Got bad news, and worse news…

Islamic Cessna Pilot’s knocking skyscrapers down right America?

All done by Saudi’s so Iraq\Afghanistan needed some invading?

Some problem in Libya cause of those bloody Islamic Libyan’s?

libyan gold benghazi red arrow 600

Bad news is not even you believe a single bloody word you said…

Even worse news is Judaism is Luciferinism by another name…

What’s it got to do with anything some may right ask, the short answer there is that prior to the Order of the Ages creating Judaism as it’s whore of choice to loot Egypt there was a Luciferin religion in the Order of the Ages, it recreated itself within Judaism using it as a mask, it’s all the Abrahamic religions ever were…

A mask for those who follow a Luciferin path to disguise their actions while keeping serf’s in line with superstition backed up by a lack of education, the inevitable result one heavily dumbed down human herd of full of moron’s…

Their so called Judeo-Xtian deity Jehovah, that’s the omnipotent omnipresent angry invisible omniscient ‘GOD ALMIGHTY’ of the Jews, he’s now been running things into the ground for the last 4000 years since the Jew’s creators made him up and if you asked me (No one did) he’s Lucifer in drag, yet if you really wanna believe an angry invisible omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic cosmic magician told the Hebrews to swipe Egypt’s gold then that’s your right, and if you really wanted to believe that radical Islamic Cessna Pilot’s knocked three New York skyscrapers down with only two jets then sure, looks like planet earth is just Almighty Jehovah’s all inclusive day care center for moron’s isn’t it…

Judaism is Luciferinism by another name, it always was…

Obviously a pretty radical statement to make that flies in the face of what members of the secretly Luciferin Masonic Lodges will publicly claim western civilization is based on, supposedly it’s where all our professed morality comes from via all those mythical Judeo Xtian principles in the bible, however it’s a crock once you look deeper into it’s self professed perspectives ~ Having been taught the methods of lateral critique with empirical values by the age of 5 years old I’m somewhat settled in my ways there, very, meaning I’ll always look at all angles of anything to discover which parts fit what it’s claimed to be and which parts don’t, but seeing these blogs aren’t meant to be a religious discussion or a philosophical treatise about the meaning of life there’s a limit to how deep any explanation can go and in the 140 Char soundbite Twitter generation we’re in now who’d have the concentration to bloody read them anyway? ~ So here’s the simplest critique I’ve come across thus far covering the justification for calling Judaism another word for Luciferinism, in the Hollywood perspective everybody thinks they know that Satanist’s worship Lucifer, it’s partly true, some do, some don’t, many religious people think they know that Lucifer is the light giver but the god of the bible is the god of light ~ Everyone thinks they know that Satanist’s perform human sacrifice and that’s true, many do, some don’t, but very few people connect the dots to that story Moses placed Ch 22 of the Book of Genesis where the patriarch of the Hebrews thought he heard a voice in his head (sic) or saw an angelic apparition telling him to perform a ritual human sacrifice on the boy the scripture claims was his only son ~ The words of Moses are very clear on this point saying Abram took the child, bound him with cords, laid him on wood for the sacrifice, the equivalent of a barbecue if you wish to be crude, then took a knife in his hand before raising his hand to slay the child ~ Use common sense instead of 1000’s of years of conditioned credulity, the patriarch was going to do a human sacrifice and quite possibly did perform such an evil deed on one of the other minor’s there with him, use some solid critical analysis for once…

Even worser (sic) news still is a fake ET and Pole Shift…

Here’s your only solutions here, what are you gonna do?

Better decide before the Prussian’s pull their next cheap trick…


This isn’t a joke America, you are unless you wake-up…

Redneck Comedian 600 what I'd wanted PUNCHLINE

3:00 AESDST Jan 06
Re-edit 7:00 PM
Aaand 9:00 PM

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