My Supreme Court decision…

One more cup of coffee?

Just tried an imaginary Supreme Court appeal in my head, a sentence of death by decapitation 40 miles off the continental shelf for running a pedophile dungeon was given by an imaginary lower court judge, myself and eight other imaginary Supreme Court justices were asked to hear an appeal against the sentence being carried out, in the time it took to silently fart the appeal was denied…

It is the somber judgement of this imaginary court that the decision of a lower court always be followed, every time you catch a circle of those lowlife bastards that supplies kids to the likes of the Illuminati’s Bohemian Grove and 100 other places like that across America you shall take those pieces of shit 40 miles off the continental shelf, give them one last cigarette but no light, then decapitate them, wrap their bodies in 100 lbs of chain, and throw them all into the deep…

After you have washed your hands and done whatever other ablutions you shall need to do you shall pray to the god of children as you share a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee with their worthless head’s, motoring a further 5 miles out to dump said heads to see if they can find their way back to their worthless bodies…


Sarcasm Huh?

Sure, this is only my sarcasm blog, that means it’s just sarcasm…
Sure, Islamic Cessna Pilot’s, New York skyscrapers, Stars-N-Stripes…
Sure, leave Young Republican pedo-networks alone, they all contribute…
After all it’s all been working out just fine since Reagan hasn’t it now..
It’s all good, America is about to become great again, sure thing…

miss-the-bus-kid-pedo-dungeon god bless America Nov 6 ~ 600

Yeah, just sarcasm…

All vids\blogs fair-use x fair-comment pretty much…
Here’s a link (Link) to another slightly less sarcastic blog…
Know what? ~ Your Jesus must be a real jerk-off America…
Definitely isn’t the one I’d read in Mathew and John…

Mathew 25 40 child BW 490

Oh you get it alright…

You get it…

nov-6th--pedodungeongrandjury 200

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