Monty Python’s Bankrupt Circus?

Featuring special guest Clowns Scott Morrison Bill Shorten and Ivan…

Haspel Pompeo Barr Head Spy Secretary of State US AG 600

Also featuring three special spy-clowns, private sessions only…

They’ll explain the differences between a log and a crocodile…

To a layperson a log and a crocodile do look more than a bit similar…

may-tillerson-merkal-tillerson-x-prussia-flag-better (2)tillerson-and-bibi-netanyahu-large

Now don’t you worry if most (Nearly all) of the clowns look similar…

Di Blasio Pompeo Haspel Barr Schwammnerger Malta DUNCE

Clowns will do that to scare you, or just to confuse you sometimes…

Bart clown 600 Russia

If they both scare AND confuse you then clowns iz happy…

And whatever you do, always vote-early and vote-often…


Now to explain the sarcasm to the under-informed folk…

That’s 3 different men, sounds pretty bizarre but it’s true…

Not tooo-sure precisely how many “Doppelganger-Trump’s” (sic) the Knight of Malta Masonic Sept 11 Coup plotters are playing on America at the moment tho I’m also pretty sure that although most of America seems to have given up on governing themselves, perhaps more than a little exhausted entering their 15th year of taxpayer funded state run post Sept 11 propaganda specifically designed to subjugate them to lies of a rogue state long since lost to treason back in the Jack Kennedy era when Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney literally helped Odessa’s Adolph Eichmann place a stolen US Air Force hydrogen bomb under congress and then blew everybody off with that fake Kennedy assassination in Dealy Plaza with the real Grassy Knoll shooter by the way being a very treasonous Sept 11 Defense Secretary named Donald Rumsfeld, so yeah Americans were and indeed are pretty much flim flammed and bedazzled by the Prussian Knight of Malta treason that turns everything into a lie so complicated that mostly only those running the charade know the true story, yeah long sentence, I’m getting there, so although most Americans seem to have given up on governing themselves out of sheer exhaustion they just might get their second wind once they learn that that isn’t even Donald Trump in the White House, he’s a Russian born cousin of his or is it THEY (?) are a Russian born cousin of his, you work it out, and once you do finally work it out Shlomo, get angry and use your keyboard, not your gun…

Remember the pen is always mightier than the sword…

Anomymous the enemy of my enemy 600

Except when someone is shooting at you some wag added…

And the flying-saucer context in the featured graphic?


In case you didn’t know Australia is in election mode…

Skippy Nazi 18th May

Just like it is in America, showmanship and parallel realities…

All sorts of bad sad and ugly realities if you’re Australian too…

That’s an OdessaSchwammberger-Mengele thing there Australia, but speaking again of Australia like those children Central Intel murdered in front of me the 60’s I’d asked Australians for support in the form of two years private Platinum Plus healthcare with no Co Pay both for well being after a 55+ year fight to the death as well as a kind of subtle political tool, along with fronting for 40 days with a good barrister to get all of these child murders I’d witnessed in the 60’s on paper in an orderly fashion in the way barristers present things to court, but thus far Oz is every bit as hypocritical as America is, and America iz hypocrites…

Boy are America iz hypocrites, believe me folks, believe me…

I’m Ohio-born you weasel’s, I’m Ohio-born, fcuk you fakes…

Precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to place me on
an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s list,
it’s all I’ve asked America’s hypocrite/assholes and fake-patriot’s to reveal…

10:00 PM AEST April 22
Extra video April 23


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