Joseph Mengele’s finest work?

The header-page lead-in is just below, it’s no joke, nor jest…
If those fascist German’s you’re obeying get their way, it’s kaput…
They, or what they serve, have decided humanity’s race is run…

Joseph Mengele was literally 40 to 50 years ahead of the rest of medical science, especially when it came to the science of real world eugenics as well as real world ‘IVF’ science, all thru the Cold War he was flush with the same gold that his Odessa masters looted from Europe and later illegally loaned to the US Fed in 1973 for the asset strip rape of Wall St and American industry under the control of ‘BND-Scherff-41’ which directly led to the German British monarch’s Odessa Sept 11 Coup D’Etat ~ Now America wants to play dumb again right at the very point where several, in fact probably all, of those descended from Odessa father’s via Mengele’s work, many younger than 50 years old, have split blastocyst doppelgangers waiting in the background to take their place if ever they don’t choose to tow the line to company policy…

Sounds bizarro, true, yet for the few in the know America already accepted three separate George Herbert Walker’s along with two Bill Clinton’s and at least three women playing Hillary Clinton as well as two different John Kerry’s who were likely merely near relatives who happened to have an illegitimate half brother sister or cousin to take their place in this now 200+ year German eugenics deception, plus the Mengele sourced split blastocyst identical Obama swap engineered back in late 2009 or early 2010 which came from two mothers in Burma who had the same blastocyst inserted into each of them?

Now many of their secretly Odessa descent key political players also have identical split blastocyst lookalikes in play or waiting in the background ready to take the original’s place, some might rightly say that has definitely already happened with Jared Kushner\Kutschmann a double, an identical split blastocyst twin or triplet, and America couldn’t even get it together to face up to the simpler realities of a fake George Herbert Walker coming from a tryst with a German prostitute who bore him twins, and the fake Clinton’s in addition to the fake John Kerry, it’s true this is another sarcastic post America, yet it’s no joke, you’re about to get swamped by Odessa’s eugenics trickery simpleton’s…

Umm, uncomfortably accurate all of that above…
These comments below on a fake-news site are too…
Tiny little bit of sarcasm, yet very-very accurate…

0001000 ~ HC 1 2 or 3 ~ The Russian's are coming0002000 ~ HC 1 2 or 3 ~ Chain of command0003000 ~ A wild one, go to hell0004000 ~ A wild one, help your kids avoid the hypocryte's fate soldier boys

0005000 Wendy's Walmart specialGreat American Wanker machine ~ Made in China ~ I'll buy that0006000 ~ Fascist fan, fascist govt, fascist shitDump 2020 better shade 8000008000 ~ NDAA Trump

0009000 ~ Soros asnd the Kights of MaltaKnights of Malta BW00012000 ~ DRUMP-2020Pompeo Schwammberger Odessa SS Via Mengele


And here’s the spy who bugged me, he’s the third man down…
It began within a week of his murder of 10-11 y\o Monika in 1964…
In a ‘CIA’ kiddie-brothel in the South Australian capitol city of Adelaide…
She was shot dead in front of me, very first girlfriend, German pigs…
Then threatened with harm to my step-family if I-didn’t comply…

the-bush-baby-boys AMBIDEXTROUS ROTATED LEFT (2)


There’s no fantasy in this blog here, no survivor’s guilt either…
I’ve survived thus far because both my step parents raised me tough…
It was surviving 1000 heartaches in a sea of tears type of tough…

Erika treason amnesty B&W 560 (2)

Don’t read too much into the song you nasty Nazi nothing’s…
For 11 years and 8 months I’ve offered to lawyer-up or euthanise…
Sadly for me I’ve had a very interesting life, very interesting…
That’s a Chinese curse isn’t it, to live in interesting times?

Maybe a 70 year amnesty if you tell the real Korean War story…

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