Be 160 million in the first week…

That’s just 160 million dead in America, it’ll be 2 billion dead world wide…

Anyway here’s the basics you’re being lied to about in that area…

All part of a German master plan, gotta get along to get ahead…


That’s if being part of billions of murders is your thing…


That’s not sarcasm above, it’s dead serious, this is sarcasm below…
Remember the blogs motto as you read thru the unusual perspectives…
“The best sarcasm has the most truth” ~ And it fcuking does too…

0001000 BANG FP0002000 Fartstein Gubelmeyer SchwammbergerJones and Shroyer ~ The FartsteinsADDO 21 trillion missingThief-in-nite-feat 21 Trillion missing0004000 BANG FP

Don’t get distracted America, you’re not the good guys anymore…

Seriously, you never were, you’re the idiots, the liars, the fools…

Atta Schwammberger passport 500


Okaaay, “Fartstein-Gubelmeyer\Schwammberger”…
That’s a little bit obtuse isn’t it, for those who never knew…
Here’s the Fartstein’s father, SS Josef Schwammberger…

josef-schwammberger 560

Alex Fartstein-Gubelmeyer\Schwammberger again below…

Alex Jones 560

1\2 brother Mike Fartstein-Gubelmeyer\Schwammberger…

Pompeo Fartstein 560 BW

Finally, Gina Fartstein-Gubelmeyer\Schwammberger…

Haspel BW 560

And Judge Fartstein\Gubelmeyer\Schwammberger\Jones…
You can call him Farty if you know him well enough maybe…
Gee what an exciting time to be an American patriot…

Kavanaugh Brett Head shot BW 560

So Umm, you don’t get it do you? ~ It’s not a joke…


Running oughta places to hide yet Yankee Doodle?

Being an astute student of human psychology from my very early childhood due to my need to get into the heads of those German’s in ‘CIA’ who abused me and other kids in the pedo dungeon x ritual murder circle they ran, ran both for the sick occultist side of it as well as for the political blackmail they always pursued, studying the wall of pathetic lies coming from deep within their hearts and minds while they were attempting to justify the pedophilia with little boys and girls as well as the murders of little boys and girls including 14 literal ritual torture murders performed not more than 10 feet away from me with 9 of those mere babes in arms, I’d started to see the flaws in their armor or to be more precise the mental mask they hid themselves behind ~ Now I’m seeing the same flaws in America 24\7 as it’s rulers, promoted by the same men who did the murders by the way,  seek to justify the unjustifiable and implement the unthinkable while they keep a nation of fools distracted ~ America, you’re lying for them on cue damn near 24\7 all of the time now, apparently with never a moment where you honestly go back and admit “Well yes, we’ve been stupid fools, lying thoughtless stupid fools, we knew better but didn’t do better” ~ That’s not all though, not only have you been lying thoughtless stupid fools who knew better but didn’t act on what you knew, you’re also losing it just like they used to do after their evil’s were completed too, both in the present and the future, you’re losing it…

All vids\graphics used with fair-use x fair-comment…
Here’s a link to a sometimes sharper sociopolitical blog…
Still no practical support? ~ You’re idiots aren’t you…

American Nazi treason amnesty 490

Better get the amnesty or lose your nation, idiot’s…


Get a pedo-dungeon grand jury or lose your souls…

Nov 6th #pedodungeongrandjury 364

Re-Edit 11:43 AM AEST Sept 05


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