Hard core ‘NDAA’ knockout’s…

Some people still like these sarcasm blogs, just because…

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Dubya Robertson knocked the Bill of Rights out…

‘Find those responsible and bring them to justice?’…

That was the reason given to the dumbest nation I’ve come across thus far for passing legislation proroguing 2\3rds of a constitution which they’d privately crow over as if it made them better than the Russian or Chinese people struggling under the imposition of communism under overall Bavarian (German) Illuminati Masonic control, or the British who pretended to run things under their colonial empire as little more than a condom for Bavarian Illuminati Mason’s…

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Dubya Robertson Huh? ~ Get a clue America…

Britain was one of the countries with a German monarch on the throne for 300 years American’s are told to pretend America was created in response to, one of the old countries free minded people fled from to help create the American ideal which then became the idea of an American republic, one of the founding father’s rather dryly commenting you’ll only have a republic if you can keep it…

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I’d heard a dumbass American (I’m Ohio born) who just for the sake of interest was literally the German-born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president (Think about it) say outright that America was better than Australia because it was a country based on the ideal of freedom, admittedly Australia was indeed created as a penal colony by the German’s who owned Great Britain…

It is true that average Australians could be kind of naive about some of the principles that freedom depends upon, men like my step father were dumb enough to vote for the party PM Bob Menzies fronted for every time an election was held because he was supposedly right wing when all he really was was just another illegitimate part German descent Masonic pedophile pig like the rest of them, yet in other ways the principle of freedom I’d been taught by that old World War Two step father exceeded the freedoms American’s think they have, often pretending they were the best people on earth yet failing to protect America’s children from America’s Masonic child sexual predators who pulled that ‘NDAA’ on the assumption that that’s the only way they could protect America from those who would do them harm, and yet it was their government that delivered a near fatal wound to the republic from which it can never fully recover even if the constitution was fully restored tomorrow, and here’s why…

Along with proroguing 2\3rds of said constitution they also passed a wide ranging piece of legislation called the National Defence Authorisation Act if memory serves me, basically giving the Bavarian Illuminati Freemasons who actually pulled the Sept 11 attack powers which Hitler didn’t fully get until he invaded Poland, people started being arrested and placed in black hole prisons without being charged with anything in the usual manner, lobotomized as if they were in Stalinist Russia but using the new focused microwave technology rather than surgery as such, again without a court hearing, or just executed on the street without judicial process or the media even reporting it…

Men and women already missing who are irreplaceable…

One of the things that devious piece of Machiavellian Masonic political theater of the absurd did was to allow the government to indefinitely detain or jail anyone without charge or anything in the way of a court hearing more than a military style panel of anonymous nobodies where they in many cases were not even told what they were accused of nor given an opportunity to hear the evidence against them let alone opportunity to refute the evidence, in effect giving a rubber stamp to whoever for whatever was asked for by the one’s seeking to restrain political activity, but that’s not all by any means, this piece of unconstitutional crap also gave them the outward framework of (Illegal) law allowed them to justify literally lobotomising or murdering outright any individual deemed a threat to state order, whether that execution was carried out in the street by a cop or from 1\4 of a mile away by an ex military sharpshooter type, much like Rumsfeld at the Ohio State University, ultimately giving America’s enemies control of a state that was once a constitutional republic but was now run by treasonous German descent Young Republican Masonic pigs strictly for power and greed along with quick loot and fast plunder, handing control of the entire political process over to a group of men who would literally morally soil the rope you hanged them with…

A word of wisdom, a word of warning about the future…

Here’s a shout-out to you often illegitimate x conceived in a laboratory elite German descent oligarchs of Russia, also to you often illegitimate x conceived in a laboratory elite German descent oligarchs of China, and your illegitimate x conceived in a laboratory hanger’s-on that have taken over those and other countries, even including the one I’m stuck in now, Australia…

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This is to all of you, also in part including the army of Schwammberger descent pimps pawns prostitutes and various poor boy’s of those two countries and others (Including MS-13) that Joseph Mengele created in the laboratory…

MS 13 Schwammberger Pompeo

Do any of the rest of you have a fcuking clue?

In line with what I’d promised both Russia and China back in the mid to latter 1970’s I’ll take this moment to restate that anything I’d choose to do to get even with any of you for the minuscule amount of harm you’ve done to me when you were trying to suck up to your superiors as if you were hard boys compared to the things your father’s did to the women in my life or at least those who should have been in my life, or the things the German descent Masonic dogs of Washington did to me myself over the decades, me getting even will nearly always consist of (Genuine) good things I’d initiated in my poor boy’s version of a somewhat mystical Machiavelli (sic) then deliberately left partially incomplete after positioning them to prevent anyone else being able to do so…

My reasons for that are my own, not always selfish…

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They’re playing nearly everyone for fools still…

I’m calling them sins of omission, for the most part things I’ve not done yet things I’d prepared for successful completion ~ For the sake of Russians and Chinese whom I’m occasionally mentioning within veiled warnings thru US Govt controlled electronic Orwellian abuses of my 4th Amendment, sharp yet veiled warnings I’m speaking to microphones in my own home due to your US Govt pretending I’m a national security threat or some such thing under their Patriot Act in a situation I’ve no lawyers to stop in other words, it seems rather obvious that if I’d had wanted to do anything good or achieve anything great in the world for the world’s little people while being denied resource and\or a free hand to act, or even denied lifespan in the case of droll slow-kill chemical contamination the half breed half German Odessa descent scumbags like the Schwammberger clan in this city have pulled in the last 3 years alone, then there’s literally going to be a shitload of stuff you didn’t know you needed for the future left undone from my particular perspective whether I’d wanted it that way or not, with nobody else capable of completing them and me not motivated to either…

To the Transhuman’s, same deal pretty-much…

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Ha, wasn’t all bad, wasn’t all good either…

“Do what you do do well boy” song says…

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Still protecting your pedo’s America?

FBI Cropped

Vids\graphics fair-use mostly…

Here’s a link to a similar subject…
Here’s a link to an even better one…
Your support was underwhelming…

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