Do communist’s hate comedians?

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You could all go blind jerking off on these posts, if you wanted to…

These subjects are heavy, excuse an occasional lapse into humour…

peter ustinov comedy bill of rights cessna large

Sometimes America’s Faux-president is the butt of the humour…

blind-man-cessna-flying-saucer-dancing-fairy-border 600

Does that make the seriousness of the subject nothing?

trump stern resolve 560 d-farker

America plan on waking up prior to Armageddon?

Adolph Eichmann once casually said to me, in person, that if ever I’d move one foot to the left he’d shoot me, shoot me dead to be precise, this is a true story, it was sometime in early 1965 and I’d advise anyone and everyone to go check your political Funk and fcuking Wagnalls on precisely when who and where the official story claims someone by that name was hung in Israel, anyway he said if ever I’d move “One foot to the left” he’d shoot me and I’d gone all morose and half teary, saying that was a mean rotten low thing to say ~ He responded that it was merely a joke, a political joke to be precise however around one year before that my first Faux girlfriend had been shot dead in front of me in cold blood by America’s Faux future German born 41st so being a bit of a dcik from an early age I’d just gone all sulky and moody and whined a little, in effect stating it was a really mean rotten cold hearted callous thing to say ~ He got in a small huff and stated it was only a (Political) joke as in the left (Commies) were bad but the right (Fascists) were good tho that did him no good, I’d decided to be a dcik and even as a little boy once I’d decided anything about something, even something like being a dcik, I’d stick to my guns and dig my heels in ~ In retrospect it’s more than likely if I’d not been such a little dcik that day I’d have had something much funnier to say because Herr “Eichie” might’ve had some humour under the death’s head mask…

We’ll never fcuking know the answer to that tho will we…

eichmann and fake

The Prussian-descent Odessa Nazi I’d talked to the day that sad little exchange above had occurred in early 1965 looked exactly (Dictionary meaning) like the dead guy in the photo above left and nothing (Dictionary meaning) like the guy above right so it’s true to say that neither man looked anything like the other, however I’ll admit theoretically that’s stretching the credulity envelope cause I’d never talked face to face with the guy on the right to make a comparison yet did have a few interesting discussions over an eight year period with Eichmann…

Plz take your time, we know you’re a little fragile America…

We wonder if Herr Kutschmann has a sense of humour…

And that phrase was FAUXPRESIDENT wasn’t it folks…

Ho don’t mind meee, I’m just a fcuking comedian right?

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A lawyer or a mortician ‘Ahora gilipollas’ you pinheads…

Sorry ’bout that, más pronto was the words I’d meant to use…


You could just let me walk away, or regret not doing so…

After all nobody’s really a saint til’ they’re dead are they?

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600Robby 10 y o Redneck Comedian 600



bite me

5:30 PM AESDST Jan 09

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