Hypocrisy in the Masonic Lodges?

This is particularly relevant RE: who kills you in their next war…

In the last great war is was Prussians running all sides of it…

Allied Bomber Command Mountbatten Portal FDR 600

Sure I’m flippant, so what, Prussians ran both sides…

Such was obviously the case both before and after the Masonic Sept 11 Coup on the US Constitution with the way the Central Intelligence Agency, long a tool of Odessa from day one by the way, groomed and managed their fake Osama whom they wheeled out to distract people from reality, in the process pursuing the theft of Iraq’s and Libya’s gold, as well as Afghanistan’s Lithium, the latter a venture worth 10’s of trillions of dollars ~ Such is the case now in the lead up to the next war they have planned, the truth is conspiracy to fool the public becomes a kind of psychiatric disease for most folk involved in it and at least to my mind it’d be fair to say that Washington’s excess in the way they take a contrary stand to all truths already shows not only are they involved in a treasonous conspiracy still, they’re also showing the signs of a mental disorder as they go about leading folk into a dumbing down process to make their next war easier to initiate…

Yeah bit wordy, just repeating what I’ve said elsewhere…

It’s often said truth is the first casualty in war however if younger readers will please take note of the claim of Masonic Washington that Cessna Pilot’s knocked three skyscrapers down with only two jets then you’d have to admit that truth gets it in the neck and often in it’s private parts long before a war starts…

RE: World War Three genocide and the weapons they’ll use…

One of the weapons systems developed under Prescott’s Reaganomics Star Wars agenda was first tested by the Prussian Masonic Russians some time in the mid 1970’s where they fitted a literal Nazi Foo Fighter magnetic drive system to a 20 foot long 18″ thick roughly 5 ton Titanium rod which they managed to accelerate to 9 klms per second, basically it hit the ground and buried itself a kilometer deep without much of anything else happening, Ivan was quite miffed about it…

Then using their Nazi-gold x Reaganomics asset strip cash the Prussian descent Freemason’s running the American (Snicker) military industrial charade managed to develop high discharge short cycle plutonium ion gas batteries, they were able to miniaturize the whole thing and power it up way beyond whatever the Russian Prussians could, they perfected 70 kg units which could accelerate to 18 klms per sec in the space of 1\2 a mile and these are literal city killers, one unit deployed in freefall accelerates to 18 klms per sec and whatever it hits is cataclysmic toast, the real payload in the remaining Minutemen missiles is high tech kinetic…

Bearing all of that in mind I’d take this time to remind the average Wally in America’s Wally World Military that the Overlord Two targeting systems allow the targets to be reassigned mid flight so lots of luck with that when it all goes down after your Masonic military command hits the buttons after their Knight of Malta masters pull their NEXT false flag, most likely a fake presidential assassination, only a fool wants to stick around for the Zombie-apocalypse aftermath with an expected (Planned) 2 billion death toll and most major capital cities gone…

kinetic-weapons-masonic-symbol SUCKERS 600 (3)

Beats me why folk should say thank you for being screwed…

Now this part needs to be carefully thought through without undue fear or contempt for the truth’s that highlight where the realities behind the insanities of the last 200 years are taking this world and this species, specifically think about the aftermath of the use of those weapons, not only will there be no electricity or water with the power grids going down when most if not all major cities are all taken out to decapitate the collective political and perhaps even the spiritual consciousness of the survivors, there will also be a plume of radiation spread across the globe because every one of those weapons has a high discharge short cycle single use plutonium ion gas battery powering them, that’s what powers them and not what propels them ~ The propulsion system is the old Nazi Foo Fighter technology which is also what propels the ‘AREA-51′ tech the US Govt developed for the Prussian Odessa using US tax dollars, so think about it…

In addition to physical destruction there will also be radioactive heavy metal plutonium fallout contamination of everything the wide world over, all of that will go down while these turds sit in their deep underground military bunkers your taxes paid for and watch the surface dwellers turn on each other and eat each other for food any time bunker dwellers themselves aren’t doing so…

Yes it sounds crazy, indeed, guess I’d be able to describe the meaning of evil for you if I’d bother to expand on just that one perspective however I’m much more interested in the moment as it relates to a full #fascistpedodungeongrandjury and a 100% treason amnesty which might prove to be the only choices America and the world at large could make to perhaps at the very least die reasonably sane if not actually delay the day this long planned Luciferin evil is acted on…

Not getting biblical below, it’s to reference the context…

Use a little empirical logic and lateral perspective above…

Here’s a short list pretty much off the cuff if you will concerning wars deliberately created by pawns of the 500+ y\o Prussian elite you’d know as Freemasons pretty much simply to subdue all sides involved thru the war itself and then control all sides involved after the war as well, either thru a depleted population who’d lost their flower of national vigour and vitality in a pointless endeavour where the victor and the vanquished had already been decided behind closed doors before a single shot was fired, every country Prussian controlled German secret society types took over they waylaid it and left it in ruins, sometimes several times…

You can start with the 1812 battle for the Russian capital Kiev where treasonous Mason’s of part German (Prussian) descent in the Czar’s Court used a lookalike to issue countermanding orders to those of Czar Alexander throwing the Russian Army into confusion, and as America with it’s fake part Prussian descent Donald Trump\Tillerson and Mike Pence\Tillerson in the WH will eventually discover if they don’t leave the intelligent revolution via a treason amnesty too late, these types of conspiracies designed to weaken both sides are complex and deliberate, set up well in advance of the day by Freemason’s acting under overall Prussian elite control, in today’s world that’s via the Knights of Malta lodges…

It was always a case of greed for power based on a hypocritical lust for power simply for power’s sake and for power’s sake only, there was never any other purpose whatsoever despite whatever good intentions they may have bleated on about at the time, witness G. Dubya Bush (Robertson) after his Knight of Malta Masonic masters pulled the Sept 11 Coup on the US Constitution, as he repeated over and over his concern for the “Safety and security of the American people” with the suckers thus far buying it ~ Then as soon as they got their hands on the Iraqi gold they had the US Military illegally loot for them they began to enforce, or in America’s case after Prussian Prescott Bush’s three illegitimate presidential bastards (35, 40, and 41) had wiped the Prussian butt with American hopes that would have to be reinforce an unnatural political system on all sides of politics after the big shock and awe flash bang of their war game was done…

It stepped up a notch with billions of dollars of stolen Libyan gold corrupting Washington and Whitehall and then billions of dollars of Afghan opium being refined into heroin by Kaiser Wilhelm Fox’s cartel doing likewise, then came the largest and most manipulative and destructive of the Prussian controlled Masonic moves with leveraged financial positions gleaned from multiple trillions of dollars from stolen Afghan Lithium ore now controlling business interests the world over including the American colonies, achieving a feudal form of political power by only spending stolen resource where citizens became or remained servile…

It’s disenfranchised the common (Non-Masonic) man’s interests…

Or non-Masonic woman, this German conspiracy is very odd…

It was power for power’s sake, none of it was ever as they said…

Then move onto the American Civil War where Mason’s of what was called the Order of the Golden Circle controlled the war cabinets of both north and south, every position bar Lincoln and Seward according to what I’d been told with both of them members of another section of Freemasonry, Lincoln then serving his Prussian masters well by securing $100 million dollars of easily tradable cash bearer bonds that were gleaned from taxes on war profits, money supposedly meant to start the post war period debt free according to him, it was literally also then deliberately stored in an insecure location so it could be swiped by fellow Freemason Boss Tweed ~ Some Americans still have a kind of passionate remorse about the loss of over 600,000 young men from the new nation which was indeed a hell of a loss, however speaking of the money it was the equivalent of between $1-8 trillion dollars in today’s money, it was then used by the Freemason’s to fund the early Masonic robber-baron rape of American natural resource…

That in turn financed the theft of Russia’s gold to create the Fed…

US Fed Auditor good Russian Matryushka dolls LARGE

First world war put both Germany AND Russia under Prussia again…

The second World War gave Prussian Nazi’s all of Europe’s gold…

It was all done via Prussian control of Masonic Lodges, all of it…

Not only did Masonic powers in charge of the various govt’s involved plot plan strategize and then execute situations which led to war, their Prussian banker bosses literally financed all sides of it, in the case of Prussian descent Knight of Malta Freemason Adolf Hitler that was with the money that the Prussian owned US Federal Reserve banks asset stripped from Wall St in the 1929 crash, but in addition to that, in addition to controlling the finance and the politics, they also controlled the military command structures of all of the armies in it too…

Mason’s are thus simply a Luciferin criminal fraternity…

Begun by the Prussian elite their raison d’être is power…

Their so-called BANKS an art form designed to rob you…


The logical solution is simpler than you’d think it is too…

It centers around truth, justice, and an end to the charade…


4:00 AM AEST  April 07
Few graphics at 4:25
More words at 5:20
PM etceteraaaaa
And a 2:20 PM biggie
Quickie at 3:20


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