Piecing together pathetic facts…

bush #02 the fighter bomber pilot large

I’ve got a true story to tell you about two of Prescott’s sons…

The one in the featured graphic, and the German fly-boy…

This now vaguely well known Ohio-born troublemaker met both of them in the kiddie brothel the Central Intelligence Agency ran for Odessa in the Australian Nazi ratline city of Adelaide, it was a kiddie brothel where children were pimped to morons like Rumsfeld who were too dumb to know they were all being filmed, later they’d be blackmailed to work for Odessa, sometimes the Agency would be their handler but it was always Odessa they’d end up working for…

I’ve covered various interactions with both of those sons of Prescott in other blogs so here I’m going to try to concentrate on what they told me of the Kennedy fiasco and don’t kid yourselves, although only six years old at the time I’d already gained a depth of character and moral intellect along with a wealth of knowledge by then, truth is I’d been a bright somewhat devious little operator who’d been radicalized at the age of 5 years old when a Russian born Prussian\German fool made the mistake of mocking me over the torture murders of my birth mother and twin sister after already torturing me himself, seems that was just my lot in life thanks to the Luciferin Prussian Masonic circles I’d been born into…

But I’d never signed-up to submit to stupid along the way…


Now here’s what each told me of the Kennedy thing…

One of them, I’m presuming it would have been the gay Yale Baseball player who was the real American born George Herbert Walker Bush, he was the one with a legal birth certificate that rightly stated he was George Herbert Walker Bush, well he told me the president was dead shortly after one of their intensive drug based torture\Brain-washing sessions on me, according to him the president had been conned into going down into the old Masonic tunnels under congress to inspect a stolen US Air Force nuke placed there by Adolph Eichmann with the unwitting help of Donald Rumsfeld and the foreknowledge of Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld helping them get it past his old Army buddy guarding the entrance to the tunnel and Cheney in the detail with Eichmann ~ Once down there the president, or at least one of the men playing the role of the president, the man pictured in the video immediately below here talking to Bobby and others, try to remember it was the Prussian controlled Treasury Dept who controlled the Secret Service detail that was supposedly protecting the president, anyway once there he was bound, had a rough Tracheotomy performed on him, then was throat-rape gang banged by as many as 100 of the top post World War Two Nazi’s like Odessa and their Knight of Malta buddies, at the end while one of them was throat raping him the tube was squeezed shut and the man was asphyxiated with a fascist Prussian penis down his throat, not a pleasant story but them’s the facts Maam…

If you don’t even know where you’ve truly been America…

Then you won’t know where you’re really going will you…

About a week or so later either him or his German-born half brother who used the same name while working for the Agency, one of them informed this bright little 6 y\o that the stink from that evil deed was rising fast so the (Real) powers that be decided to stage the Dealy Plaza assassination with one of the president’s Secret Service identity doubles, the one screwing Jackie Kennedy to be precise, quite ribald stuff for a 6 y\o however try to remember that by then I’d been getting fcuked in the ass and\or prostituted drugged tortured and brainwashed any time they got their hands on me so the sex life of the president’s wife was pretty small bickies overall, he simply stating this lookalike was to be executed to take all the heat off of Odessa and place it on the Russian’s via some stooge they had handy, obviously Lee Harvey Oswald,, and guess what, Don Rumsfeld really WAS the Grassy Knoll shooter but that wasn’t the president in the Limo…

You’ll excuse me if I’m lacking precise instant recall on all of the minutiae of which one of those two said precisely what, it was after all 55 years ago and I’m still carrying the expected after effects of a severe Stalinist style lobotomy where some Nigger American brain surgeon literally slowly forced a hollow tube up my nose while I’d been sedated with a muscle relaxant but without any anesthetic prior to the Sept 11 farce and then used a glass fiber laser to cauterize 90% of the frontal lobe blood supply meaning instant recall is beyond my still well trained ability yet with a couple months focus, I’d still be able to call up the memories and be much more specific if you’ve a good reason to dare me to…

Anyway that said after all that along comes either the real gay baseball player Bush or his German-born Prescott son half brother #02 who flew fighter bombers for the US Air Force in the name of the gay Yale baseball player son of Prescott, and he informs me that neither one was really John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the whole god damn exercise was a head-fcuk performed on America by it’s Prussian descent Knight of Malta Masonic elite to basically politically disempower via confusion prior to the Gulf of Tonkin North Vietnam Navy attacking the largest naval force in the world at the time which then justified ripping the guts out of the youth of American in the Vietnam War while also abducting many South Vietnamese as slave labor under the Operation Phoenix cover story and also having American born US Special Forces abducting US Military as slave labor overseers for the abducted South East Asian slave labor bunker building workers who built that Dulce Oklahoma Tri-state bunker system for Odessa at the US Taxpayer’s expense, you’d better sort your shit out soon you young guns…

Neither of those two above was your 41st president…

german bush bbd church committee large rounded border

You’re living a lie America, you’re literally living a lie…

Now you’ve got other identity-swap head-fcuk’s in play…

And you’ve got frauds and fakes treating you like babies…

That was a lawyer or a mortician thanks Washington…

Redneck comedian 600 WITNESS to 41's child murders

8:00 AM AESDST Jan 04

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