Their evil Islamic Logic Bomb…

Honest your honor, it was all that John Cleese’s fault, honest…

NOTE: All members of the Monty Python Corporation abhor and abstain from the use of violence or excess sarcasm in the pursuit of political or artistic endeavors, especially that tall gangly loud mouthed overly opinionated Pommy in the cheese shop sketch, a man who’s illegitimate biological father was some old Masonic German guy who once ran wartime Germany, a man by the name of Kaiser Wilhelm von Hohenzollern who disappeared just before the war ended…

One blog later without too much sarcasm…

For god king Kaiser and country, Huh John?

The history of the evil Islamic logic bomb…

In the late 19th century radical Islamic left wing liberals in the capital of the Democratic People’s Republica of Outer Bouzoukistan secretly developed a weapon so odious, so all powerful and devious and dastardly that it’s use was permanently banned by the nine hidden secretly Bavarian Masonic Illuminati overlords of the World Masonic Council at it’s last sitting, one which was held immediately before their first World War of new 20th century…

Short piece of accurate tho radical sarcasm…

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Now it’s been revealed to average people precisely what that powerful devious and dastardly weapon was, it was a simple LOGIC bomb, one which anyone with an IQ higher than stale rat droppings could’ve built in their suburban backyard out of spare ethics and principles along with common sense and truth about the real world they happened to have laying around, like Um, this?

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That’s not sarcasm, that’s his biological father…

Evidently every government involved in World War One was 100% controlled by Freemason’s, that’s including the governments of the three main malcontents Russia Germany and England, with the titular head of those three having the added danger of ethical incontinence thru literally being related to each other by blood thru the previous queen of Great Britain who in her time among the living was titular head of world Freemasonry, in other words King George and Czar Nicholas and Kaiser Wilhelm were related via Queen Victoria, and Kaiser Wilhelm was very familiar with the servant girls wherever he sojourned after the war, long after he disappeared he was still fecund which is why you have comedians like

John Cleese and Vincente Fox to lighten up what would otherwise be a very tedious boring world ~ Anyway other governments like those of France Turkey Yugoslavia and Belgium also had Masonic governments who intermarried among themselves to centralize their power although the Germanic bloodline to Queen Victoria is something for the experts there, it most certainly exists ~ While not giving outright proof of all other governments of the Middle East in world wars one and two and then the Iran Iraq war followed by the two Gulf Wars being quite as directly involved with the incestuous German bloodlines as is the case even today with those ruling the western Masonic, they did all have one thing in common, they all belonged to Masonic Lodges such as Knights of Malta who claim to worship a principle they call the Great Architect of the Universe…

“The Great Architect’s work in wartime Germany”…

So there you have it, evidently some of those sneaky bastards in Bouzoukistan worked out that when logic is loaded with truth and aimed with understanding, by that I’m implying pointed at the masses in such a way as they all get splattered with the horseshit of Masonic denials after it explodes, then it can create a chain reaction which would lead to the galaxy and the universe and even the Great Architect of the Universe himself getting covered in shit…

That’s why it’s use was and still is banned by the World Masonic Council which oversees all of the world governments under the Masonic control of Masonic men and women, which is all of them except for the democratically elected leaders of the Democratic People’s Republic of Outer Bouzoukistan of course…

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Some of the more Jihadist type of non-Masonic radical Islamic activist in Outer Bouzoukistan have even begun to mock America’s story that untrained Islamic Cessna Pilot’s flying hijacked jets attacked American freedom on Sept 11 with the result that 2 jets knocked down 3 skyscrapers beginning an expensive 16 year war that saw the loss of billions of dollars of Iraqi and Libyan gold along with the mysterious ongoing theft of trillion’s of dollars of Afghan Lithium…

So they’re working on their bomb, right Bouzoukistan?

Hell they only got their first fcuking radio station last year anyway and even that was an old crapped out AM Radio Station they bought 2nd hand in a garage sale Kim Jong Un Schwammberger was having to try to get up enough cash to join the golf club owned by fellow secret society KOM man Donald J. Grump…

In other words it’s old news, Freemason’s run shit…

Link to another relevant post…

5:30 AM AEST Aug 21…

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