The united republic of hypocrites?

Knock-Knock, who’s there? ~ American idiots ~ American idiots who?

rt-may-tillerson-MORONRT Bitcoin face pageRT In 1776 came King George's American companyKing George Weishapt WashingtonRT Bitcoin Snarco's and Farko's commentRapper with Mercedes ONE TRILLION FARCO'S cropped bottomBITCOIN Can of Worms

Oh anyway, that part there’s just sarcasm again, accurate too…

SIMPSONS GOP DEm hypocrisy

And there’s some more of my sarcasm, my accurate sarcasm…

Those who controlled Sept 11 perp’s are Luciferian pedo’s…

Amnesty Treason MUCH CLEARER 600 thicker border

Gee, wonder what my fellow American-idiots think…

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

I’d better repeat that part so the idiots get the big point…

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

wtc-7-REVERSE trump-corp-bush-carlisle-money-laundering DARKER + JET

Guess I’d better repeat it again because idiots are idiots…

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

And one more time cause, well you know, idiots are idiots…

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

Have to restate the bleeding obvious over and over again Huh?

This could detract from the cultural significance of my work…

That was a lawyer or a mortician please you pathetic fakes…

For those who’ve read most of the other posts you’ll be aware that not only did the US Govt pull some strings with the Skippy’s to allow them to perform a radical Stalinist style full frontal lobotomy on me just prior to their Sept 11 Coup D’Atta where rather than the old ice pick up the nose they went high tech and used glass fibre lasers to literally cauterize 90% of the blood supply to my frontal lobes to ensure that even the best healer on the planet is going to face some diminished intellectual capacity, something easily provable with an MRI which will clearly show that loss of blood supply, a total DOG act by the self-confessed greatest nation in the world and the servile colonial shithole I’d grown up in, but they also literally murdered 20 Australian children in front of me including 14 literal blood ritual torture murders of full blood Aboriginal girls, nine of which were literally mere babes in arms, all slowly tortured to death then the bodies bled and blood harvested and the cadavers butchered after or so I’d been told, cooked up in private functions at the German Club in Franklin Street in Adelaide…

Here’s the torturekillers of 14 of those Australian children again…

So Washington claims they aren’t on the immigration register?

Jim Carrey border patrol

Sometimes you’re dumb-as-shit Yank’s, you know that don’t you…

In the context of practical responses in the middle of Washington’s secretly Luciferian Masonic treason and unconstitutional abuse against this 62 yo Ohio born dork, abducted from the US after the murder of my Russian born Finn Jew birth mother by the Odessa she was whoring for, my baby twin sister murdered the same day, I’ve been asking for the Australian public to front for 40 days with a skilled barrister so every child murder I’d seen (Witnessed) Central Intelligence Agency employees and their operatives perform from 1963 through to late 1969 could all be written down in an ordered form the way skilled barristers are trained to function and then handed to both the South Australian coroner and the South Australian police as well as the South Australian public, but thus far, nothing…

Thanks for the practical support Skipp, you’re awesome…


6:00 PM AEST July 15th




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