A big Prusso\Masonic deception?

Everything since their Cessna-Pilot x skyscraper-lie is absurd…

America, conditioned like Pavlov’s dog to just salivate on cue…

Nazi dogs WTC 7 large

You’ll remain dogs until you tell me what they accused me of…

I’ve told you what they did to us children using your taxes…

Now you tell me what Washington accused me of, Dawg’s

Witch Bush was that LARGE

There’ll be no possible defense for your hypocrisy in Hades…

Like you didn’t know how criminal and dishonest they are?

The Knight of Malta Masonic perpetrators made huge profits out of the Military Industrial side of Gulf War Two but where they really made a killing was the gold from Iraq and Libya financing their overthrow of what was left of a constitutional republic after their Patriot Act farce supplemented with billions of dollars from their big Afghan Opium x Mexican heroin pipeline and now they have the Afghan Lithium which is the highest grade Lithium on the planet being trucked over to a rail head and then taken down into German owned corporations in China…

It’ll add-up to trillions of dollars of corrupt advantage…

the-international-tillerson-mafia-jinping-netanyahu-putin-merkel-may 600

It corrupts both the Chinese state as well as the American one, the treasonous Masons of America are acting like Patriotic Angel’s 24\7 while scolding American dogs of goodwill for not just rolling over on command and salivating on cue…

Precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to place Ohio
born me on an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed
person’s list, it’s all I’ve asked all of America’s fake-patriot’s to reveal…

This is my sarcasm blog, it’s my accurate sarcasm blog…


7:00 AM AEST May 20th



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