Great asset-stripper in the sky?

“By repetition, each lie becomes an irreversible
fact upon which other lies are constructed”…

Not real smart when it comes to Prussian treason are you…

Seriously America, seriously, pretty fcuking slow aren’t you…

Off the record (sic) Tillerson impregnated a Russian prostitute…

Ignoring for the moment whatever the lawful birth name of that illegitimate Tillerson\Rockefeller reject bastard that the deep state tells you is Donald Trump really is, a bankrupt New York businessman x building tycoon supposedly come to save you from the wicked Hillary Clinton threat matrix, think about the billions of dollars missing from the Iraqi gold, and the Libyan gold, and the Afghan opium supplying the Mexican heroin factories, then focus on all of the trillions of dollars of Afghan Lithium being taken down into German (Prussian) owned or controlled corporations in China, a deal which now sees American’s with a govt borrowing -$23 trillion dollars per year just to pay the interest due on the debt run up on their tab since World War Two Nazi gold funded a Reaganomics asset strip…

You weren’t just asset-stripped, you were used by Prussian rats…

To make the point with a degree of overkill I’m often accused of yet rarely guilty of with any degree of Satanic malice aforethought, anymore, those who really pulled the Sept 11 Coup D’Atta used you hatefully, malevolently, maliciously, malignantly and villainously, virulently, wickedly and contemptuously, as well as disdainfully scornfully obnoxiously rancorously venomously vindictively bitterly balefully caddishly callously cruelly heartlessly inhumanely kindlessly mercilessly pitilessly ruthlessly soullessly unfeelingly and, well you get the point don’t you, they even got you to pretend they were doing you a patriotic service with their Patriot Act castration of the US Constitution as they did so too, so how do you think they’ll be treating you once they manage to pull off World War Three and have all nations worldwide under their Prussian jackboot, including you?

Admit it, you were all Despitefullyused by them all along…

Here’s one of those (German-born) Prussian rats right here…

And now 24\7 all of the republic’s representatives are lying…

As to why they’re lying, one answer to that is they fear being hunted down by an angry righteous and heavily armed constitutionally authorized and justified mob in the form of a well ordered state militia which the army will refuse to suppress because they can finally see the writing written in the blood of the innocents on the banana republic wall, then quickly dragged before a lawfully enacted grand jury to receive an offer of amnesty in return for giving a 100% truthful account of both their Sept 11 conspiracy to commit treason against the US Constitution as well as confessing their conspiratorial involvement in things like protecting the big underground pedophile dungeon network and profiting from the multi billion dollar Afghan opium x Mexican heroin pipeline plus those other things of a lessor nature like all of the mystery multi-trillion dollar secret no-bid Afghan Lithium contracts given to their deep state Masonic Pal’s, and perhaps even things like giving an accurate account under oath of the precise number of citizen’s illegally arrested and tried without representation under the conspiratorial sections of the big Patriot Act Level Two ‘NDAA‘ hype as well as the precise number of citizen’s jailed as well as lobotomized or else murdered outright, that type of thing…

8:00 PM AESDST Jan 26
And a quick-edit 9:09
Blah-Blah (?) Jan 27 too
February 28th as well


Skull x cat's eyes small TRANS

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