Lying deviates of Washington DC…

Some types like to gamble their lies will never catch them out…

Imagine how shocked the Lord Jesus Christ must have been after he died and then became pure 100% essence of almighty Jehovah again, obviously then he’d have had to have become omnipotent again, at least omnipotent enough to resurrect himself 3 days after his death if for no other reason than that’s what the official story says then also found out not only was he omniscient enough (Again) to find out his mother Mary wasn’t a virgin after she became pregnant with him nor after she gave birth, being omnipresent and beyond all time once again he even got to watch that Roman soldier Nautious Maximous impregnate her…

While you’re at it imagine how shocked Dubya Bush must have been when he’d first found out Battenberg-descent television preacher Pat Robinson was his real biological father and then the illuminate Knight of Malta deviate Robertson told him the real story about the Christ’s ritual blood-sacrifice murder followed by his dismemberment and then his roasted flesh being literally (Literally) eaten with bitter herbs by high priests as the kabbalistic ritual paschal-lamb that year…

Boy, imagine it, nothing would shock you more than thaaat would, except maybe learning that Cessna Pilot’s couldn’t fly a commercial passenger jet if their lives depended on it and two jets piloted by Cessna Pilot’s couldn’t knock down one skyscraper let alone three even if both Allah and Jehovah had helped them…

Just imagine it…

But imagine what it would be like if Jesus Christ really did represent an angry invisible omnipotent omnipresent omniscient Abrahamic cosmic magician with anger management issues, in that context imagine what it would be like if the Christ wasn’t just some sort of forgetful cosmic court-jester and didn’t forget all about his rant about how hypocrites make him sick, just imagine it folks…

And wasn’t maliciously waiting in the ether to fcuk them up…

All of the hypocrites who prey on the innocent like wolves…

Nov 6 bums, evil child selling 560 BW

Maybe you’re a hypocrite pretending you don’t get it?

If a politician mentions GOD are you free of blame?

Christ hypocrisy 560

The pedo-dungeon thing is run by Odessa, fools…

Nation of wolves DARKER BW 440

5:30 PM AEST Nov 1st


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