An illuminated train wreck…

The Bavarian Illuminati German plan, the same plan that controlled England thru the largest days of it’s colonial empire, has also been active in America since the days of Thomas Jefferson in that it was enacted thru the Freemason’s which they (German’s) controlled since 1670, controlled according to them (Mason’s) 47 years before they claim they first began in the year of our lord 1717…

Average German control of America as distinct from control of America via various secret societies themselves controlled behind the scenes by Mason’s began when they’re said to have settled in Texas en-masse in the 1840’s, very colonial to one and all thank you very much no matter which race you were, however it was for the most part done discreetly, much like the ever increasing takeover of America via it’s organs of state since World War Two…

The Civil War in which they controlled both sides via the Masonic Lodge soon gave them two things to their conspiracy’s advantage, first they made the country more governable by killing or arranging for others to kill over 600,000 of the new nation’s bravest and brightest mostly white men in the North AND in the South, their “Order of the Golden Circle” or Ku Klux Klan as it was later called holding all but two of the war cabinet positions of the Union and all positions among the Confederates, then, ignoring their Masonic friend’s war profiteering which was indeed profitable they had their man honest (sic) Abe Lincoln arrange for $100 million in cash bearer bonds to be placed in secure storage on the premise of the new nation then being able to begin debt free, then promptly had their other man Boss Tweed’s Lodge steal all of it, effectively somewhere between $1 to $8 trillion in today’s money which was soon put to use financing German descent robber barons to rape the new nation’s resource and labour, and the people of America still had to repay the original war debt to the banker’s too…

Didn’t end there tho, they used the robber baron resource to steal Russia’s gold in 1907 then used that to start the US Fed in 1913, used the Fed to asset strip Wall St from 1922 thru to 1929 then in 1933 financed illegitimate Astor descendent Adolf Hitler to loot Europe’s gold in World War Two, some of it safeguarded in Soviet Russia at Crimea and Odessa in Ukraine until 1973 when it was illegally loaned back to the Fed to eventually create the junk bonds which became their Reaganomics asset strip of Wall Street and American industry…

That financial power fell into the hands of German born ‘BND-Scherff-41’ prior to him becoming Reagan’s Veep and was then used to illegally and conspiratorially place 100’s of illegitimate descent German as well as later 1000’s of direct Odessa offspring born to press ganged prostitutes into positions of power in America and in the world at large including the Islamic Chinese and Russian nations, all of that leading directly to their successful Masonic run German controlled Sept 11 2001 Coup D’Etat on the US Constitution which empowered them to use the US Military to loot billions of dollars of Iraq’s gold and US banknotes along with billions in Libya’s gold using ex Delta Force Merc’s, and then force secretive multi trillion dollar no bid contracts on the poor Afghan people’s for their high grade Lithium ore, the largest such deposits in the known world…

This my sarcasm site, but none of this lead in is sarcasm…

0001000 Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Secretary of State FP0002000 Walt Disney wish upon a star

0004000 Blackadder row row row your boat

0006000 Situation no win

0008000 American flag as toiley paper0009000 American flag as toiley paper


Where the Bavarian Illuminati Masonic plan is headed…

0009030 LA Earthquake Kinetic Energy Weapon 560

And here’s what you can do about it, perhaps the only thing…

Fascist amnesty black and white 560

All vids\graphics are fair-use x fair-comment mostly…
Hit this link HERE for the sociopolitically usable stuff…
Support me for real now or lose large in Hades later…
(Real friends would arrange real private healthcare)…

You got it wrong German, from 1962 on…


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