The write to hear an accuser..

The accusations made against my law-abiding civil and\or spiritual and moral character made by the demonstrably incompetent moral bankrupts in the US Congress are many, thus far my opportunities to hear and answer their accusations or allegations are few, to be precise, zero, the number of times they’ve accused me of causing trouble too numerous to count ~ It’s absurd in a way, my step parents, especially my one time Justice of the Peace two tour World War Two veteran (Sargent) step father told me often never to break the law seeking any type of revenge, they also schooled me well in civil attitudes to any whose path I’d cross, both the good and the bad, the big and the small, the weak and the strong, to whit even if dealing with a total fraud or a flake or a floozie or an aggressive fool or in the case of America’s politicians all of the above ~ It was simple, if possible I’m to diplomatically laugh in their face and then walk away, leave them to their spiteful malice and illusory delusions unless something pertinent to true freedom or real integrity would be harmed by such a response…

Seems as tho we’re at that point now, for over 11 years I’ve offered to take a loan for lawyers to deal with the trouble these Masonic fools have caused me so as to walk away, to walk away from the stupid frauds flakes or political floozie’s and aggressive anally retentive fools who’ve morally and spiritually bankrupted America and much of the rest of the world since Kennedy’s murder, the Beaumont murders, Australian PM Harold Holt’s murder, plus in America’s case bankrupted them financially ~ If not a loan for lawyers to lawfully step away from the stupid or a straight up settlement, I’ve also offered to quietly accept 5 grams of heroin to quietly euthanize, any of those three with the idea of responding with a very firm “Nolo Contendere” to every power hungry butt hurt egotistical idiot within the worldwide Bavarian Illuminati Zionist system who so constantly seek to hound me in this long running Luciferin charade…

The general idea that I’m working on is that now not only does my now 60 year travail pretty much immediately cease either thru having the real world practical resource to lawfully force the issue of never being able to hear my accuser’s reason’s in real time, and then obviously answer them in real time, to me it also means that with me safely out of the overall dim witted fascist feudal dynamic they’re also unable to harm anymore innocents deliberately sent my way as mostly unwelcome “Love interest’s” in this warped twisted never ending circular black op lie they daily put into play, put into play in part at taxpayer expense to supposedly deal with a law abiding cocky little prick (Myself) that they’ve claimed is either a threat to good order, a threat to the safety and security of the American people, or a clear and present danger to good order and lawful propriety in the world at large, one I’ve tried to live in under Christ’s teachings…

Again, I’ve had no chance to simply answer their allegations or accusations because I’ve never once in real time heard what they are meaning there’s no known way I’m able to defend reputation or honor, but this much I’m certain of, my step mom made me promise never to break the law seeking revenge, my step dad himself made me give my word of honor to never break the law seeking revenge OR seeking justice, a word of honor being something you will, according to him as he’d very sternly explained it to me, literally ‘DIE’ to keep if you have to, old school, even if it also ruins your plans both big and small alike…

If you give your word of honor you must keep it at any cost, so seeing as I’ve kept both my promise to my step mother and my word of honor to my step father not to break the law avenging my birth mother’s cruel murder and my twin sister’s cruel murder by the fascist pig’s who control the American state behind the scenes or even break the law trying to seek justice either then it sure would be nice to hear what America’s moral political and financial bankrupt’s in the US Congress have accused me of if only so as to be able to, with finality, answer them, after 54 years of electronic Orwellian bastardry and provably over 4 1\2 decades of false accusations by the US Govt against my law abiding hard boy nature, I’d like to kiss this thing goodbye, kiss it goodbye by reading a full and frank 5 year overview of all they’ve accused me of, perhaps passed on to me by some kind thoughtful genuinely caring soul, or placed in my hands by a lawyer I’ve instructed to research the situation, then simply honestly calmly rationally and in good faith answer the lying bastards in real time…

Either that or euthanize to take a self-assigned role in the spirit world…

The never-ending “Love’s lost” gambit these Bavarian Illuminati play…

The first time a “Love-lost” scenario was played on me I’d only been a still tender 3 years old, one who was informed that while one little girl was dead in front of me at the hands of a Russian born German that day, as a diversion of sorts, another, my twin, was being murdered by Nazi’s elsewhere ~ The next time the love lost game was played was when I’d met a mean bitch who knew my birth mother, she taught me some occult with great skill if somewhat meanly for about 2 months, then she also was murdered with the pig’s making sure I’d thought it was my fault ~ The third time was in 1963 when a really awesome girl my own age with the most stunning eyes was raped and then brutally murdered eviscerated and decapitated in front of me along with her brother who was also eviscerated, that means ‘GUTTED’ like a pig if you’re a bit of an illiterate southern redneck type, the next was the murder of a young Catholic girl called Monika, one I’d grown to love even if only puppy love ~ Ever since then the love lost scenario has been constantly played on me by these spiteful evil Germanic descent Luciferin pig’s in the Masonic Lodge as a means of breaking my spirit ad well as mocking my political powerlessness due to having no justice or real resource…

I’ve tried to tell them that in 1964 after Monika’s murder I’d used my budding 220 IQ and emerging adept skills as an occultist to almost surgically rip the wiring out between heart and mind such as that while I’ll occasionally still feel all sorts of emotions if other’s point theirs my way, they don’t automatically connect and lead to anything, my personal response to help deal with the losses up to that moment and the many that were rightly expected in the future…

Yet fascist scum still send naïve idealistic emotional sweetheart’s my way to create spiritual or emotional bridges they (Germanic descent pig’s) can use to manipulate my responses, when I’ve told them the wiring’s gone all they do is try to pretend it’s just the result of the trauma and can be healed with (sic) love from woman they’ll only likely wind up killing anyway if I’ve no resource to defend them ~ The love interest they use has always already been raped and\or drugged gang-banged and brainwashed, every single one of them since childhood, they’ve been doing this love’s lost bullshit on me since my early childhood, they’re nothing but evil Luciferin pig’s at best, the types who torture babies to death at Bohemian Grove and then go onto the media to talk shit about Russia China Muslim’s or North Korea or something similar…

In 1962 these German’s Jews and Freemason’s in worlds power forever lost any chance of me ever having any form of belief in them after one of them, a Russian born pig, mocked me over my birth mother’s murder and mentioned my twin sister’s murder, belief in anything already at that age being something that was no more than hanging by a thread in the mind of a sensitive yet tough young boy, in 1964 German’s Jews and Freemason’s forever lost my trust in the efficacy efficiency or accuracy of their butt hurt intellects after the cold blooded murder in front of me of a girl I’d been fond of after assurances of her wellbeing…

As such my choice of song below is eclectic, off color, tongue in cheek if you will, all forms of trust have been dead coming on 54 years, it slowly turns to dust along with what was left of the Christ’s cadaver after his resurrection was faked by those who murdered him by bleeding him dry on the cross, drinking the blood in kabalistic occult ritual for the endorphins all of the torture and agony produced, then butchering and roasting his corpse and eating it in kabalistic ritual, the same fate that befell my birth mother in 1957 on the very day I’d been born and my twin sister in 1960 too as well as quite possibly the last girl I’ll likely ever love in October 2009, there’s no trust here, if ever real justice was to occur, not that likely with the evil intentions of German Jew and Mason alike, then the only position that could ever arise once resource was available would be “Verify, Verify, Verify, and Verify” any fact four times, if it achieves four positives then it’s assigned plausible possibility status, no more, no less…

So all you illuminated Luciferin freaks, you want belief, or trust?
Well, I-believe you’re evil, I’ll trust you’ll remain stupid evermore…
You’ll never have MY belief or trust, ever, not now, or ever…
Nor will anyone working in with your worldwide idiocies…

All vids x graphics fair-use x fair-comment…
Hit this link for the practical political perspective…
What’s above is really only the base personal element…
Thanks (Not) for the two years private healthcare too Oz…
That was the way you could’ve helped in practical ways…
That would’ve literally been politically empowering…
Trust me, when you get to Hades, ‘FCUK YOU’…

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