Hypnotist Andre the Incredible…

Welcome to Andre the Incredible’s idiot America, Drump-style…

Mr Squiggle Trump's deficit debt American century

Enjoy the wit, or the sarcasm, or even the pathos if that’s what floats your boat, but please take careful notice of what’s at the bottom, these are serious subjects approached with a little bit of irreverent wit or straight out sarcasm just as my mean old mining town step parent’s taught me to, and remember, I’m American born so technically it’s my RIGHT to mock Washington, got it?

0001000 Fake memo face page0002000 Andre the Incredible0003000 Andre the Incredible Graphic0004000 German's Mountbatten RussiaMountbatten Black and White

By the way I’m not surmising, Charles and Putin are half-brothers…

0005000 German's GHWFake Bush 41 nothing to hide ~ Made in east Germany0006000 Rat German'sThe circle of life ~ Bavarian Illuminati (4)0008000 Hang Dubya Cheney and RumsfeldRumsfeld Cheney Bush jet fuel black and white0007000 Rat German'sAnd here's felix Bush 1962 here's how it works (2)


Wake-up you frauds…

They’ll wind up killing you either way America, better wake-up soon, look what their mindset did (Twice) to their own nation of Germany in World War’s One and Two, their goal was to conquer the world, it was always power for power’s sake, anyone who think’s otherwise has bought the deficit and drunk the cool aid and placed a sticky plaster on their aching constitutional haemorrhoids…


Australia, you forgot the list of murder’s they committed?

How many times do you need to hear it you weak cnut’s?
A boy matching his precise looks was murdered 10 feet away…
You’re a shame to your profession’s copper’s, total hypocrites…
And the wider community, did Odessa-cat’s get your tongues?
It was 6 weeks after the boy disappeared from his home…

All vids\graphics fair-use fair-comment…
Hit THIS link for cooler more political stuff…
Tho some people do like this one better…

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