A lawyer or a mortician fascista…

Yeah look America, just dumbing-it all down for you a little…

And speaking of dumbing things down a little, how about a lot…

Hey while I’m on a roll how about going for the big one maybe…

Don’t forget where this century started, it started with…

Bush Rovertson 560

That’s right, we were off to a bad start, then it was like…

The same-old same-old Prussian-eugenics, but more-so…

malcolm-x-and-obama-use-this 560MAGA Bull 560trump-and-fake exact lookalikes 560

So that was a lawyer or a mortician please fascista…

Mickey Nouse pedo dungeon grand jury 560


4th Amendment 490

8:00 AM AEST Nov 10
Aaaand 8:20 too 😉


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