Their big Luciferin Oligarchy…

Gee, what’s next Washington?

0001000 China-China-China American barbecue Face PAGE0002000 China-China-China Luciferin German internationalists0004000 China-China-China Mongolian barbecue0007010 Little boy lost #pedodungeingrandjury0006000 China-China-China Mongolian barbecue more recipesBohemian Grove (3)0008000 China-China-China Red Hot Chilli Peppers


The first comment, Ipad-friendly…

Everyone involved at elite levels of this long running highly Luciferin secret society criminal conspiracy against humanity itself as well as against the rights of it’s individuals, especially against it’s children or those semi sweet naive adults who still have the heart of a child like the Christ implied you should have guiding your mind in truth simplicity and divine altruism, want you to pretend you don’t know what’s really been going down ~ It’s not like they’re worried that you could stop it, they think you know you can’t, least that’s the message subtly fed to you 24\7 by them themselves, they like to think you’ve been conditioned not to genuinely care anymore, they don’t care either as long as their warped layers of unchallenged conspiratorial power can all just continue to grow and expand until the cancer they carry kills it’s host, that’s you you slow witted Neanderthals ~ Now if that doesn’t sound logical, tell me about it, don’t leave out the interesting bits like Cessna Pilot’s knocking down skyscrapers along with missing Iraqi and Libyan gold or the slow inevitable theft of trillions of dollars of Afghan Lithium because right there is the crux of the matter, you see it’s all about the safety and security of the American people or so they say, they’re fighting to protect your way of life, so they say ~ Your kids trapped in the underground pedo-dungeons got their grand jury yet Sergeant Schmidt, what about you Corporal Cuntface, your murdered buddies get the ‘VA’ grand juries yet did they, heads-up, everyone running this elite Luciferin conspiracy is of illegitimate part-German descent but it’s not Germany running it, you’ll need that treason amnesty soon or else 160 million coffins ~ Now tell me this is just a joke congress, if so, what’s the punchline you Luciferin mother-fcuker’s?

All vids\graphics x fair-use x fair-comment x wisdom and bile…
Hit this link here for the sociopolitical perspective, do something…
Could use a 1000 resources and 10,000 practical responses…

No Mr Hutz, no, look, I’ll call you Monday…

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