How to really insult an American?

Roosevelt firseside chat ORDO AB CHAOS ~ Order out of Chaos LARGE

Still ignore Roosevelt had 3 weeks prior knowledge?

There’s good and bad in all nations races cultures religions except for the Luciferian Masonic Orders, within them lies merely the appearance of good to better mask the evil they perform as they pursue their core objective, maintain and expand their Prussian master’s control at any cost ~ A quick look at the real world’s history since 1907 would prove that beyond any reasonable doubt to any who understood the real dynamic operating in real world geopolitic, that of the Masonic Lodges being used to control both sides of everything all of the way thru the 1st World War and the train wrecks of Russian Prussian Bolshevism and German Prussian oligarchy brought to them both in the years after that…

Dumber than dogshit was one description I’d heard…

It’s a fact that at the time of World War One Masonic Lodges controlled the Prussian Russian Czar and Masonic Lodges controlled the Prussian German Kaiser and Masonic Lodges controlled the Prussian British monarchy too and in the real world the Russian Prussian Czar and the German Prussian Kaiser and the British Prussian king were all related by Prussian descent Queen Victoria’s blood…

Meanwhile Masonic Lodges controlled the Prussian American president in that war to end all wars too but to get to my meaning in the title how do you REALLY insult an American? ~ Well first you use their Prussian owned Masonic controlled US Federal Reserve banking system which they created out of gold the Masonic Lodges stole from Russia to asset strip Wall St so they can finance the Prussian Austrian Knight of Malta Mason Adolf Hitler to loot Europe’s gold for them…

Then you give them an almighty asset strip called Raganomics from an illegal German born Prussian descent 41st president, one that he financed using Nazi gold to create junk bonds, he uses that to set up an interlinked 50 state wide pedo dungeon network to blackmail fellow Freemason’s with and create lots of little butthurt part Prussian Odessa descent ex child prostitutes to flood the American political system with, and then you give them a Coup D’Atta on Sept 11 blamed on Cessna Pilot’s knocking skyscrapers down along with a big Patriot Act designed to keep all of the average idiots like you deluded as they begin to make the country more amenable to fascist principles by deconstructing the old constitution…

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohio-born sex-slave traded baby boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

Here’s your butthurt Odessa-descent child prostitutes idiots…

Do you think you’re getting how to insult an American yet?

Seriously America, do you really think you’re getting it yet?


I’m not so sure, but read on, haven’t finished insulting you…

WTC 7 TRump Carlisle little doggie WOOF 600

They’ve been lying to you for so long you’re Pavlov’s dog…

Then under part Prussian descent Obama and Prussian Biden you give them a Level Two Patriot Act, the illegal Burmese born Prussian descent 44th president swapped with one of three other droll lookalikes Mengele created out of press ganged Burmese wombs as well as give them the greatest economy in the world under an illegal Russian born Prussian descent 45th president and then you tell them they’re the greatest nation in the world ~ Any normal average red blooded American is bound to be offended by then right, and as the part Prussian descent Odessa descendants slowly strangle the last of what’s left of the old constitutional republic moving them ever closer to the changeover to full fascist rule you give them a fcuking reach around and tell them you care about their feelings…

What changeover some naive types might glibly ask…

So that’s how you insult an American, tell them the truth…


1:00 PM AEST July 9th
10:00 AM July 10th too



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