Rubber Band Time Bandits?

Anyone keeping a watchful eye on the Axisofevil still America?
Can’t leave everything up to a Supreme Being all the time now can you…
So don’t get too sidetracked with all these warped fake-news repeats…
Otherwise you may wind up in trouble with, Umm, you know who…

The key to understand this post is Washington lying, large…

Start with Obama’s fake Parkland live-shooter exercise and then factor in the fact (sic) that America’s fake Trump proceeded to run the same fake Parkland school shooter story twice, first time in his first year of office and again within about a year of that, each time the whole story was presented in the media as new, that’s one hell of a -$23 trillion dollar per year interest debt deficit payment headfcuk America, ergo the time bandit title, you’re so full of it, bullshit that is…

Get a fcuking clue, these blogs are better than YOU could do…

amnerican-rubber-band-wibbly-wobbly-calendar EDITED Muslim Twin Towers Cessna whatcha thinking bout


Here’s a short sanity-break before the logical positivism bit starts…
We might discuss man’s deep need to place all things in a true rationale…
Or we might all rub our wang’s with powder watching congress and Err…
Nah better not, let’s just go with a short course on logical positivism…
Something to help you laugh in these worrying economic times…

Here’s the main-page lead-in repeated below…

Both my step-parents taught me lying was the sign of a weak intellect ~ One was a mildly tough very hard nosed mining town whore, the other quite a little bit tougher, perhaps harder is the correct word to use tho because he was a two tour world war two sergeant, a genuine hard bastard in the old world sense, not the man to trifle with ~ In the goal of training my intellect my step-mother was always being a real stickler for the correct dictionary use of words, very much a stickler, matter of fact she was downright pushy about it while my step father would tolerate no dishonesty in the way you would explain yourself if ever you had to, pretty much it was a case that if the old whore doesn’t get you then the stone cold desert fighter x jungle fighter sargeant would so, hey, I’d only been a kid, it was always a case of lay down your guns and surrender because you haven’t got a chance, lucky for me my step dad always made a point of mostly firing his heavy ordinance above my head as a kind of warning shot, an austere man if ever there was one, between the two of them they’re responsible for shaping my ethics and integrity along with the way I’ll respond to any fool trying to impose their dishonesty on me or change my real world point of view for the sake of just getting along ~ If anything doesn’t have truth on it’s side then it’s more than likely stupid so I’ll approach it with REAL(Link) logical positivism based on my own truth’s if for nothing else but to help me make it worth the effort for me to even know about it, if it has neither then it’s not welcome in my life and can get the fcuk out of my eternity too as a matter of fact…

Thank you mom, thank you dad, you were right you know you droll old bastard’s you, every honest logical decent thing that you ever taught me drives the fascist’s up the wall with frustration simply by me just being me, Ha-Ha-Ha, you sly old bastard’s you, thank you both from what was once my heart…

Both step-parents were working class people, got a problem with that?

And here’s a bit of a short musical-sarcasm break, good song though…

That song’s an insider’s joke, literally, now some serious stuff for you…

0001000 RE-Edit Chinese sheepdog-psychiatrists0004000 Chinese sheepdog-psychiatrists bottom line IlluminatiBoxer rebellion CROPPED

NB: This comment below and my reply to it don’t seem to appear on the fake news site it’s from, for those who know me rather than those who merely know OF me you have my word of honour it’s a screenshot of a genuine reply, you’ve become a very dishonest place under your present regime America, sheet, in that sense he’s actually making Biden and his fake Obama look good…

ADDDO CURRENTAnd here's felix Bush 1962 here's how it works RED0006000 Chinese sheepdog-psychiatrists Falun Gong BND-Scherff-41

Time Falun Gong

(Just Bavarian Illuminati playing everyone for fools most likely)…
(A statement making more sense knowing Mao was part-German)…
(I’m not slandering either him or China, it’s just a fact, it’s fact)…


Look, you’re a day closer to your next false flag sillies…
But you American’s, you got each other’s back’s don’t you…
And the Russkies Chinese Muslims and North Korean’s?
They don’t stand a chance against you guys do they…



All vids\graphics fair-use\fair-comment\logical-positivism…
All original-owner’s rights and royalties reserved, pretty much…
Hit THISLINK for the slightly less sarcastic take on all of it…
Then complain to congress that THISLINK was banned…
Could go as far as free-thinking about congress lying…

0009030 LA Earthquake Kinetic Energy Weapon Graphic 490

You’re gonna feel so fcuking stupid soldier-boy…

pedo-child-rights-suppressing-truth-FASCIST PEDO DUNGEON GRAND JURY 560

Updated 9:00 AM AEST June 13 2019

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