If only life was abstract comedy…

Courtroom two jets x Evolved from apes

So you notice Hollywood hasn’t done any Sept 11 movies?

Seeing nothing much is happening in Washington other than absurd comedies to mask rumblings of discontent among the sheeple why doesn’t Hollywood step in with some sort of feel good Quentin Tarantino political thriller slash comedy with no Cessna Pilots like Mr Smith goes to Washington, only this could be called…

“Mr Tillerson pretends he’s not Russian”…

We could invite Theresa Angela and Bibi to do cameo roles…

may-tillerson-merkal-tillerson-x-prussia-flag-better (2)tillerson-and-bibi-netanyahu-large

It might be a bit provocative for a political comedy but something needs to be done and done pretty damn quick too, I’m certainly waiting for a bit of closure after 18 years of constant Patriot Act war on terror myself ~ Perhaps if the Knight of Malta Odessa agenda for World War Three is delayed due to inclement weather and then maybe if Democrats get back in in 2020 a liberal commie socialist scum govt in Washington could borrow enough money from the Bavarian Chinese to fund a classy perpetual real world 4-year long handjob for we the people…

That might go on right up until 2024 when we the people will once again be told we’re supposed to choose between one of two completely absurd choices to keep us occupied doing nothing up until Odessa’s World War Three agenda kicks-in…

Like Casablanca the comedy could have a feel-good ending…

I’d write Jim Carrey one as long as Q. Tarantino directed it…

Might be blood slicing Jim up to fit that android suit tho…

That could be done tastefully, after all, it’s a comedy…

Could be pretty funny with the right writer and director, maybe…

Maybe after treason amnesty so we can all get the fcuking joke…


Even the murdered Hebrew prophet was a ridiculous lie…

You’re all being methodically lied to about everything…

Next time I’ve killed someone and coppers ask me where the body is I’m just gonna tell them that radical Islamic Cessna Pilot’s did it and then the power of the holy ghost fell upon them before almighty Jehovah sent his chief archangel deficit-cadaver (Snigger) US Fed auditor and took whoever it was to paradise…

Been 1000’s of years of lies already, ever gonna wake-up?


These aren’t joke blogs, they’re political sarcasm blogs…

Redneck Robby Cessna Building 7 600redneck-comedian-PATRIOT ACT ALLEGATION 600PEDO child rights suppressing truth 600

2:00 AM AEST April 09
Quickie edit at 11:30


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