reality sux

He performed 2 of the ritual torture murders in front of me in 1969 often mentioned elsewhere and in addition he also shot a 10 y\o Catholic girl dead in front of me in in cold blood in 1964 ~ Later that became the fatal-hook for their blackmail of Don Rumsfeld because they had him on film screwing her prior to her disappearance, threatening to show his mother film of it was their leverage to gain total control of him ~ As some of you might remember a mere  37 years later Don Rumsfeld was a central player in the greatest act of treason ever committed on America and it all came from that one girl’s death, also it was all controlled by this secretly Jewish descent German Freemason pictured below in the Odessa pictures and named as Prince William’s biological sire, an event which occurred due to Mengele’s skills long after the Israeli Mason’s helped him fake his death in an Israeli jail ~ By the way, in context, in the overall context of the enormity of the Masonic conspiracy German Zionists are using to take over all parts of the world, not just America, don’t forget ‘BND-Scherrf-41’ pictured above stole a US Air Force nuke using his brother’s Air Force persona in the late 1950’s and then Rumsfeld and Cheney helped a very undead Adolph Eichmann place it under the US Congress via the old Masonic tunnels there…

Without using too many adjectives is it possible to pretend patriot’s of America can’t see why, without a 100% treason amnesty to restore truth in America, America might not just be doomed to it’s next false flag, it might easily wind up eternally damned as the world’s biggest hypocrites…

Odessa ~ Eichmann's father (2)


Australia’s Germanic pedophile empire and police protection…

There’s two main reason’s why this statutory declaration below was never acted upon by the police forces of Victoria where the boy known as Jaiden Leske was abducted from, and by the Australian Capital Territory police where the boy was eventually murdered around 6 weeks after his abduction, and both concern German’s, to be more precise German’s who illegitimately descend mostly from World War Two Odessa Nazis in the case of those in each police force protecting the culprits in the Leske murder, include the ex Victorian Police Commissioner Simon Overland in that bag of eugenic Nazi pawns ~ As well as committing similar crimes Australia’s 2nd generation offspring of World War Two Nazi’s are like a cancer rotting the heart of this once reasonably honest Antediluvian shithole called Australia, the second connection is the Central Intelligence employee Erich Jennings who ran the Leske boy’s murder is also of German descent, the whole thing is run by German descent Zionist Masonic pigs under the overall control of those who pulled America’s Sept 2001 Coup…

Coroner Leskejaiden-leske-to-the-coroner CROPPED 1000Leske Officer Plod (2)

In simpler language, I-witnessed the boy’s death…

Also witnessed Australia’s German pigs fake Winchester’s death too…
Oh someone that looked like Winchester was definitely shot in Canberra…
Thing is, ‘IT WASN’T WINCHESTER’ ~ You’re hypocrite’s Australia, fakes…
Now like the blog title implies, just let your hypocrisy take you to hell…

Colin Winchester ~ Death faked 600

Still no private healthcare or lawyer?

Vids\graphics fair-use x fair-comment…
You got no shame left anymore Australia…
You neither Yanks, you’re bloody frauds…
Maybe hit this link to find out why…


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