Guilty of crimes against sublimity?

GOLD 760 Trump Ukraine comedian and mother

So what’s this all about the careworn Yankee Doodle asks?


Might be about treason, or hypocrisy, or just whoredom…

I’m waiting for precise allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

4th Amendment BLACK BEST dancing computer screenBill of rights 5th Amendment

Come-on the rest of you, I’m a witness, not a perpetrator…

BETTER bush-41-bnd-next-question-please-broader-border

America’s 41st a German-born BND agent you daft wallies…

Bush's, heaps of Bush's ORIGINAL 02 + 03 and Heston 600 OPTIMISED

He gave you the September 11 Coup via his stepson…

Stop bullshitting, the Sept 11 Coup proved everything…

It’s all getting to be pretty obvious again isn’t it?


Stop right here folks, there’s nothing to see here…

These blogs have always advocated full disclosure and exposure of past crimes committed by the United States Govt and those who own it which obviously isn’t the US citizen and never was, to that end these blogs have also advocated grand juries into the underground pedo dungeons that 41 set up to deconstruct the US political system via the destruction of it’s morality by hypocrisy and the control of its political processes via political blackmail along with corrupt money…

These blogs have always advocated a 100% treason amnesty simply in return for telling 100% of the truth to a grand jury investigating everything from Kennedy’s faked assassination in Dealy Plaza using Otto (Werner) Von Braun’s illegitimate half brother as the lookalike fall guy in the Limo all of the way down to the Sept 11 coup and the Patriot Act farce as well as the current illegal lookalike president who was probably born in Ukraine of all places, but, apart from that there’s really nothing new here, simply minutiae of the near 6 decades of fascist destruction I’ve watched America’s secretly German descent Freemason’s perform on the world as well as commit in my own life, mostly using taxpayer resource…


Old human-rights stuff repeated again below, again…

Young Robby Malcontent x robby-old-malcontent 600

Both my step-parents had often explained to me that the boy my step mother gave birth to in the Broken Hill hospital had been literally abducted and I’d been put there in his place ~ Not something I’d liked hearing and not something you’d joke to a kid about period, certainly not the same joke repeated over and over for my entire childhood without a punchline, my step father later telling me the boy she gave birth to was dead, murdered, but not to tell my step mother about it…

After learning birth-mom and baby-sister were dead…

They were murdered in Ohio on the day of my birth…

EICHMANN and fake 600

There’s their killer there, and you financed it America…

Merely for the sake of Washington’s professional political liar’s and their amoral spin doctor political media’s I’m often obliged to remind the rest of you there in what Washington says is the greatest nation the world has ever seen (sic) that as a sex slaved traded Ohio-born baby boy who was taken to Australia within weeks of the murder of my birth mother and my baby sister on the day of our birth the first time I’m able to clearly remember hearing men with American accents talk was late at night in the children’s ward of the Broken Hill hospital where I’d just been hospitalized for hepatitis tho I’d eventually found out it wasn’t hepatitis, it was a deliberate chemical contamination of the skim milk formula my stepmother was feeding me ~ Late at night they were torturing me while the German night sister Lois Menzel was conveniently looking the other way, literally preconditioning me for MK Ultra stuff your Central Intelligence Agency pulled on me hard core from the tender age of four years right on throughout my entire heavily abused serially prostituted and terrorized childhood and early adult life, the most recent event in 2004 for those with a need to know ~ Of course I’d have told my stepmother what they were doing except for two things, they threatened me they’d hurt her and it was all before I’d even been able to put words into sentences anyway, a fcuking toddler in other words, yet the Govt of the greatest nation in the world still says I’m some sort of imminent danger to the safety and security of America?

No doubt, however not for the reasons they’d claim…

I’m waiting for precise allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

Same request I’ve made in each post for months…


Washington\Canberra don’t reveal anything, they lie on cue…

Skip the Beaumont story out of respect for Aussie cocksuckers…

Again a sad but true story I’ve written about before, in 1964 I’d been introduced to a Catholic girl called Monika that America’s future Sept 11 Defense Secretary was literally screwing any time he was in town on unofficial company business as an enforcer doing what they called wet work back then, or just for the Odessa…

There was no line between the two, they’re one and the same…

Monika was a stunningly beautiful very moody dark haired 10 y\o Catholic schoolgirl who lived right on the north east corner of the intersection of North East Road and Hampstead Road Hampstead Gardens in an old red brick gothic style mini-mansion type of house with huge verandahs and flooded cellars too, situated on a sloping block, she did indeed capture my total attention to the point where we began to be friends ~ One particular week Rumsfeld had told me to tell the future 41 or Bush #03 as I’d secretly labeled him that I’d not do what he told me to which was to tell two different strangers the exact opposite thing…

Basically trying to train (Condition) me into blind obedience…

It’s the way these malicious fascist bastards of yours rolled…

I’d labeled him Bush #03 due to him being the third son of Prescott working for the Central Intelligence Agency that I’d met by that time who was using the name George Herbert Walker but by the by Rumsfeld told me to refuse to do what he’d said which was to tell some Arab guy they were going to have me talk to to push the Jews into the sea and they’d win while telling some Jew they were also going to have talk to me to fight to the last drop of Palestinian blood, they win too…

In response to my disobedience, the future 41 shot the girl dead in front of me in cold blood without warning about 8 feet away just as she entered the room eyes fixed on me and smiling, an act of terror in any honest man’s perspective…

Couple days later when nobody was arrested I’d literally gone feral with a 220 IQ for around 15 years but again that’s by the by for this point, shortly thereafter the future 41st got me to agree to say whatever I’d be told to say after threatening to do the same to my step mother as he did to young Monika ~ As a test he wanted me to say really stupid stuff he made up to my step family, when I’d asked how he’d know if I’d said it he stated there were microphones in the family home…

Short story long I’d done as I’d been told not wanting to risk my step mother’s life and got some really weird responses for the stupid shit I’d said but didn’t leave it there, over the following two years I’d did a couple tests myself designed vto see if there really were microphones there which resulted in two specific acts of torture on me as punishment over the things I’d said about those creeps in my own step family home, this was also while the Central Intelligence Agency had first Don Rumsfeld and then Cheney and the fake Kerry torture nine Aboriginal babies to death in front of me in between 1964 and 1967 ~ Ignoring the prostitution and constant torture by employees of the US Govt on an abducted Ohio born child by the govt of the greatest nation in the world as the greatest nation in the world itself has always done, ignore it that is, that low cnut act with the microphones was a blatant 4th Amendment abuse which has now gone on for 5 1\2 decades straight to this very day and to me it proves one thing and one thing only…

Here’s a comment that I’m hoping you’ll find subtle…

I’ve written elsewhere in some minor depth about how the old Luciferian Prusso\Aryan Masonic machine stole Russia’s gold and used it to give them feudal subjugation via the convoluted politics of fake socialism in communism and how they also did the same thing to China, stole their gold and used that to give them communism too, now then if you’d care to notice they also eventually gave both of them capitalism but it’s the sort of feudal fascist capitalism that leaves them with no more real rights than they had beforehand, I’ve often described Chinese as imbeciles and Russians as fools and, sure, I’m an old man now, if you beat me up enough you might get me to retract that bit about Russia and China being bloody imbeciles and fools, but I’ll still be thinking it because you are…

Speaking of sublimity 41 sure did a number on China…

BEST Falun_Gong_Logo Good faith honor justice balance adjusted 600

Did it for his Prusso\Aryan Masonic-role via Falun Gong…

Built them up to weaken China by tearing them down…

So any-waaay, I’m still waiting for the honest American…

Still waiting for precise allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

And no-doubt Washington is still calling me a liar?


10:10 PM AESDT Oct 20th
Few minor edits by 10:40
More eds round 1:00 AM


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