Free hidden-history picture book?

Spock schadenfreude Captain Numbnutz Slightly slanted bubble

A sarcastic look at logic in Prussian-America, basically the lack of it…

Star Trek radical Islamic Klingon's 640

Plus the humanities of a very uncommon common-man…

Another (True) story from a very interesting childhood…

An overview of things I’d been told by age 10 yrs…

According to what I’d been told by those in the loop of everything, the common man will rarely if ever be enlightened over the things those governing us like to claim would literally be too harsh a reality for our poor feeble minds to absorb or so they constantly claimed at the time, although seeing as I’d sucked it all up by age 10 years at the same time I’d endured being tortured prostituted terrorized and brainwashed with the best drug\torture based MK Ultra mind programming the United States of Prussia had then it’s a very troubling world indeed if a boy can soak it all up while creating a viable real world intellectual and spiritual take on things under such serious physical spiritual emotional and intellectual abuse but grown men and adult women would supposedly not be able to cope?

What was presented to me as being hidden from the average common man from 1962 thru to 1967 was a warped reality that does not in the least correlate with either the standard political perspective of any of the superpowers because of one crucial factoid that I’d learnt by age 5 years that of itself alone made a mockery of everything that America was told that America stood for from the 2nd World War all thru the Cold War and the United Nations Korean conflict and the emerging South East Asian War’s undertaken by France in Vietnam and Britain in Malaysia and then later by America in her Vietnam Cambodian colonialism, said factoid being that the same bloodline clan of secret society Masonic Knight of Malta Prussian part descent oligarchs technocrats corporate biggies politicians media presenters and religious leaders were in control of everything, running both sides of everything all of the way thru, the ‘KGB’ and the ‘CIA’ and the Australia ‘ASIO’ and the British ‘MI5’ thing all under the control of the same group of secret society Luciferin initiates of often illegitimate Prussian bloodline…

Looky here Oz, you’re all balls deep in it too…

Prince Phillip Menzies Johnson 560Turnbull Roosevelt 560

Any-waaay, just highlighting deeper realities…

When it comes to religion neither were any of the fruity religions of the world including the accepted American version of televised Christianity or the Book of Mormon or the old school Bible or even the equally fictional Harry Potter series any closer to reality in any true sense, in religion at least in this writer’s opinion the closest any perspective ever came to being truthful about things was either the ancestor worship in some of the older Buddhist or Confucian concepts…

In the physical world as distinct from a philosophical spiritual or occultist world view some of those old Science Fiction B Movies from Hollywood from the mid 1960’s were a damn site more realistic in some things I’ll try to get too later in this post without writing a prequel to a new War and Peace chapter, so things in the world of science weren’t anymore clear lucid or honest, especially once you factor in quantum physics disciplines and understand (Grasp) with certainty that nukes were totally 100% fake until at least 1972 at the earliest yet also grasp the fact that while the gold bullion of Europe successfully looted by victorious Third Reich Prussian’s the US Fed financed in 1933 was safely held in Switzerland and also guarded by their Prussian cousin Joe Stalin at Odessa in Ukraine as well as in a large underground bunker in Crimea built with slave labor when the Communist East and Capitalist West were supposedly at each other’s throats in the Cold War, and that’s a hell of a lot of real world cooperation between regimes said to be at odds with each other in case you’ve no droll sense of the bleeding obvious…

Nazi’s already made a successful albeit fatal first moon landing
attempt in 1951 using suppressed Nazi Foo Fighter technology…

Then the Fed borrowed that gold in 73 for Reaganomics…

Here’s some guy I-don’t want to argue with explaining it…


That’s a quick political overview, now the heavy stuff…

Obviously those structures in that video were built with some pretty high tech machinery, what they’ve done is almost beyond our capacity even now without taking in things like the 3000 ton quarried stones in Russia or the bigger one’s in China or merely the 900 to 1200 ton stones at Baalbek which were set (Snicker) in the foundations of the Roman temple placed there on top of the ruins of a much much older previous civilization that was way too high tech to fit the traditional supposedly accurate historical timeline on man’s upward curve from Caveman to computer chip and then by logical progression into a rational awareness based on truly logical philosophies and on science which wasn’t obliged to come up with erroneous idiotic precepts which needed to fit in with whatever big lie a previous generation of devious mass deceivers had mischievously supported, pretty much encapsulating the devious lying crap we were taught in school basically…

In my own case at the very same time we were being deliberately taught deceptive erroneous prehistorical crap in primary school some very interesting assholes in the United States Central Intelligence Agency were educating me in real world science and real world politics and real world prehistory any time they weren’t pimping my pretty young bottom for their Odessa Knight of Malta master’s…

The reality I’d been taught of Caveman x Ice Age x Stone Age x Bronze Age x Iron Age and then our wonderfully deluded industrial age which was soon followed by the suppression of Nicola Tesla’s idea of harvesting electrical power from earth’s magnetic field and then the so called atomic bomb age was a total pile of crap as is just about everything else our modern media preachers daily harangue us with in our post Masonic Sept 11 Coup D’Atta constant-crisis pseudo-politique…

But before the really-really heavy stuff, a very silly pun…

No particular reason, just like making pun’s sometimes…

And is THAT a pun you ask? ~ Well, what do you think?

Here’s a lead-in to your own thought-starter’s maybe…

With the story I’d been given stating that old Conehead’s had created us as both food and slaves, large brained hominid beings that were still ruling us from deep underground in Switzerland and some said deep underground in Antarctica too, then the world truly was a much darker weirder stranger place than American comedian and part time journalist Ed Murrow had ever dared to hint at…

Not just that, it was also said we weren’t alone in the solar system tho I’d been told we’d soon wish we were once we understood that human’s were basically at the bottom of the food chain so to speak and the bible’s prediction in the Book of Revelation 19:18 was kind of literal in the sense that it was literal, and had also been told humanity had been classed as a failed experiment and was soon to be replaced by (Presumably) something which asked less questions and was more obedient and self sacrificing, in other words I’d been informed there were plans afoot by Prussian descent Masonic elite to commit genocide on around two billion people in World War Three and genocide on around another 3-4 billion in World War Four as industrial capacity (And thus the ability to resist) was wiped off the face of the earth leaving only high tech industrial capacity hidden in the world’s deep underground military bunker system our taxes paid for for well over 100 years already, with a newer more efficient obedient and obviously more fascist species to take our place and that’s not all, I’d also been told that the biblical prophecies were in fact a Satanic plan rather than a godly prediction…

Oh it gets better, taught all this by age 10 years too…

That’s not even the really (Really) bad news yet folks…

The really bad news is Washington is lying to you still…

Islam didn’t attack you on Sept 11 you frickin’ idiots…

And the egg came first, followed soon after by the chicken…

What? ~ Whaat? ~ What-tha-flack did I-do wrong now?

PS: Could’ve told you about Mengele’s transhuman work…

Was only 6 years old when I’d first heard he was successfully combining human and animal ‘DNA’ and was working on reconstituting Conehead’s so they’d be able to breed again as well as combining Conehead and reptile to make better soldiers who would show no fear when sent into battle, maybe because they didn’t have enough bloody brains to do so although that’s yet to be seen as to what it’ll turn out to be, as in they exist already but are yet to be tested, all part of humanity’s intended downfall in quite some detail, so wow, your illegal German born 41st president’s (Literal) twin brother, what a teacher, a man who should’ve (Literally) taught ancient history biology physics and black op psychology at Yale University or else been awarded a purple heart posthumously after crash landing in the Pacific on an extremely sharp piece of coral right up his Bavarian butt hole instead of bothering a sweet little Ohio born monster like meee, both him and 41 used their American born half brother’s name and identity while working for her Bavarian Illuminati Majesty’s company known to the great unwashed masses as the Central Intelligence Agency, what a piece of work, what an asshole…

This is him here, it’s not the 41st president America…

So get a fcuking clue before this goes down maybe?

Confused yet? ~ Better start here, at the beginning…

Do this first tho or you’ll fail, you’re cursed…

11:11 PM AEST Oct 24


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